There are 2 GENDERS

>There are 2 GENDERS.
>Men and Women are not social construct.

>If you are not what you are born to, then you are FREAK

Ask Scientists.

what if you're born without a dick or pussy or both

So intersex people don't exist?

>So intersex people don't exist?

No, fuck off you social crackpot

Do you even fucking know know what it means?

but my penis is feminine

Why do some people have such a hard time understanding the concept of RULES and EXCEPTIONS.

If 99.97% of humans are a certain way, and 0.03% are a different way, the majority represent the RULE and the minority represent the EXCEPTION.

You don't throw out something that WORKS and has worked for THOUSANDS of years because your little faggot friend wakes up one day wishing he had a vagina.

Now go finish your gender studies homework, the world needs barristas.

thats all well and good, but literally what gender does somebody born with no gentiles have?

>no gentiles

>If 99.97% of humans are a certain way, and 0.03% are a different way, the majority represent the RULE and the minority represent the EXCEPTION.

That's what they said about black people. Slavery would still exist today.

>There are 2 SEXES

Motherfuckers get your fucking terminology right.
Sincerely, Scientists and everyone who passed fucking health class in goddamn sixth grade.

There are obv two sexes.
The properties we describe as maculine and feminin are mostly a construct.

Ever see a bull dyke? I've met a few and some of them look and act exactly like men.

It's called an intersexed condition. It's not extremely common, but it happens from mild degrees to severe way more often than .03%

Rupaul drag race is winning the gender war

>Slavery would still exist today

Slavery still exists today.
Black people in Africa sold slaves to brown people (Muslims) for hundreds of years, and then to white people later on.
Most slaves in history were white.
Most whites coming the the colonies before the revolution where indentured servants (i.e. slaves)

No one argued that blacks should be slaves because they are a minority, the argued blacks should be slaves because physical work was good for them, because slave owners would take better care of them than they would take care of themselves and because the economy would collapse without slavery.

Your argument sucks, you suck. This is your mind on a liberal arts degree.

>bull dyke
kek, didn't know that

What are you getting at?

I don't really give a fuck what people wanna identify as. As long as the pronouns are easy to learn, i'm cool with whatever.

That they are born that way?

In case you didn't notice the person I replied to implied that the majority rules so the minority can go fuck themselves.

Technically 3

Hermapherodite is real

Intersex isn't a made up thing. There are people born with abnormal sex chromosomes - like i've got XXY. And you've got people who are born with abnormal genitals, like hermaphrodites.

In these cases it's genuinely ambiguous where they fall.

Scientist here.
>Two genders
There are two SEXES that the majority of people fall into, male and female. I say 'the majority' because intersex individuals are born every day that have some combination of male and female primary sexual traits.

GENDER is a social construct, not a physical one. There are a lot of genders. A metric fuckton of genders.

I'm not sure what that says about my point above.

The bull dykes are obviously female but as far as the look and act they are masculine.

Dont even bother. People are not smart enough to understand the idea of a social construct. It does not only affect genders, it affects our everyday life.

But then again, there are people here who are probably 16 and/or uneducated.

We get that you hate the parts of you that are different and isolate you from other people

But it's not fair to take it out on people who are also different

They didn't say the majority rules, they said the majority is the rule. rule meaning 'defining principle' not 'commanding authority'.

>GENDER is a social construct, not a physical one. There are a lot of genders. A metric fuckton of genders.
Wasn't always the case just a recent autism.

No he is saying that we should not accept them.

>slavery is good
>it's good that black people were enslaved
>there weren't even many black slaves

you're the biggest fucking idiot ever to grace this hell website

Let's make America great again and fuck all feminists to death

Yes, so sex and gender differ.

>wasn't always the case therefore it is wrong

don't argue with smart people on the internet how about

Ever notice that Melania looks like Caitlyn Jenner?

>GENDER is a social construct

Gender is MORE than a social construct. You cannot divorce gender from sex. Gender grew out of sex-specific characteristics. There are two sexes and there are two - count 'em - TWO genders.

If you want to invent more genders, then there has to be a cultural shift to accept them, and there has to be something more solid than 'ehh, I don't FEEL like a woman, so I'm a man now' to back it up.

You freaks might win one day, but today is not that day. You will need to keep this bullshit up for at least a generation before people are suckered into it, and I will fight you until my last breath, because this is BULL. SHIT.

Which is my point. OP doesn't fucking understand that.

You must feel like a really big man OP
Targeting some of the most vulnerable among us who have already been dealt shit cards, just so you can feel like you're something

Not cool OP

You actually believe that social constructs are a discovery/invention of modern age?

You obviously can.

No, I am saying that we should not accept their bullshit.

If a guy wants to wear a dress and get his junk surgically altered, and change his name to Suzan, I FULLY him. It's a free country and I believe you should find what feels right to you and express yourself any way you like.

HOWEVER, that is still a dude - a fucked up dude - but a dude. and his rights do extend onto forcing ME to call that abomination a 'woman', especially not in any LEGALLY binding way.

I love how you think you're so fucking smart that you understand people's complex feelings about their own being better than they do. Fucking kill yourself for real.

"Sex-specific" characteristics were made that way through social norms. We see men as everything they fucking are just because that's how we've grown as a society. And with history being any indication, our acquired social norms are largely disgusting and wrong.

It's not about literally being "a man now" you fucking shitsack, it's about acclamating to the elements best suited to your personality based on what society deems feminine and masculine. I wasn't kidding when I said kill yourself.

FULLY support

typing too fast today.

Treating someone the way they want to be treated takes absolutely 0 extra effort from you and costs you nothing, so maybe you could stop being a colossal pile of shit

True. I was expecting a rebuttal, because, well, because.

>that is still a dude

didnt get a chance to kek at this before

Actually you have the right to be rude all you want. You can call an ugly woman a dude all you want. Nobody is forcing you not to be an asshole. It's just manner and respect.
However, we should treat all people as equals with diginity. If you don't then don't expect others to return the courtesy.


You just obliterated that other user.


I don't give two shits about people's complex feelings.

What I care about is personal freedom. I don't care if people want to play dress-up. Don't force others to pretend along with you.

>"Sex-specific" characteristics were made that way through social norms

Oh, bullshit. Sex differences are observable in babies too young to have any culture impressed on them, do your research.

>kill yourself

Yeah, real 'inclusive' of you. Fucking asshole. Diversity is great when it applied to culture, gender and race. But diversity of opinion? "Literally go kill yourself'.

Nice. Don't have to defend your broken reasoning when your opponent is dead. Hey, maybe you'd like people who disagree with you to wear a yellow star so you can spot us from a distance?

Get Rekt

>op confuses gender with sex
>op doesn't realises that by definition gender is a social construct where sex is the physiological structure of the person
Education your self fool

I don't treat people the way they want to be treated, I treat people the way I want to be treated. I treat people who demand that I alter my reality to match theirs with disdain.

Intellectual high-point of the day

People like you seem to think that me hating you for being an asshole with no regard for human life is the same as me hating a black person because they're black. Don't pretend that you just have a harmless difference of opinion, as if your "opinion" isn't defamtory of real people experiencing real things.

If you really care that much about a girl wanting to be treated like a boy just because she's not muscular and doesn't have a dick, then fine, but don't expect me not to say people like you wouldn't be better off dead.

Comparing me to Hitler is fun, but the reason you did that is because I lumped you in with hateful closed-minded people with no regard for the feelings of others and said to kill yourself, completely ignoring the fact that you called transgender people abominations and said they shouldn't have fucking rights to be treated fairly by people like you who post this shit about them.

I didn't tell you to kill yourself because I'm intimidated by your shitty opinion, it's because you are a bad person.

Just because someone was unfortunate enough to be born with their neurological, biochemical wiring being fucked up doesn't mean they should be condemned to any more suffering than they have to because of people like you.

We aren't cruel to people who are born with any other type of deformity and don't actively seek to make their already shit lives shittier.

This shouldn't be any different.

And it's mind boggling that this has to be explained

Grow up OP

There are 3 genders, male, female and intersex (which is very rare).

Did you miss the whole explanation of how those are sexes and not fucking genders? Did you miss that cheeky "sex" at the end of intersex?

>Don't have to defend your broken reasoning
>Sex differences are observable in babies too young to have any culture impressed on them, do your research

You are so fucking stupid it hurts. You are not making a single good point with any back up. The other user told you how the concept of a social construct works and all you put out is some half assed comment like "do your own research!".
How about you come up with one point that you can actually back up?

Can millhouse be a gender?

Speak for yourself faggot. I give a fuck if it's gender/sexes, same bullshit.

Adding this to my faith in humanity folder

But that's not a separate thing it's a combination between two

Do people like you just read the national enquirer and then pop on Sup Forums to pretend you're smart? Genders have to do with legitimate masculine/feminine qualities based on social constructs in our society. That joke wasn't even remotely clever or funny. You could have said "is furry a gender?" THAT would've been funny at least. But now look at you, you're a dumb shit AND not funny. Don't quit your day job.

> the reason you did that is because

Oh, look who's accusing other people of misunderstanding people's complex feelings.

I compared you to Nazis (oh, by the way, the Nazi's borrowed the yellow star idea from the Muslims - look up 'dhimmi' for a laugh) because you think people who type things on the internet that you don't like should die. Fuck you for that self-righteous assholery. I believe in live and let live, you seem to believe in agree with me or die - who's the asshole?

I treat people fairly and consistently. If someone puts on a cape and demands that I call him Batman, I will call that lunatic 'Batman' - costs me nothing. If that lunatic demands that I call him a 'superhero' along with special pronouns, he can go fuck himself. He's a looney called Batman, not a superhero called Batman.

You need to take a look in the mirror, anus breath. My crime is refusing to play pretend, yours is justification for genocide.

In correct.

There are 4

Hermaphrodite (not to be confused with transgender)
Intersex (Born without genitals)

These are the only things that can happen naturally.

However, they can determine sex by looking at chromosomes.
>Holy shit there is a scientific test for gender!

The only exception to this is Downs, where the person has an extra so technically that makes a fifth.

There are actually asexual people. I can never imagine what it is like.

You're a moron, quit accepting all the bullshit you get "taught" in a place of "higher learning". Fucking places teach lesbian dance theory. What fucking good does that bring? What is there to know? That lesbians dance in different ways comparatively to straight women? See first question. Just because someone got a degree in something doesn't mean it's a valid degree nor is the field valid, theology degree much? Get rekt

Also, I know that this bullshit came out of "gender studies" which is equally as bullshit to lesbian dance theory and theology.

>told you how the concept of a social construct works

Bullshit. They just stated it. I argued against it.

If you disagree with a point, make your argument. What amount of evidence would convince you? You really expect me to believe that seeing that on Sup Forums would do anything to convince you?

How about studies that show that children who believe they are transgender often grow out of it by 18? Or that the suicide rate post-op for trans sexuals doesn't drop? Or that sexual reassignment surgery, pioneered in the U.S. at Johns Hopkins is no longer performed there?

No, never mind all that. What's real is what you feel, fuck reality.

Even if people get sex changes they won't be the opposite because they won't have the proper sexual organs, I. E. Ovaries/testes just sayin

Nigga, them be birth defects not additional genders.

So ok let me just relay to you in the best way I can why you're a piece of shit and missing the point.

1)My stance isn't "agree with me or die". You are obviously trying to hyperbolize what I said to make it sound like I want everyone dead who doesn't agree with me, when what I said specifically is I wish YOU were dead, because you lack regard for other people such that you're happy to see them unhappy. In truth, you are the agree with me or die mindset. You wish that people asking you to call them the right pronouns just didn't exist, but guess what, they do, and they're called transgenders. You're subjugation of groups of people makes you the fascist, and do not ever fucking forget that.
2) So you want everyone to be content doing what they want, and yet here you are on an open internet board calling them "loony". Do you want a fucking medal because you think transgenders are insane and you're just playing into their delusion? Fuck yourself. The only thing stopping you from addressing a transgender by their preferred name and pronouns is that you think it's gross and crazy, so don't fucking tell me you treat people fairly and consistently.
3) Your crime is not refusing to "play pretend", and the fact that you simplify it down to that makes me question whether you're a sociopath.
4) Stop basing so much of your argument on my telling you to kill yourself. You look like a fucking idiot by obviously exaggerating my meaning instead of defending a single one of your points with anything other than anecdotal bullshit. Git gud at arguing.
5) That was a cheeky thing you tried to pull at the beginning where you said I misunderstood your complex feelings except the difference is that I was talking about actual complex feelings of conflict over who you are and how you see yourself in a very real way. Your "complex feelings" are that you think people who think differently than you are disgusting.

Even if this is true biologically and anyone who doesn't conform is a "freak", there are benefits to ensuring that non-conformers can function in society. When people are given the opportunity to maximize their potential the entire society wins. Brushing the exceptions to the norm to the side and putting them in a losing situation means that their potential is stunted and whatever potential contributions they'd make to society are lost. Using "science" as a justification to oppress is stupid even from a purely selfish perspective. If the cure for cancer is trapped in the head of some Caitlyn Jenner type out there I sure as hell don't want that person to drop out of med school because someone won't let them use the women's restroom.

You have brought nothing to the table for either side of this argument. Stop talking and let the adults hash this out.

So all of college is stupid because somewhere, someone offers 'Lesbian dance theory'?

Jesus, bro, that's dumb. Attack the argument, don't start making up stories and strawmen. oh sorry straw/people/. no actually it is strawman, women would never be attacked like that.

I'd also like to add that that marks three times you have tried to turn my own words against me in your attempt to be smart, but each time you have failed, so maybe just treat people nicely and stop being an asshole on the internet.


As far as bathrooms go it should be what plumbing one is equipped with, but that's just my opinion, also just call everyone dude, its pretty neutral


One of the best arguments here.

1. ok, I don't give a shit if people are happy or not, that's up to them. If they can't be happy until they force other people to play along with their fantasy they are bullies, and they can be unhappy for all I care. I don't wish them dead, because I'm not an asshole like you. I am an asshole, but I am an asshole who knows I'm an asshole, you are the worst kind - a bigot who thinks it's OK to tell other people to go kill themselves because I'm morally superior. fuck you. so godamned much. You are what's wrong with this world.
2. You don't know a damn thing about me, and yeah, I do think transexuals are mentally ill. I won't go calling people that IRL unless they decide to try and bully me, because I DO respect other people even, heck especially crazy people.
3. Yeah, the guy who didn't tell anyone to 'literally go kill yourself' is the sociopath.
4. You are the one who wrote 'literally'. You want to backtrack? OK, apologize for that stupidity and I'll ignore it.
5. again, there you sit thinking you know so much about me. You really love arguing with caricatures rather than real people, don't you?

I'm just using the bathrooms as an example. It could be anything really. When we put people in a position where their daily lives come with extra burdens that wears down their ability to perform in general. If we want people to be productive then making them live a substandard existence just because we don't like their lifestyle means we're biting our nose to spite our face. They live a shitty life and we lose out on their potential societal contributions. We're not helping ourselves if some transgendered dude spends 20 years working at McDonalds because he doesn't feel welcome in society when in a more accommodating environment he might have been a brilliant architect or whatever.

Yes, all of college is stupid because of half of its curriculum. You're the one making that assertion, not I. I'm just saying that the soft sciences A) shouldn't be taken seriously and B) shouldn't be considered sciences. They're not objective nor do they bring much good to society. We have politicians who have studied political science and they're making policies that are a detriment to the religions to which they are applied. Gender studies and lesbian dance theory, along with theology, are fields to which there is no real application. Where's the strawman? I was pointing out that there have been "scientific fields" that have been made and that they are of no use. Tho I did start it off with an ad hominem so I can see why you'd want to discrete my statement as a strawman.

Also, who gives a fuck about political correctness here?


> trans people are too busy being trans than to focus on anything else
if you're this involved with yourself, chances are slim you'll mean anything for humanity

Agreed. I just don't get how people don't understand that gender, is quite literally a social construct. It is literally the oldest social construct we have.
I don't see a problem for an enlightened society with the tools to allow transition from one to the other, to actually treat people how they psychologically identify.
As for sex, yes there are two sexes with a tiny variation that falls under birth defects and one cannot change sex. I am willing to concede that much.

i am gurl hear me rowl


> blaming other people for one's choices

Or, ya know, being a realist and recognizing that everyone is subject to the whims of others. Fact is, other people's choices can and do affect us. You know why there were so many brilliant Jewish scientists who found their way to America, right? Europe kind of lost out on that talent because things got a bit dicey over there for a few years.

Your studies just underline the other anons arguments, though.


I believe in live and let live. I don't give a shit if a woman wants to pretend she's a man or a man wants to pretend his a woman. GO FUCKING NUTS, WITH MY FULL SUPPORT!

But, don't tell me what to call you. And before you go there calling a guy in a dress 'he' is not synonymous with calling a black guy 'nigger' so just...fucking don't even bother... day in the future surgery will exist that will convincingly make a man look like a woman, and that's a TALL order, but if that ever happens, I'm happy to be fooled as long as I am not intimately involved with that individual.

Until then, don't tell me the evidence of my eyes and ears and the bulk of my experience is wrong, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Calling me your majesty requires zero effort. I demand this from you as a sign of respect. Explain why you refuse to do this, please.

your argument is that trans people shouldnt be affected by the whims of others. pick one.

You probably have met transgender people and not know it. Shared bathrooms with them.
Oh sweet irony.

>pick one
I might if you had given a choice to pick from, retard.

Oh cool we're still going here we go

1) I didn't say you wish them dead, but you deny their existence which is just as bad. They're not asking you to play along with anything, talking to them and interacting is no fucking different than with any other people, and your grouping them into an insane class like that does in fact make you a bad person. Sorry.

2) Transgenderism is objectively not a mental illness. It was taken out of the DSM, scientists and experts agree it is not a mental illness to be transgender, and the act that you think it is makes you wrong. This time there's no opinion about it, you're just wrong, but if you don't want to accept that that's fine. Fuck yourself anyway.

3) You still keep bringing up that I told you to kill yourself as if this is some sort of leverage for you in the argument. I clearly have empathy for other people as shown by my sentiments throughout the thread, and you have shown no evidence of such empathy, so yeah you are closer to a sociopath, and for what it's worth if I told an objectively bad person like Hitler or John Wayne Gacy to kill themselves it wouldn't make me a sociopath. Stop harping on this shit, you just look less and less intelligent/perpared each time.

4) You exaggerated my point not because I don't want you to kill youself (I do), but because you think I'm calling for the genocide of tons of people based on their agreement with me, which I didn't do. False correlation and tu quoque. Also, I'm no going to apologize what you thought lol.

5) I don't know all about you, but I know that you're ignorant, bigoted and transphobic and therefore I know enough about you to say everything I've said. If you don't want to be portrayed as a caricature then don't be one you shit.

No... science is pretty happy that sex is not a binary, and gender is not a synonym for sex. Maybe you guys should stop relying on research conducted by social conservatives and stuff from the 50's.

This of course was the end of the thread.
As a minority you have the right to be tolerated, but the minority should never be permitted to make rules, control government, or cause problems for the majority.
Then there are the desperate sub-average people who manufacture a "Uniqueness" and declare themselves a special minority and scream about it at everyone's faces. That is not you being "Special", that is mental illness.