ITT: good TV shows that started out poorly

ITT: good TV shows that started out poorly

pic related, first two seasons of Parks and Rec are garbage

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Clone Wars.

Always Sunny season 1 is meh
Seinfeld doesn't really get good until season 3

first half of the first season of Bojack Horseman is pretty lame

Broadwalk Emprire

reddit: the show

I didn't mind them actually but I just hate everyone on that show. All were gas-able as fuck. Dropped after s2.

Sunny 1 was good
Seinfeld S2 has the best episodes/moments in the whole show.

Kill yourself

Show peaked at like season 2.5

second season was good

many people for some reason dislike the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

uh "no"

only the first season is bad.

Buffy: 2>3>1>6>5>4>7

Season 2 and 3 are great. I think 4 was alright too, but they really started ruining Ron's character then, which loses it some points.

Black Adder 1 isn't that great.

oh shit i saw this recently. its a completely different character and not remotely funny.

what are you people smoking
the show was nearly unwatchable until they got rid of the boring guy and introduced Adam Scott and Rob Lowe

>good show
>le pseudo-fake documentary style Office rip-off with a ton of "anti-comedy" comedians


First season of Sunny isn't even bad. They just had a different dynamic and a disgustingly low budget. As far as a lot of "first season weirdness" goes, Sunny isn't that bad.

>for some reason

I love Buffy and even I think the first season only has like 3 good episodes

it's the opposite of what happened to the office

I was warned about Strike Back s1, just saw ep1 and fuck me it's worse than I expected, it's like a bunch of English teens wrote this shit

The Vampire Diaries. Season one was shit until halfway through it then it turned pretty damn great.

Starts out rather awkwardly and very hit-and-miss, but slowly gets better and better becoming god-tier halfway through season 2

S1 of always sunny was basically them goofing aorund with a camcorder. Literally nothing wrong with it except their budget

Seinfeld season 2 is pretty good though.
Don't forget about the gems like this: