Good evening sir, large popcorn and soda? Coming right up!

Good evening sir, large popcorn and soda? Coming right up!

You know I see you here a lot and you seem alright.

Don't see Suidice Squad

Don't worry Jamal I'm here to see ghostbusters :)

Le melanin enhanced snack dispensing man

u got any octopus?

go back to you containment board

that guy looks awfully happy for someone whos a nigger

Really makes you think......

omg it's a black man working a minimum wage job.

you shit-kickers are never happy. please fuck off back to pol.

>moot sold Sup Forums to work at a theater with Jamal

Could you tell me where your showers are?

Why? I like it here.

Nice trips.

My post wasn't remotely Sup Forums though you Reddit cucksters.

>That'll be $59 plus tip and reparations. Oh and don't forget the white male tax introduced last week. I'm afraid crabs legs are now only available to season pass holders and the married. Enjoy the film and don't forget to shower!

Nobody said there was a problem with him being black

Look at that greasy subhuman Irish fucker.

you just know


The movie showers thing never gets old

>minimum wage job.
He owns that theater

thanks Jamal I'll steer clear

What? Calm your autism, nigger

found the redditor

>name is literally Robert
>people still call him Jamal or Tyrone

That's his cinema name you faggot.

You actually think the staff reveal their real names at the cinema? Are you braindead?


are you going to call me a cuck next?


>cinema shower is out of towels again
>passive aggressively walk out dripping and naked into concession area to dry self off with napkins

taught those fuckers a lesson

>Only Sup Forums hates niggers
kys libshit