Rebuilds are worse than prequels or any reboot or remake ever made

Rebuilds are worse than prequels or any reboot or remake ever made.

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I liked the first two, but mostly from an updated animation sense. They go totally off the rails after that, imo.

2.0 > original > 1.0> shit> 3.0

Rebuilds are just fanservice so this shouldn't be surprising.

If I wanted a pretty clip show, I'd watch death+rebirth. If I wanted things to go off the rails, I'd watch end of Eva.

The rebuilds are bland at best, and a cash grab at worst.

1.0 was good but neither deviated enough to be it's own thing, nor stayed true enough to be a remake

2.0 fumbled around and didn't enhance much over the TV experience

3.0 was pure garbage whos only redeeming quality was Asuka with a cute hat and eye-patch

Truly the Rebuilds are NGE of anime.

any version of nge is shit tho

You're right OP, but the tragedy is that it did not have to be like that.

If we consider the two first movies without the intent behind them and merely just their value, it would be entirely possible to create a working, worthy, acceptable remake within the next two movies.

The third movie crosses some lines of bad it's impossible to reverse, and nearly impossible to heal regardless of how much time you have to do it.

The Rebuilds were perhaps always about enabling the director and staff's own shallow desires to see their favorite character top some popularity lists of merchandise and goods.

To this end, they sabotaged the plot and popular characters so that it wouldn't get in the way of that.

>3.0 was pure garbage whos only redeeming quality was Asuka with a cute hat and eye-patch

Soundtrack was awesome

So, are they a sequel or not?

Rebuilds aren't a sequel, reboot, or remake

2.0 is a literal masterpiece even if it lacks the ambition of EoE.

The Rebuilds are an attempt to re-tell NGE using the flashy, hyperbolic and ultimately shallow style of EoE. If you're the kind of pleb who thinks EoE is better than the TV series, you should like the Rebuilds too, it's basically the same shit.

Everything about them is inferior. Proper viewing is
>full series
>after finale, EoE
rebuilds ruin everything, and like I've said multiple times recently, are almost certainly keeping me from getting a decent price on complete series blu rays.


I disagree but I can't get mad at Miss Alice.

>bullring piercing

fucking disgusting
damn, Miss Alice is becoming a turbo dyke

even worse she lost weight and is too skinny now


how is being 16yo treating you?

Share the videos damn you


What are rebuilds?

But I saw the series first and it was better in every way

Except people were clamoring for something new, as the popularity of 2.0 proved.

However, as always the catch is that it also needs to be good, something which 3.0 wasn't.





1. Anime doesn't belong here
2. The only people who talk about anime on Sup Forums are from Sup Forums and are too scared to post on Sup Forums
3. Their taste in anime is absolute dog shit
4. They often ask for recommendations which belong on which means that rules that are enforced on Sup Forums aren't being enforced on Sup Forums

Sup Forums allows enough crossboarders to post non-Sup Forums related threads. Ban these retards who can't find the right board.

No need to, it's true

tbf this thread really shouldn't exist, it should at least be disguised as a godzilla thread

>I don't worship some turbodyke camwhore
>must be underage

lol, grow up faggot and maybe you'll realize women are all shit not to be put on pedestals


Anno is too mentally healthy now. As a result Rebuild lacks the insanity of the original that makes it so memorable.

Take away the nuttery, and Evangelion is just an average mech series

Rebuilds are great if only for their animation. I agree though that the story is pants on head retarded

Add LoGH here, its fanboys are really anoying when they try to invade Sup Forums.

maybe if Sup Forums would be good for discussing anime we wouldn't make these threads here

What can we expect from 4.0?

Speaking of which, American release when

I've never seen a Gurren Lagann thread here, and Sup Forums loves talking about Jojo
but otherwise pretty solid picture

I liked 3.0.

I didn't watch the re-whatever for the same story, and I can't say I saw it coming. Success in my book.

Funimation said they're aiming for a theatre release later this year

we should just go to Sup Forums and start talking about good television/film. As that's how it always seems to fucking work on Sup Forums. The board for x is the worst place to discuss x.

Thanks user, definitely want to see this in theaters

To be delayed another 5 years because 10 years apparently isn't enough time to finish 3 movies and start working on the fourth

I know nothing about Evangelion, whats the watching order/best versions to watch?

Who is best girl?

Anno telling you that after 20 years you need to become an adult and sort your life out.
Make your friend and family proud.
Become a productive member of society and not a manchild obsessed with fantasy worlds and fictional waifus.

Literally 4 of those have daily threads on Sup Forums

>I know nothing about Evangelion, whats the watching order/best versions to watch?
Watch NGE (directors cuts ideally) and then EoE. Everything else is optional

>Who is best girl?
Already established ITT

Watch the original series in the best quality you can get, then End of Evangelion. Misato is best girl.

Watch the original series
Try to understand the gibberish ending
Look up online theories
Realize it has no depth and is just what you probably thought it was
Watch end of evangelion
Then watch the Rebuilds and realize what Anno can make when he isn't on tons of depressants and isn't trying to kill himself.

2.0 was exactly what I wanted out of the rebuild. A what if story where they take all the realism out of Shinji and turn him into the self insert hero otaku wanted him to be all along. He even gets closer to and romances Rei, and then brings about the end of the world ust to avenge her death.

Misato followed by asuka

I love the fact that after two decades, we finally get to see Shinji grow some balls only to nearly destroy all life and the end of the world to do it.

And then he's forgotten and villified for it in the 3rd movie.

>this much taste on Sup Forums
not something I see often

>Better than anything

How does it feel choosing a waifu who's literally sluttier than a pregnant horse?

That was the point I guess.

>Oh you want Shinji to stop whining.get in the robot and get the girl? Here it is. He destroys the world and Rei dies anyway. Fuck you thank you bye.

Misato fucks one guy in the entire series and it's someone she actually cared about

unless you're implying she fucked pen pen


Rebuilds overall were shit 2s ending is the only noteworthy aspect of the series

I agree. 1.0 and 3.0 were both too fair in either direction of same/different compared to the original series, 2.0 hit a perfect middle ground.

It was still pretty hype.

Then he mans up in the 3rd film and ruins everything again.

>ywn be so much of a pussy that manning up destroys reality

>Misato best anything

Literally a crazy repressed old woman that decided to cover all the emotional holes in her heart with a sexual addiction.

Asuka is fucking insane as well. Rei wins by default because in a world where every single person is fucked up,she's barely even a person.

Doesn't she fuck Makoto to turn him in to her little bitch?

I honestly don't give a single fuck about what you think of the rebuild series, or evangelion as a whole

Not that I recall. It has been 4 years since I last watched the series though.

>Rei wins by default

Hell even the lesbian one is more interesting than Rei

best girl coming through





zomg teh rei

Two questions from a guy who only recently finished watching everything;

Is it the consensus among fans that the rebuilds are actually a continuation?

Is 4.0 ever coming out?

Is Japan really ok with that level of sexuality in a children's cartoon? I remember a scene focused on her bedstand covered in torn condom wrappers and it was just her moaning in passion for two minutes. There was another one where scientist lady was complaining that she hadn't left her room in a week because she was co scantly fucking her boyfriend. I'm told Americans are a bit more concerned about that sort of thing than most, but NGE seemed pretty extreme.

Sup Forums makes fun of anyone talking about anything but flavor of the month pedo shit

I don't remember anything that extreme, but like I've said I haven't watched it in 4 years. Children shouldn't be watching eva in the first place, it would fucking terrify them.

Nah, a little blood and guts will put some hair on their chest. Didn't you watch Terminator when you were a kid?



No, rebuilds are an alternate take on the Eva story.

No, and even if it did it took 3.33 a few years to hit the states after Japan's release. Just watch Shin Godzilla user

I think it was aimed at 14-17 year olds more than anything.
Practically all I did at that age was think about sex, so makes sense

1.11+3.33 will be a shitsow

Yeah. 2 in specific was my favorite movie when I was little. But it's not the blood and guts that would have scared the shit out of me, it's all the crazy psychological and horror shit. People are just constantly scared and in pain, seems like something kids would have a hard time coping with.

I liked the series, loved Death/EoE and fucking hated 3.0.
1.0 and 2.0 were okay, with a handful of new ideas and relatively clean animation.

Thanks friends. Googled which one is Misato and she does look like best girl material.

The best version of this is the one with the funky guitar and bass

Isn't it exactly the same as "Battle in Space" version from the start of 3.33?

That one is close, but it's not quite that. It's one of the songs from the OST I haven't seen uploaded yet, but if you downloaded it from the mega link it's track 18


This was a reply to you:

Anno is a hack

Oh, I was thinking of the track 29 and 30 versions when you mentioned guitars

Shiro really did do too many versions of Decisive Battle for Godzilla. They should have thrown in a Magmadiver remix or something.

Yeah, I would've really like to hear a version of angel attack. Luckily it's a pretty long soundtrack though.

I like how rebuild goes off the rails.

Because the rails are evengelion, one of the most overrated indonesian watercolor painting collections of all time

I don't know user that piano scene in 3.0 was comedic gold

does anybody actually like 3.0?

I met a girl that liked 3 once but shes fat and lonely so who cares

Why would a(almost certainly depressed person) ever like 3?

I do, I thought it had a cool aesthetic, great soundtrack, was unpredictable and brought back some of the despair that the first two were lacking.

user, women have no dicernible criticisms of their own. She liked a guy that liked Eva so now she says she likes it too, even 3

fat and tasteless

how many times is this motherfucker gonna tell the same story?

I like the opening scene and soundtrack.

I still feel like 4.0 could place it in to some kind of meaningful context and redeem it a bit, but as it stands now it just seems entirely pointless excuse to have ridiculous CGI animations and loads of new characters and Eva designs to sell merch

I genuinely don't understand people's problems with 3.0. It all seems to boil down to Wille having the audacity of first saving their own lives rather than immediately debriefing Shinji.

rebuild looks like fucking trash compared to the NGE blurays tbqhwyf

The filmic look of the series is superior

Too bad the blu rays cost 400 fucking dollars

Retreads old ground, sof reboots a reimagination alfway through, Misato is dumb as fuck, Shinji fucks up in the most absurd and unrealistic way he has ever fucked up in the entire series.

It also completely fucks up 2.0's philosophy of making Shinji a more badass and generic anime self insert character, showing how bad that would fuck up the show, and instead just turns him back into normal, but even more dumbass Shinji.