How will Rick and Morty season 3 be able to top this?

How will Rick and Morty season 3 be able to top this?

Inb4 Reddit

bojack's "feels" are overrated and cliche

it's a good show, but only because it's funny. it's a good sitcom, not a compelling drama

By not being shit?

Bojack=Sup Forums
>only sad cucks and betas enjoy it because they identify with the main character

>mainstream and popular, beloved by chads and normies

Bojack is the opposite of a cuck though m8

Hopefully a sequel to Goooooodbyyyeeeeee Mooooooon Man! ;_;7

bojack isn't comedy. It's some chronically unfunny guys vision of absurdist comedy, yet all it accomplishes is a cringe worthy "lel so random" style, like having your 60 year old mom try to emulate modern teenage banter.

this, its absolute shit

I want the cucks behind this shit, F is for Family, and Rick and Morty to fight to the death. The survivors get to run their ONE cuck cartoon of le depressed alcoholic man that's soooo deeep for me. Really just pissed at Cuck and Morty since the show didn't Season 1 wasn't even at all about Muh FEELS, it was just some r-rated Doctor Who.

>he still watches cartoons


Rick is more Sup Forums than Bojack
At least Bojack isn't spewing edgy political opinions while torturing people

Bojacks dialogue and throw aways are what sets it's apart. The melancholy / depressed main is indeed nothing special.

>Really just pissed at Cuck and Morty since the show didn't Season 1 wasn't even at all about Muh FEELS, it was just some r-rated Doctor Who.

You make it sound like the latter is better than the former, for some reason.

>bojack's "feels" are overrated and cliche


>bojack isn't comedy. It's some chronically unfunny guys vision of absurdist comedy, yet all it accomplishes is a cringe worthy "lel so random" style.

Humor is subjective, I think it's hilarious. The animal jokes are top tier. Also, calling anything abstract "lel so random" just makes you look like a moron. The idea is to be absurd while still being relevant to the show's premise. Which it objectively does well.

>I want the cucks

I'm sure whatever else it is you're going to type will be a sound argument as to why the show is bad. You don't like it, we get it. But at least try to explain why you don't like it and what should change rather than just being a dipshit and adding nothing to the conversation.

Bojack horseman is really hit or miss. I don't know if they record the voice actors separately but a lot of the episodes don't feel like there's much chemistry among the cast. For example, the one where Bojack and the cat fight in his restaurant - for some reason the dialogue feels really... stilted? When characters are arguing you can't have the two voice actors record seperately or else it just seems weird.

It still has it's moments, and Will Arnett does a good job, but it would hit harder if it actually suceeded at being funny. The premise is really good - contrasting the human drama with a world where some people are just animals - it makes the emotional problems seem as absurd as the animal impulses that they are. But the show can't seem to capitalize on that - instead, philosophically it goes down the route of having Neil Degrasse Tyson give narrations about how insignificant we are. Bojack gets less relatable the more you watch it because it's obvious he's just extremely vain and attention-seeking and horny, and while he's self aware enough to get all guilty about everything, he's not self aware enough to have a modicum of self control. Other characters point this out but the same cycle happens every season and while the showrunners think this makes him tragic it just makes him annoying and makes the show boring.

It's like a depressed comedian misunderstood Kafka.

Rick and Morty has the same problem where it forces emotional moments, but doesn't dwell on them long enough - at least the creators of that show seem overly self conscious about being sappy and use the heavy stuff as cutaways half the time. Rick and Morty does also suffer from giving the creators too much creative control though, leading to forced unfunny stuff like dance numbers and songs when the show's strength is just casual dialogue and visual gags.

Bojack is more like a criticism about the personal lives of people; while Rick and Morty is criticism of humanity at large. Former is more slow and drawn-out while latter is faster-paced.

Like comparing apples to oranges.

And /thread

R&M is about misanthropes vs the world

Bojack is about misanthropes vs each other.

It's like comparing Seinfeld with Curb Your Enthusiasm.

>Humor is subjective
>it objectively does well
>animal jokes are top tier

Objectively, you have a terrible sense of humour.

>calling anything abstract "lel so random" just makes you look like a moron.

it's not abstract. It TRIES to be abstract comedy, but it fails because it does not understand that abstract comedy is more complex than a single superficial layer of random shit, like "lol this guy has a horse head #soFuckingAbstract", wrapped around the most mundane writing of recent history.

Dubs confirm truth.

Kek has spoken.

i enjoy both but Bojack is obviously leagues better

its on a completely different level. The animation style and quality doesnt reflect that though.

kek has spoken


>its a "baby killing is respectable" episode

by actually being funny I guess

People know that saying /thread doesn't actually end the threat, just bump it to the front page

>it's the post in a thread about it and achieve absolutely nothing episode

watch the "why don't you touch my prickly muffin?" sequence of Sarah Lynn.

then you will know why bojack is good.
Mr Peanutbutter is killing himself next season, his mask is falling off.



Season 2 >1 >>Prove me wrong.

Can someone please name one funny joke from this show. I've only seen part of the first episode.