Is it wrong to want to be a female if you were born as a male?

Is it wrong to want to be a female if you were born as a male?


All you gotta go is think about what makes a woman. Essentially, women are just lazy animals that crave attention.

An obvious example of this is long nails. The nails are long for two reasons: they're too lazy to cut them, and having long nails makes physical work almost impossible. So.. what does a woman do? Puts paint on them: no work, and gets attention.

A man that desires this is no man at all. He's an animal without identity, without self, without everything that makes a man a man.

Because of this, if a man wants to be a woman.. they should be shat out of the country to be a freak on fag island. Permanently.

nothing wrong as long as they can convincingly pull it off

You must be a pussy. Check out my manly nails. I use them to pry shit open at work all the time. They break and I use a dremmel to file then so I don't cut myself by accident.

"Wrong" is a stupid way to phrase it. What like morally? Good luck figuring out what that means.
What happens is you're born and you are a certain way and want certain things. And if someone wants to fuck cans of tuna idk why you care.

But it's factually wrong to call it being a woman. You can want to cut your dick off and you can want to wear a dress and you want can some man to put their penis in the gaping wound where your penis originally grew. None of those things make you a woman though. They just make you mentally ill.

who gives a fuck?
what goes on between your legs in your home shouldn't be anyone's business unless their your doctor

Scientifically speaking- yes, probably a symptom of mental illness.

Mad high school virgin detected.

Tranny detected.

Both of these are right.

Also any doctor whose treatment when you tell them you identify as a "right arm only person" is to cut your arm off should not be a doctor.

What matters is what goes on outside of their home. You know, EVERYONE'S business?

so you're saying mental illness is wrong?

>wanting to do work

Found the retard

so when i go outside my privacy and life details are everyone's business?
Explain user

Yes, its wrong

LGBTQ folks are mentally ill. I won't say they need help, because I don't think they can be helped. Something happened, maybe in the womb, maybe genetic, I don't know.. but something lead to them being wired wrong.

No drug or therapy can effectively rewire the brain. So it's a dead end.

I feel the same about hard-core liberals and conservatives.

Just find an island for each of them, move them there, and be done with it. They'll be happier with like minded individuals, and everyone else will be happier without them.

Most Americans are simply sick of the illness.


Hey ftm here
no it is not wrong

You can dress in an old French Military uniform and prance around in a white horse calling yourself Napoleon; that's fine. Forcing me to recognize you as the commander of the French armed forces and treat you as a lord is however, unacceptable.

You can chop your dick off and wear a dress going as far as to call yourself a grrrrl; who gives a fuck? Just accept that you're still no woman, I am literally unable to be attracted to you and I'll treat you like a dude because I have no desire to fuck you.

The problem with trannies is that they interpret their "freedom" as to be able to exert their will on others.

It is wrong to want to be a female stereotype. Nothing wrong with being a girl

Sometimes I think being a women is lifes EZ mode. Even still today. Pretty much the average guy is a massive white knight faggot whom will do any womens bidding as long as he thinks he has a chance and getting some pussy.. It's pathetic and I'd wish you fuckers would stop already.. Its a culture thing not a genetic thing. Women are bitches/insane these days because you as a man allow it. By putting up with it. Picture if no man put up with a women who cheats. Women would stop cheating or go lezbo. Either way win win.

The outside world is called "public" for a reason. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy outside of your home.

What you do outside of your home is public.

Trips checked

Also, i agree with thus user. It's not wrong for a man to want to be a woman. But he will always be a man, no matter how much he mutilates his body.
Every cell in his body has the dna of a man


listen just be yourself

A lot of ftm on Sup Forums... Or is it just a couple here all the time lol.

and being transsexual in public is fine,
do you disagree?

holy shit those look filthy

Of course I disagree.

Do you think being racist in public is fine?

See how that works?

Personally I don't give two shits whether someone is racist, or thinks they're a fucking helicopter.

But that doesn't mean I should have to deal with it. If it's your personal life, keep it fucking private.

>Is it wrong to want to be a female if you were born as a male?
No. It is never wrong to merely want something. Acting on it, however, is debatable.

>I don't think they can be helped
Actually, there is effective drug treatment for transsexuality in the form of pimozide. Trials show reports of elimination of dysphoric feelings.

The rest of the LGBT group is up in the air.

nah, grass is greener and all
but you don't need to go around being a fucking sissy bitch boi -- you're still going to be a male, just a kind of shit one