How do Finns explain the sorry state of their crumbling healthcare system?

How do Finns explain the sorry state of their crumbling healthcare system?

wtf, I thought you were supposed to be our role models with your welfare state, what is wrong with y'all?

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It's almost as though government is inefficient

>public/state anything

instead of the traditional Center Partys Finnish benefit first politics, we've had socialists and generic multinational capitalists fucking up the country.
basically, ever since the socialists got presidency and the generic muh profit margins we've been running down all the social systems and it's at the point where it's obvious when looking from the outside.

Oh please the last 30 years have been nothing but shitting down the welfare system little by little by introducing ever more market forces and shit. Finnish left is less and less left while capitalists strengthen their grasp on power.

And what are you even talking about Finnish presidency when it's utterly irrelevant and just used for marketing Finnish firms and hosting independence day party?

yep, 30 years of SDP presidents cutting presidential power and Kokoomus in government, that's why we have less and less.

If there is one thing Brits are VERY good at it's MOANING about healthcare.
He should go fuck himself and take his rotten teeth back to the island whence he came.


As a matter of fact, one of my countrymen made an article about the state of Finn healthcare, so it's not just Brits who noticed something is amiss

>foreigners complaining about our healthcare

Who the fuck cares, we don't use healthservices anyway until we absolutely must. Every finn i know clings to the last moment belittling whatever healthissue he has and biding the time. If it's not over in a month then maybe go to a doctor or ask if any friend knows what it is and how to fix it.

If some weak inbred islandforg or cryptoslav can't take it and complain about our system you're free to fuck off.

Don't worry, we're privatising everything so we can enjoy the benefits of having fewer health centers with less staff, higher prices, restricted choices, and aggressive corporate tax planning through offshore accounts that shrinks the state budget and national economy by trasferring wealth out of the country. That's the american way.

Fuck off kiddo, it clearly is shit and queues are just absurd.

>calling us foreigners
I thought we were your brothers :(

>we don't use healthservices anyway until we absolutely must
That certainly appears to be a well adjusted mentality. Clearly preventing diseases and taking care of your body is a 20th century fad. Real men let their arms rot off.

Kek, we're not your brothers. Your probably more closely related to those Abbo sami reindeerfuckers if anything, atleast linquistically. Otherwise your just balkanmutts meddling with other balkanmutts.

t. Caj Göran

Well it's true isn't it? I hate swedes btw. Don't know what was so anti-finnish in my post? The reality that hungarians are very distant if at all related to us. and Sami's are just glorified gibmedat abbos.

>I thought we were your brothers :(
It's just a meme, lad. Finns and hungarians have nothing to do with each other and there's no significant partnership between the countries. Finns barely remember Hungary exists.

Why are you so racist towards Samis? You do realize the rest of the Finno-Ugric family back in Russia lives much like them, right?

>Finns barely remember Hungary exists.
Given that we're the most successful Finno-Ugric group, since we outnumber you like 3 to 1, I find that difficult to believe.

>Look we can breed like vermin that means we're better

Exactly the balkannigger mentality i thought. Go be a gypsy or something you failed state.

>It's shit because
>1. I say so
>2. some Johnny Foreigners are bashing it

I bet you're one of those people who moan about a free fucking lunch.
Muuta vittuun sieltä peräpaskaböndeltä niin voit saadakin jotain palvelua.

>being unironically this rude

Bunch of cunts. We're supposed to be nice.

Sounds like the pyramid scheme is falling apart


Our public healthcare is pretty shit yeah, but it's going through a major overhaul atm (for better or worse, we'll see about that)

>Given that we're the most successful Finno-Ugric group
You were. We've overtaken you by every relevant metric after WW1.

>for better or worse, we'll see about that

Why would it shrink. if anything it would expand

Most of the money that goes into the healthcare system is poured into old people and pills.
We really need to raise our fertility rate or get rid of old people.

It's better to be a has been, than a never was ;)

On paper, maybe. The private healthcare sector's revenue doesn't circulate back into the finnish economy because it turns into barely taxed CEO bonuses that are moved to foreign holding companies and/or used to buy assets abroad, and the companies don't invest anything into Finland since the state paid infrastructure is already there.

>than a never was ;)

Now is* and You'll never be. Stay mad you slavic 3rd world shithole.

>3 to 1

>6 million finns
>8 million hungarians + 2 million gypsies

Nobody cares about population size. What I mean is that Hungary doesn't have an active presence in any fields that would make finns actively conscious of its existence. It's the same the other way around too. A vague link that only linguists care about doesn't mean there exists a special relationship. Hungary is closer with and has more in common with its immediate neighbours just like Finland does.

None of the unemployed, uneducated neet rats ITT can explain to you why the specific public emergency room in Oulu has long waiting lines.

The short answer is there's not enough money, partially because of the said unemployed, uneducated neet rats getting 2000€ a month to masturbate to anime and shitpost on Sup Forums.

The longer answer has to do with shitty municipal mergers, budgetary meltdown between 2011-2013 and servicing the entire northern half of the country.

Waiting for 5 hours still beats paying half your paycheck to see a doctor. And if your life is threatened they don't make you wait for obvious reasons.
Hopefully the new changes will make the waiting rooms a bit more tolerable.

Why are you so salty?

To be precise it's 5.4 million Finns
9.8 million Hungarians in Hungary
And another 3.5 million in Slovakia, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine etc.

There's a million Finns living in other countries.

You count your diaspora but not ours. Funny.

Suomi mainittu, Torilla tavataan!

Blame the "refugees". They use the taxes to fund their welfare while the working Finn suffers.

Blaming refugees for the current situation is foolish, but it is true that they aren't going to fix the economy rather they are going to hurt it more. Also it's completely madness that nations that had no hands in creating the current refugee crisis have to suffer by taking them in.



Implikoitko että kannatan Vihreitä?

You can thank the global economic state.

We poured so much fucking money to EU and Greece, that our money hole is still sore.

Our state has been more eager to pump our tax money to Southern Europe and third world.
You got to prioritize things.

Implikoin jotain mutta tässä pitää myös tietää jotain.
Google auttaa.

Onks tää se ihmis muona juttu?

Asun vantaalla, ja olen joutunut kokemaan muutamaan otteeseen tämän toimimattoman systeemin. Ole sinä hiljaa, kun et mistään mitään tiedä, jonne.

I don't care about the content of your post, but rather how you present it, you rudeface.

Taidat olla sellanen tärkeilevä aikuislarppaaja.
No mitäpä sitä vantaalaiselta odottaisikaan. Kuole sinne saatanan hoitojonoon, nillittäjä. Valitat varmaan haudassasikin.

Omat kokemukset Tampereelta ja Oulusta, eikä mitään valittamista ole ollut. Välillä en ymmärrä mistä vitusta teitä mielensäpahoittajia sikiää. Itkevät ämmät.