Why aren't more female characters in movies like this...

Why aren't more female characters in movies like this? The fact she is a girl is not shoved in your face she's not overly emotional she goes through a character arc that doesn't feel forced and they don't try and make her ridiculously bad ass like they try to do with all female action characters ever. She feels like a natural normal character. Hollywood could learn so much from this movie.

Because she's not the main character and there is another equally strong man in the movie


Feminists and SJWs only want movies where the majority of the cast are "muh stronk womyn" and all men to be portrayed as weak and lesser

Can we make a list of great female characters

>Beatrix Kiddo
>Mia Wallace
>Main character from Fish Tank
>Dredd girl

>not posting superior warrior-fu

You don't watch many movies, do you?

Name 10 films like that from the last 3 years.

I watch a lot, enlightened gentle sir. May you please enlighten me?

google 10 movies with strong female characters from the last 3 years...

So what you are saying is that women in movies are OK as long as the flick ignores/doesn't draw attention to the fact that she is one?

I. e. women are only acceptable when they aren't women?

shes just the love interest though, that's one of the most annoying and common tropes in movies is that every attractive woman with 10 lines or more is instantly a love interest.

Did. Didn't find 10 which matches your ridiculous hyperbole.


>I didn't watch Edge of Tomorrow and am talking out my ass : The post

>So what you are saying is that women in movies are OK as long as the flick ignores/doesn't draw attention to the fact that she is one?
Exactly, there's no need to have them pointed out as female and just have that be their defining trait. It doesn't matter if its a woman or not as long as the character is interesting.
Strong male characters don't need to have the audience be told they're men every 5 seconds why should female characters?

well you should check it out, its not bad.

She is just a man with boobs, men can't write real and strong women.

Ellen Ripley

There are too many films with great female leads.

Women should be people, not women.
For some bizarre reason we talk about sex like there's 'everybody' in one camp and 'women' in the other. This has to stop.

Don't forget Dredd also has a female villain done right, where she isn't le I will seduuuuce youuuuu bullshit or has some cringy feminist motivation. She's just a ruthless crime boss who happens to be female.

>a ruthless crime boss who happens to be female
Yeah, that's actually MORE feminist.

Are you a blind autist? Emily Blunt is haggard and has a long fucking neck. Her character sucks too.

Well her whole backstory is how much of a WHORE she was. Wasn't a clerk at 7/11.


The non-cringy kind where men and women are simply treated equally, yes. Not muh men vs women modern dogshit.

>that under the chin full auto headshot

>implying that pretty face whimp wasn't completely out of place and a feminist wet dream come true
of course she had to have special snowflake psychic powers to make up for it

don't be mistaken—she's shit tier

>good action movie comes out when hardly any decent ones are being made
>instead of enjoying the movie you talk about muh feminism

Dredd flopped tho.
Female characters like her don't sell.

>just came out
are you retarded? the movie is years old

What do you sense?

>I sense plebness, lack of taste, and unfounded arrogance. And something....deeper. It's almost like it's, pure faggotry...

jealous roastie or retardo detected

user, Judge Anderson is an incredibly important character in the comics and has been for decades.

Reading this thread I just realized something.

Why the fuck isn't Oliva Thirlby being cast as Motoko?! I even like Scarjo as the casting but then I just remembered how my waifu Olivia looks like in Dredd and holy shit she'd be perfect for the Major.

And how does that validate a frail blonde with psychic power archetype, which was shoehorned into every sci-fi story ever?

>frail blonde psychic in every sci fi movie

Nah. Well at least, not these days. It's the opposite of modern feminist thought. They want the fact their women to be front and center and constantly referenced versus the male cast.

If the fact she's a woman is irrelevant there's not really any political statement being made within the film. The contrast is Ghostbusters where them being women was everything to the movie.

I liked how they did Diz in Starship Troopers. That movie in general was really self aware, case in point the one girl shits herself and runs on Klendathu

>Make a female character that constantly references the fact they are female
>Feminist as FUCK
>Make a female character that never references the fact they are female
>Feminist as FUCK

How the fuck do you write a female character then.

She doesn't put asses in seats. Same as every other viable choice for the role. They aren't trying to make a GitS movie, just borrow the name for some bizarre reason.


I knew I was gonna get a shitpost in reply but I laughed anyway, fuck you.

came for this

Without shitposting you just write someone with flaws and strengths, without inserting some faggot agenda. It's really that simple. But most people put through our (((university))) educations can't separate propaganda from reality for several years if ever. And if you go against the narrative your work probably will never see the light of day.

So the problem lies in that the (((studio executives))) won't ever release any female characters that don't fit the narrative seal of approval.

This is one of the best female characters that I've ever seen.

She's a badass but she still has the natural venerabilitys that all women have.

This isn't sexist, this is reality.

She's pretty crap and not a bit like the real Cassandra.

She's worse.

>without inserting some faggot agenda

You first.

>pointing out the culture wars means I'm pushing an agenda


A cop that has unlimited power to take or save lives is neither a woman nor a man.She's just a cop.
If the roles were reversed,little to nothing would have changed in the movie.

OG Sarah Connor
and not the emilia clarke or that series version

Good luck with that, user.

>social pressure and shaming is my only argument

>wasting smoke to look cool
is she a teenager?

She is like the real Cassandra was in her first year as a Judge.
Would have love to see an experience Cassandra craking jokes at Dredd, maybe in the sequel or tv show

She's on drugs.

>love interest
more like rape interest

Why didn't he arrest Anderson for invasion of personal space?

It's just another cute girl in a secondary role, we see that everyda.

Actually, it's the only one who doesn't use that helmet, just because she's a girl, and the people need to see how cute she is.

>yfw people actually think gender, sexual orientation, and skin color are substitutes for characterization

It's a sad world we live in

Go away Jenna.

>Actually, it's the only one who doesn't use that helmet, just because she's a girl

Did you even watch the movie? Read the comics? Anderson doesn't wear a helmet because it interferes with her telepathy and Dredd even calls her out on this by saying "So would a bullet."

She controls the plant where the drug is manufactured. She can afford to waste it

it's much easier to do than actual characterization so of course talentless hacks are going to use it all the time

I know, but that's just the excuse to show her face and people can't say there's a plot hole.

>Anderson doesn't wear a helmet because it interferes with her telepathy
A reason invented because they want to show her cute face.

it's a clever reason tho, as is how her psychic powers get the writers out of corners

Its big helmet user, it interferes with more than just bullets, I distinctly recall a character in the comics saying it made them hard of hearing and sight, which put them on edge constantly and made them more alert because of the feeling that their senses were dulled. Its not made of air, come on now.

In a classic way, yes. thats good

>I know, but that's just the excuse to show her face and people can't say there's a plot hole.

Because there isn't one, that is how the character is defined and has been defined for longer than you were even born.

>A reason invented because they want to show her cute face.

Fuck off

>A reason invented
yeah, it is fiction. everything is invented

They just made a good excuse, it makes sense, but is still a excuse.

They defined the character that way so they can show her face, don't be so mad, that's how female characters are usually made.

whats your problem?

Its hard to empathize with a character who has their face covered, she is one of the more emotive characters in that universe, you need to see their face for that to work. You wouldnt be able to tell shes scared of something if you cant see her face, or if something she senses disturbed her or caught her by surprise if most of her face is covered. Dredd himself takes advantage of this in the opposite way, he doesnt show his face, so he doesnt show much emotion other than anger which is easily conveyed with a scowl, something might actually scare him, but you cant even tell because his face is covered, it makes him less human, with her showing her face all the time she is seen as more human because you can actually see emotions. Youre right though, its just an excuse for a cute face in the end.

It's like girl on the internet syndrome.

>it's a clever reason tho
Yeah as far as excuses go it's pretty good.

If you try to point to in universe reasons for it being that way and then forgetting that the writers create those in universe reasons then you're just a chump though.



>tfw no sequel with the Dark Judges as antagonists.



For a movie I want the dark judges
For a tv shows I want p.j maybe.

there was strong women character, though

>Enter the thread
>No Faora
>Leaving thread

Plenty of characters like this exist.

Emily Blunt in Sicario. Katee Sackhoff in Riddick. Furiosa in Mad Max.

The reason you don't see this more is because it only happens when the women aren't the main characters. If you're a woman and a main character in an action film, for some reason you're not allowed to be vulnerable at any point. I blame the writers.

>haggard and has a long fucking neck.
both is sexy, faggot