Eating hamburgers at mcdonalds at 1am cuz im a fatfuck ask me anything

eating hamburgers at mcdonalds at 1am cuz im a fatfuck ask me anything

Here's a question: Why the fuck should I care?

why haven't you killed yourself?

good one
you probably shouldnt

planning on

Tits or GTFO?

k let me take pic in mcdonalds parking lot i really dont give a shit anymore 1 min

Show your body so we could judge if you are chubby, fat or just exaggerating

What shithole country are you in where it's already 1am? In country's God actually cares about, it's barely dinner time. Fuck you

yeh im in the netherlands i fucked up ots 12 now

heres a tit


i am literally in a car at mcdonalds how the fucj you expect me to make a timestamp i dont have sharpies growing out of my anus

See if they've have one in McDonalds

No, but one should go in, as soon as possible.

rate yourself out of 10

>not having a emergency sharpie in your ass or pussy

Dafuq is wrong with you?

timestamp on the receit ur lucky

How is the burger?

literally a 0 im a degenerate

its disgusting but the sweet release of death by cholesterol is getting closer

Pussy pic please?:)

when the ppl next to me leave ill see what i can do

neuken in de keuken! show pusser

At least you get to wake up the next day without a hangover.

vodka is waiting at home dont be so sure

Don't forget to turn on the flashlight.

i thought it was just called flash but ok
they still not gone im going to turn the musicup to bully them

Congratz, you are fat and retarded. just past midnight now, not 1 am.

Kan je je poesje laten zien? Gespreid misschien?

yeh man i fucked up cuz clock

whats your favourite drug

pls be my ai gf

She already has a bf. Look at that ring.

Any chance you can post a pic of you having sex/with cum on you?


Just because there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score.

im in a car not much i can do here

Heb je je klok 2 uur vooruit gezet?

Might as well go out swinging...

Its probably bad idea to give your current adress on 4chin just a reminder

You look nice, in haarlem here

its the address of the mcdonalds lol. im not there atm

Maybe take of your pants a little more?

neuken in de keuken?

Moar pics op

I need roughly 2hours to get there fuck my life

cant im in a fucking car how many times i have to say this

tfw your phone suddenly changes the naming format of your pictures

Can I see your nipples?

you have pics of sex?

had to edit cuz was too big for Sup Forums

and then i wonder why ppl call me retarded...

More tit plz op

Well played mai frend well played

Something smells fishy.. could just be OPs nasty ass cooter though.

Nar that's the fillet o fish she bought

How fat are you?

here you go 2 big fat tits

Why haven't you got boyfriend op are you that ugly? Or are you a lezzer

didnt talk about the resolution faggot
still 3/10 for the effort

Post something that will make us cum ;)

about 65kgs in total
used to be 45 but i decided eating is a better to solve problems than cutting

Are you driving with your feet ?

>man, as a womem you should never ever tell anybody in Sup Forums that you have a pussy & tits..

Breasts look good btw ;)

no i am driving with my anus do you even know how to drive

How bout big fat ass and pussy

why did you greentext that
theres literally no reason

What do you think about Pepe the frog?

you are kinda cute, op

i think hes a cunt

Fuck you then, cunt.

Nice nips!! Spread that pussy real wide.

fuck you

Can we have a proper face pic

When are u home?

Why did you start cutting?

You wouldn't be able to walk properly for two weeks if I fucked you, slut.

whats your kik?

yeh well i aint smiling fuck you

Can I tongue your anus?

You're missing cum all over your face.

moar mctittys mcasshole and wich burger you get

With what dick? A 1 incher wont do much, bitch

cuz im a retarded fucktard with mental disease

cool story


I'm not your dad, faggot.

made me laugh

k :(

kanker kanker
show pussy plz, love you


Why do you look so depressed was you molested as a child?

What's your height?

Heb je nog foto's van op andere momenten?

Most people have a mental disorder, but most of them don't know it.

Just tell us.

How old are you?

no my cat died and everyone on this website is a neckbeard cunt

stick someting up your pooper and take a picture?

Im 6ft

i have autism


Fuck off out of here white Knight fag

ye because he didn't loved you, and ran away from your slutmother, sissy.