Help me Sup Forums, I think i got ripped off

Help me Sup Forums, I think i got ripped off.
Bought this kush for $40, what do?

I'm white I say that is spot on chap.

Don't know where you live. But thats like worth 4$ where I live. I wouldn;t even smoke it tbh

lmfao that looks like clay with some grass rubbed on it, i don't even think its weed.

Mfw I pay $10 a gram in Canada...

Is this the States?

haha stupid fuck. Like 1 $ worth of weed.
Hit the bong with it and have a good.. hour paid 40$

Dude, call the dealer and fuck him up!
My shit looks better then that 'bud'

There are pubic hairs in yo kush

All these people taking your shit bait OP. In the remote chance your being serious, that's not weed, it's some dirt with grass rubbed into it.

obvious troll

Every fucking day with this shit.

Firstly i ask why has that got hair throught it and secondly get the fuck out faggot this same thred has been posted like 5 times

What the fuck op

thats fucking grass lol

idk man that looks like so acopoko grey cake shits like $180 a g here, toke and post pics

Yup ripped off - looks low end

did they throw in the hairs for free? if so good deal.
trust me I'm a teenaged white person.

mate thats 100% a bit of muddy grass

ur all indulging in low quality bait my newfriends .

id love some of that herb with mud. looks like some sweet skunk man

Its just grass bruv i buy 10 gram for €40 hahah

That hair looks like it will get you higher than that shit weed