In all seriousness, can anyone explain me the Big Bang Theory hate wagon meme?

In all seriousness, can anyone explain me the Big Bang Theory hate wagon meme?

It's really a fucking good show

>Hot blondies
>Great acting
>Jokes are actually clever
>Hot blondies

I know that some people here will just spam some reddit pics but it's a fucking good show.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not a wagon. It's a shit show that's based on silly stereotypes and laugh track.

Anyone with Grey matter in their cranium (le nerdy way of saying brain x-D) can realize that.

It's a stupid show about ""'""smart""'"' people for stupid people.

>sheldon will you stop being a nerd!!!
>laugh track
>no penny, it's important that I tell everyone that the Millenium Falcon WAS in the prequels!!!
>"""crowd""" fucking blows out their sides
it's fucking trash that isn't even remotely funny if you remove the cues for you to laugh.

Howard: I sure am a jew
""Crowd"": *hysterical laughter with intent to make you feel guilty for the ""holocaust""*

>No maaa! I'm not gonna come wash your bunions, you can do it yourself!!! Oi vey!

>Anyone with Grey matter in their cranium
Really made me laugh in a makes you think way.

Idiots are overly protective and possessive of "nerd culture" and get upset when they see people "pretending" to be nerds. For example, if you say you like Star Wars, there's always going to be some nerd who will try to challenge your "like" of Star Wars with obscure Star Wars trivia so he can go "ha I'm a bigger fan of it than you."

Hating on Big Bang Theory is literal trash behavior. Anyone who actively hates on it isn't worth your time. At worst, it's a mediocre sitcom.

This show triggers reals Nerds and kissless Virgins.

They all have GFs and that is just plain unrealistic.

That's the gist of it.

>I'm a lonely nerd that had sex with 3 different women but I still despise this show. Watch it via stream anyway since it's free and I have a shitload of free time.

It's definitely not the bad writing and forced nerd humor aimed at redditors who "just LOVE the Marvel Movies!", that could never be the problem

>bad writing
The writing is average for a sitcom. Nothing to love and nothing to hate.

>forced nerd humor
There it is, that angry nerd who is mad because the bullies are taking his toys away. "You're not a real nerd!" Fuck off, loser.

meming aside, check out youtube vids of it without the laugh track

it's like psychological horror

complaining about pandering towards an annoying audience=/=angry nerd syndrome

not sure what you're doing on a pseudo-pretentious kino discussion bulletin when you don't even pretend to have taste in writing either.

Most sitcoms get weird when you replace their laugh tracks with awkward silence. What point do you think you're really proving here?

It is forced nerd humor and that's not even something to deny, the only question is whether you like it or it makes you cringe. Don't project your insecurities into other people's criticism.

that it's not funny you autistic fucktard

Yep, there it is. "They aren't real nerd! It's just pandering to fake nerds."

Nobody gives a shit that you jerked off to anime in high school. Nobody gives a shit that you still jerk off to anime. You know what, just go jerk off to some anime, you're done here.

It's not just the awkward silences, it's the fact that every single line just falls totally flat without any cue to laugh at it.

With BBT, there's awkward silence after EVERY SINGLE LINE. It's just too much.

Howard: "I'm Jewish!"


Leonard: "I'm insecure"

> laughs

Penny: "I'm a slut"

> laughs

Sheldon: "I'm Autistic"

> thunderous laughter

Yep, adding in awkward silence makes a comedy that maybe was funny not that funny.

Congratulations on your discovery.

He didn't say anything about fake nerds. Do you feel insecure because people accuse you of being one?

Go back to 9gag

>pandering is a word that only applies to nerds

has the big bang theory ever even made fun of jerking off to anime?

>He didn't say anything about fake nerds.
Learn to read between the lines.

Have you ever touched a girl?

That's why I asked why you are so insecure. You are attacking strawmen based on imagined criticism you insinuate yourself. What makes you do this? Do you realize it's not a good way to defend your favorite show?

How about you learn to read the actual lines before you try looking for deeper meanings in straight forward sentences?

Yes, great to know you had such a good comeback prepared.

If quads this user is indisputably a faggot

>accuses me of strawmanning while strawmanning me

I'm not, I'm asking you questions based on the shortcomings of your "arguments".

So the answer is no, you're a kissless virgin.

This is the formula:

>incomprehensible science babble
>Leonard reacts like he's embarrassed he knows it

>ethnic joke
>if it's about the third world, or Asia, have Raj say it
>if it's Jewish, have Howard say it

>jock/airhead joke
>the nerds puncture it with incomprehensible science babble

>boys VS girls!

>the short one reveals that her job is essentially evil

>Sheldon doesn't have sex with his girlfriend

>I'm not
Yeah, you are. Your entire "argument" against me is a big strawman. It's worthless. You're worthless.

I guess I was right when I said you literally don't know how to read in the same post.

Do you really think anyone can take you seriously if you just base your posts on emotional ad hominems instead of actually trying to argue a point or answering the questions people ask you? Is that what Sheldon taught you?


Penny once called Leonard out on the fact that half of his dirty movie collection consists of animated porn.

And you don't know how to interact with human beings, you drydick sadsack.

that seems oddly dark for a BBT joke

Something along the lines of Star Wars porn is what I would expect

I wish I had your shit taste in women.

You're right, insulting everyone who disagrees with you is the best way to talk to other people.

Where did you pick up this feminine way of "arguing" by dishing out any personal insult you can think of? It's not helping your cause of trying to prove it's not a shit show. Is this just what you do when you realize you're wrong?

You're acting like I'm supposed to be seriously debating you after all that strawmanning you just tried to pull. No, that's not how it works, dipshit.

2x dubs so close

>shit taste in women.

Yeah, you wish.

I know, I shouldn't have pushed my luck. Kek does not look kindly upon me today.

>insults me
>gets upset when i insult back
Go upstairs and cry to Mom about it.

I'm not really debating you, I just asked you where the insecurity about being called a fake nerd comes from. That's what your posts were based on, despite nobody but you actually talking about it. How much further are you going to derail the discussion just to prove you are out of things to say?

Where did you pick up the idea that you can present shit arguments and act like an asshole and expect to be taken seriously by the people replying to you? You reap what you sow.

Jesus christ I'm going to vomit
She looks like a creepy sex doll but her face is asymmetrical at the same time
I said that BBT has bad writing and panders to a shitty audience. If you take that as an insult then maybe you deserve it.

She doesn't look good, photoshop does.

Whatever makes you sleep at night, nerds.

>I'm not really debating you, I just asked you where the insecurity about being called a fake nerd comes from.
There's that strawman argument we know and love.

Go back to clown school, Bozo.

I'm not acting like an asshole by asking for the underlying thoughts your statements are based on. If you think that you are too sensitive and will have a hard time participating in an argument in real life, where you can't just close the tab.


gah fuck I'm gonna have trouble sleeping at night with that fucking image in my mind spoiler that shit

>i need a professional photographer and image doctor to make me look okay
Why doesn't she just take pictures of herself like every other attention whore?

Yeah, you came at me like an asshole. You made your bed, now go get fucked in it.

Oh wait, you'll never get fucked. You're a permavirgin.

If you think that's a strawman you don't actually know what a strawman is, which isn't surprising seeing as you're just parroting what I say for the last 15 minutes. Do you have anything left to say about why TBBT isn't a shit show?

She's not even ugly in other pictures, why do you keep posting the worst images available?

No, I didn't, as I said I asked you a couple of questions relating to the discussion of the thread topic. You seem to have realized you have no arguments and started dishing out these high school girl insults. Do you have anything left to say relating to the topic or will you just go on crying about how mean I am to you?

>>Jokes are actually clever
except they're not. Punchlines with no setup are not jokes, they're just references.
>this computer has windows 7
>I don't like that

This quip is from a review for season 1 (10 years ago) and it remains true today

>Robert Lloyd of the Los Angeles Times gave a mixed review, stating "It's just the same joke endlessly repeated – the everyday translated into geek-speak, and the obscure and difficult treated as if it were common knowledge"

>>Jokes are actually clever
how retarded do you have to be to think the show is clever?

>"but it's not a strawman"
It's a strawman because you're misrepresenting my argument (and me) in a way that makes it weaker in order to more easily refute it instead of actually approaching what I really said.

I have nothing at all to say to you while you're trying to pull this kind of bullshit on me.

Nah, you pretty well acted like an ass, insulted me, and then got upset when I insulted you back.

Again, I have nothing at all to say to you because you've behaved so foolishly.


Ok, I'm rephrasing: why do you think calling the humor forced is the same as criticizing it for displaying fake nerds? Can you respond to that?

the first few seasons were actually comfy as fuck

then the jokes got really bad

It's scary how many of the jokes are just "nintendo" or other nerd phenomenon.

That said, I used to watch it because it got me laid. The show got even worse (if that's even possible) when all of them got girlfriends, because after that it's just a relationship show. More time is spent on the girls than the guys too. completely unwatchable.

The "discussion" is over. It died when you decided to act like an ass.

honestly half the jokes about sheldon are just auts jokes like even the full joke

>this computer has windows 7 on it
> windows 7 is alot more user friendly than windows vista
> i dont like that

*cue grating laugh track*

WHO FUCKING CARES... We get it sheldons "not like those other girls" why would i laugh at someone prefering one os vs another i dont go to tech conventions and pass out from laughter. its such a stupid joke. and thats every big bang theory joke. Unfunny jokes about pop culture or science and no actual good jokes or even witty observations.

Like if you took out the laugh track to fraiser or seinfeld the timing would still be fucked, but the jokes are still funny because of the actual words, bbt doesn't have that.

gotta keep the normies one way or another after the nerd culture aspect of the show lost it's novelty and became insufferable.

I first responded to you after you told someone else to "fuck off, loser" and calling him mad for someone "taking his toys away". Is it not a problem when you behave like an ass? Do you expect people to be considerate of your immaturity and accomodate you whenever you feel insulted?

>"i saw a video once that said the show is bad so it's bad"
At least you didn't parrot the N64 emulator joke.

In my opinion, TBBT reinforces a frankly unhealthy and demeaning stereotype of the modern nerd. It's vaguely reminiscent of those old minstrel shows where actors would put on blackface and fill the then-popular stereotype of black people as stupid/lazy/clumsy/etc.

What is the main characters catchphrase? Can't remember

I don't care about your thoughts and feelings.

I'm not even reading your full replies because there's no reason to bother at this point when you've proven yourself incapable of holding any kind of discussion. I don't know why you continue trying to argue with me when I've made it clear I don't want to talk with you after how you've behaved. Final (You). Have a fun one, sweetheart.

wtf are you even talking about? this is chuck lorres style and its terrible, i came to this conclusion myself after watching these shows

>after watching these shows
You mean after watching a Youtube clip about how it's the worst thing ever and letting them decide for you.

You really should think for yourself.

You clearly care about people insulting your favorite meme show. For the future you should remember not to participate in a discussion when you are not able to come up with arguments justifying your dissatisfaction about these opinions.


pretty weak b8 tbqh

It's actually gotten better to the point of being barely mediocre in the past few seasons, they put a lot less effort into being le nerd sitcom for sophisticated nerds ¦:^) and concentrated more on just being a situational comedy.

btw short hair pinny with a big fat ass is best pinny

no i mean after actually watching several episodes of these shows because im a huge faggot with no life... i own a television set jesus...

>told to think for himself
>regurgitates meme shit

>animated porn.

You're fapping to art made by a man. Isn't that gay?



To be fair, most porn is shot, directed, produced, and created by mostly men. Most porn is made by a man.

And it's only gay if the balls touch, faggot.


glad you think so

just gonna stick with it? must be having a really shitty summer. I feel sorry for you user.

You're fapping to humans coming from an egg cell fertilized by a man's sperm.

>heh, you replied
As did you.

Whatever helps you fap at night, pard.

Still can't understand why they're dressed as if it's the 70s and why they're wearing layers of clothing indoors.


that's kinda offensive.

I used to like it because it tickled my ego a bit whenever I knew some science shit they were referencing and also I don't get triggered by a laugh track like the retards here. The show became boring and tired as shit when most of the main characters got gfs. I started watching it less and less regularly and completely dropped it about 6 months ago.