So why didn't The Thing just contaminated the Outpost's water supply with his blood at the beginning and just slowly...

So why didn't The Thing just contaminated the Outpost's water supply with his blood at the beginning and just slowly assimilated everyone at once?

Because it was an alien and didn't know what a water supply was


But doesn't when he assimilate someone, he regains all their knowledge, memories and personality?

Thing cannot contaminate water, lmao.

by the time he assimilates someone people are already aware of him

Because it wouldn't be fun to watch you stupid hack fraud


Because it would make for a shitty movie, you autist

Outpost used bottled water for human consumption.

I asked this in a Thing thread like 4 days ago but didn't see the reply, then through one of them archives, I saw that the only reply I did get was somebody calling me a retard.

Here goes, because I want to understand something: Is The Thing a movie appropriate for a 6 or 7 year old girl? I ask because I bought a copy of this for my niece and she loves it. Her (slightly) older sister got a Zootopia DVD and they both went their separate ways with their goods, but of course the younger one kept beckoning the older one to come look at the blood, guts and internal organs. Who refused.

So, I guess my question is, is my niece very cool or very weird?

They mention they will all only make and touch their own food - i assume the same goes for the bottled water.

You are either lying or retarded

>this is /tv and i live ur niece brah

>"Let's find out who is The Thing".
Are you serious??

So hold I forgot the story.. so ANOTHER alien race had The Thing locked up on their spaceship, The Thing somehow got out of containment, infected all the alien crew as their spaceship crashed in Antarctica. Correct?

Or the space ship is a prison al la General Zod and they just shot it out of their space

It's fun watching The Thing and then watching the 50's The Thing and being like "ahh I notice the scenes it was based on". Too bad the 50s Thing had a lackluster ending the way they killed it and it doesnt morph, is just a green alien which looks too human.

the title of the movie is "man is the warmest place to hide" which is a reference to the fact that it's cold as fuck out there. the alien was found frozen, so it can be assumed that it can only operate under warm conditions. the water supply would probably be very cold, just below freezing. that's not an environment for the alien cells to thrive in. it needs to hide in warm-blooded organisms to survive.

Basically. I always imagined that the ship touched down on another Thing-infected alien planet, and one of their own was infected without the others knowing.
As they flew through space toward us, the Thing-infected crew member began basically recreating the slow infection scheme that it demonstrates in the movies, until the pilot, in a desperate move, decided to crash the saucer on Antarctica in the hopes that the explosion or the cold would stop it.

FYI here's what the alien pilot was going to look like, as of the 2011 movie, but based on an earlier sketch.

I taught an 8-9 year old who saw horror movies with her mom. I told her to watch The Thing, but I don't think she did.


That movie could've been great.

his head looks like a dick

Cuck King in the middle

It's affraid.

Why didn't The Thing just get a gun and cover the bullets with its blood?

Why doesn't he turn into a whale and swims away?

fucking retard

wan suck it?

Why not just fire it into a sun? Imo, the ship is a scout vessel, the aliens found the Thing somewhere else and it took them over, crashing into Antarctica in the process.

You know I always ask that myself. But then there wouldn't be a movie if everyone did everything right

I noticed that its face looks like a cunt first. Maybe you're a faggot as well as trip cancer.

the best alien designs tend to look like both a cunt and a cock

>Why doesn't he turn into a whale and swims away?

Because he's in the middle of the Antarctic. He'd freeze before he got that far out.

That's why Blair was building that hover craft so that he could get to the ocean. Once that happens, they'd take over fish, plankton and it'd be game over for the Earth.

We can speculate. The Thing caused chaos on the alien ship. The ship is now crashing. In the last ditch the pilots set it to crash in the large bit of ice, hoping it'll stay frozen forever.

Its cells would just go dormant until they made contact with the hooman tho.

>implying it coming to Earth was an accident
>implying it didn't construct countless ships on the worlds it had taken over and pilot them to every star in the galaxy

because the story in the thing is just shit. the premise of the "thing" itself is so poorly thought out, it's ridiculous. when will people realize that.

it's a fucking b movie with a b movie script. it's just dumb.

the thing was the dog in the beginning. before it became the dog, it infected the swedish.. or norwegian... i don't remember...research facility nearby and probably assimilated all the other scienetists there.

so of course this stupid "thing" knew what a water supply was. the dog could have easily went the the water supply, bit himself and contaminated everything. this is just one way.

the movie is just plain stupid. its not anything special.



So the Thing never encountered a cold-adapted species that could survive in the arctic?

piss poor bait

It never encountered a penguin, no

My sister and cousin have been watching horror movies sense they were 10, not weird at all she is based

I saw the Fly, The Thing, and numerous other gory horror and sci-fi films around that age. I was a little boy and not a girl. but at that age the differences aren't as there. Kids love violence and gore and action. They learn to get scared in a safe environment. Your niece may just be mature for her age and can clearly tell the difference between what's real and movies.

It froze before it could find any animals

I mean on other planets.

Thats what makes them the perfect lovers

Doesn't it need a living host?

Why don't you just go back to 1969 and kill Austin when he's on the crapper?