Post your favorite film critic that you find yourself agreeing with all the time

post your favorite film critic that you find yourself agreeing with all the time

hard mode: no RLM

Weak bait.

Now fight me fags.

Who remember



Chris, I'd like a night alone in bed with your wife.

Give me that and I'll find your movie ideas.


This furry doesn't even review films, he just rants about the logic of the story in a way anyone could fucking do

>Hurrr the characters in this film are so stupid! Why didn't they do X instead of Y?!

Because it's a fucking movie you dog fucking freak


tell that to sods zapped snek

It used to be Roger Ebert, but he's dead now.

I didn't really find myself agreeing with him a large amount of the time, but he would always describe a movie well enough so that I would know if I would like it or not.

The good doctor

This guy


Spill, easily. Pre-2011 Spill was the best.

>favorite film critic that you find yourself agreeing with all the time

If you agree with your favourite critic all the time you are doing it wrong.

Personally I liked Roger Ebert, (all of his reviews are archived, they are a great read), I like Armond White too. Mark Kermode is not a good critic in my opinion but I like him because he is very entertaining to listen to

dont be such a meanie

Pissed Pedro is alight I guess, I dont really divulge in anything other than RLM because they make it a light comedy discussion instead of a minute long yes or no.

none because I form my own opinions

His top 10 lists are good fun

YMS is entertaining, but he's a very poor critic. He's one of those "muh plotholes" types who genuinely think Prometheus was bad.


I can form my own opinions and don't need surrogate friends, so none.

you're truly a cut above.