It's a Scully's rock hard nips make it impossible to focus on the plot episode

>It's a Scully's rock hard nips make it impossible to focus on the plot episode

How many times do you think she got gangbanged between shooting scenes?

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Bras in the 90s weren't as padded as they are now and so you get a lot of nipples in things like Friends.

Yeah those rockhard Rachelnips were definitely not intentional

Underrated post

>clearly from season 10

Damn son

While I don't dislike the sexually empowered cougar that is Gillian Anderson, Scully was always more subdued.

They didn't try to hide them but it's absolutely true: bras didn't have the padding they do now. Rachel wasn't the only one sporting diamond nips. Phoebe and Monica also had them.

These are not nipples you virginal autists!

Hot scene but that's clothing material. Sad!

I wonder what kind of life she had after X-files.
Must have been a real dissapointment watching Mulder being a successfull actor.
Especially since they hate eatch other and her career was non existant

> bras didn't have the padding they do now

Yes, they did. It depends which you wear. Only difference is now costume people know they'll get shit. In the 90s they didn't care.

>Bras in the 90s weren't as padded as they are now

That's bullshit my man

I want to have sex with Gillian Anderson.


Gillian has been in quite a few BBC dramas recently


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck man

How about directing us to a citation from that article that backs up your claim?

Where the fuck is this from

hmmm I really feel like I need to rewatch that episode? Mind refreshing my memory as to which one it was?

Those aren't her nipples you retard. They're darts in the blouse.

>Danny DOIAH was the one who filmed a sex scene with her
what the fuck is up with gillian's agent

Should I put it on audiotape, too, or do you just want me to read it to you for your bedtime story?

Straightheads with Danny Dyer

>sexually empowered cougar
You mean disgusting old whore?

No, just a copy-paste of the relevant paragraph will do, you fucking smart-ass

Does Sup Forums have mother issues?

>I want to have sex with Gillian Anderson.
I dont get what you mean, user.

What did he mean by this