Tfw when the new ghostbusters gets a sequel

>tfw when the new ghostbusters gets a sequel

read it and weap man babies

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It made a sizeable profit, so might as well.

Will Harambe's ghost be in the movie?

Kek, no it didn't

yas it did

No one with any serious taste in movies cares. Only triggered manbabies who think their gender is too weak to withstand a movie being liked by women give a shit.

They took a loss on it, bruh.

did it? i thought you make double the production budget to break even? or is it because they are women thats changed?

A 250+ mil loss is a win for sony

>158 Million
>Budget was like 144 mill
>marketing and distribution not accounted for
>$40,000 private jets to promote movie not accounted for
>melissa mccarthey diet not accounted for

people keep talking shit about sony but they must have a successful franchise or odd film somewhere?

Just like Fan4stic was said to undoubtedly be getting a sequel?


They're trying to spin the movie as a success to get as much money out of it as they can while it's still in theaters.
Once the movie is out of theaters and out on blu-ray they'll can the "sequel"

Just like Fantastic 4 and Genisys

Can't wait

Even if it gets one, the second one will probably doing even worse.
The first was got attention for its contreoversity.
Ghostbusters remake 2 won't have the same "novelty."

It starts out with bill murray in ghostbusters gear running from a ghost. He trips and we see him scream and get dragged off screen with a bone crunching chew and spatter._._.We cut to the next scene with ackroyd messing with some kind of machine and hudson next to him asks, "will this thing work" akroyd says "do you remember the conversation we had in the car before the world went crazy?" he flips a switch, a green portal opens up, cue ghostbusters 2 theme and music


literal cry baby man baby

It's literally the second biggest bomb this summer only behind the BFG. Every other summer blockbuster that's also been doing quite poorly like Tarzan or Independence Day have made far more money than Ghostbusters.

and keep in mind that Genysis made over 400 million worldwide. That's a number Feig can only dream of at this point.

Adam sandler movies get made all the time. what's your point?

yes but the misogynistic basement dwelling neckbearded manchildren dont seem to mind them

Sony has made something like 79 million on it. vs. the 250 million they spent. They're going to take soemthing like 100+ million loss on this.

NO WAY this gets a sequel.

>She's 6'3, 280 lbs
>She's perfect for this leading role!

What were they thinking? No one wants to see giant bull dykes in their movies.

It's because the makers of adam sandler movies don't call me a basement dewlling neckbeard manchild for not wanting to see them

Do you idiots seriously have autisim?

How are you not bored of this yet?



I'm predicting a scene from the sequel will be Hillary inviting them to the White House to take out the ghosts of Ron and Nancy

>sizeable profit

fuck outta here fatass SJW tumblr bitch. for a huge """blockbuster""" summer hit, anything less than 400m is a failure. lets not forget the fact that advertising isn't accounted for and the theaters getting their share isn't accounted either.

but sure, Sony can release another to show solidarity. they can make another loss, and the 2nd one will no doubt make less money. who gives a shit, fuck Sony.


they know there retarded audience then

soccer moms and old people?

>are you not bored of this yet?
says the faggot calling everyone autists

Are you going to call me a cuck next?

Riveting stuff.

Proof that women are bad at math.

Is that Pugna casting Life Drain?

No actually you nu-male

I haven't laughed so hard in months.

I hope they bankrupt themselves with this shit.

its made $14,000,000 profit retardo

There are lots of movies and movie series that I have never seen and never will. I just ignore the fact that they exist. The amount of bitching about movies today is getting ridiculous. So what if they made another Ghostbusters with women. No one forces you to watch it. The 1984 one will not cease to exist. When will people stop bitching about trivial things like a movie. There are far worse things in the world to get upset about.

That's not shit, faggot.

Barely justifies the cost of production.

Ben hur will give it a run for its money

xD u go girl!!!

I think Leslie Jones is a great comedian though. Her twitter makes me laugh everyday.

They should just lease the series out to The Asylum. a new Ghostbusters movie every six months

>There are far worse things in the world
For example; you, faggot?

Watch, Jones won't return for the sequel out of fear of more Internet criticism.

scroll through that and you'll see maybe a handful of decent movies in the whole bunch. I don't understand how they still have money.


Thanks to the wage gap, they don't have to pay the women, so they saved enough to make a sequel


Click the link niggers, you are all being baited