Worse RT score than BvS

>worse RT score than BvS
Fuck me

What went wrong

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Letos autism infected the production

This is fucking bullshit

I'm still watching

The only thing these movies need to do is take place during the day. Audiences (literalkt) hate dark apparently.

RT is garbage.


I'm waiting for the RedLetterMedia review

Anything from the flick filosopher yet bros? Do you think she'll like it?

Not targeted at Nu Male film critic audience

It's fucking Batman though

Fuck these stupid ass fake fans. I bet they didnt like it because no retarded airport scene

That's so fucking lame. A fucking airport? Seriously bitch?

Rotten Tomatoes

I'm still waiting for based Armond's review.

>Pg-13 version
>Strange editing
>Removed scenes
>Theatrical release

I've seen this before

Just wait for the rated R ultimate cut

THIS X 1000000000000







DC doesn't lead, they just try to follow Marvel, which makes them come off as poor imitations. They have no creativity and did it to themselves.

5000 ppl vs. 34

Shut the fuck up already rotten tomatoes influences no one.

>ever using IMDB score as a basis

C'mon now.

DC is shit, thats what happened.

>What went wrong


So when is WB going to kill RT?

>Basing your opinion on a review aggregator

You've gotta wait until everyone else' reviews are out so he can claim the opposite.

The script and acting looks irredeemable, judging by the trailers.

Who gives a shit, it's gonna make tons of money. Can't help if people are offended by Harley's pants.


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She gave Ghostbusters a positive review.

She also hates animation


If you think 5000 people have seen this movie already, you're borderline retarded.

This. No way is Civil War better than this movie. Slow pacing shitty fight scenes and shit tier ending. Rotten tomatoes is pure shit.

Top 250 is a little bullshit and despite the flawed voting system, it seems more fair and accurate than rotten tomatoes that either give a movie 90+% or really shit on it 30-% with very little wiggle room.

What if it's 50/50?

>It's everyone else fault

Go to bed Donald Trump


They can't. Fandango owns RT now.


sounds like people are finally getting sick of this faggy capeshit manchild garbage

Let me guess:
>So, Mike, what did you think of Suicide Watch? xD
>Well, Jay, I absolutely enjoyed it but I know you will have a different view of it!
>You know, Mike, I do! I hated it, but didn't hate it. xD
They don't even try anymore.

I mean what did you people except?

I know it gonna bomb hard after they revealed meth addict Joker and all those cringe dialogue in the trailer.

Yes it does

People loved the new Ghostbusters it's already made its money back

But it's not gonna bomb at the BO.

That's what you said about BvS and then 50% drop the week after release

>I mean what did you people except?
I at least thought it would surpass MoS.


IMDb is a million times worse than RT. The same thing happened with BvS.

That's a funny meme, but it's not true. Let's look at their two latest reviews.

Star Trek Beyond
>Mike liked it
>Jay liked it

Ghostbuster 2016
>Mike hated it
>Jay hated it
>Rich hated it

Don't fit your formula, do they?

Again, funny meme, but you shouldn't take memes so seriously.

They tore the shit out of Ghostbusters and BatmavS.

Why is IMDB a 9.3/10? Are DCucks this bad?

Remember, this is the same website that ranks Inside Out ahead of Seven Samurai, among other things.

it's just a bad movie. Poorly developed, poorly constructed, too much studio interference.

It doesn't help that the aesthetic is ugly as shit, though.

>I literally have no clue how Rotten Tomatoes works


>Indeed, Suicide Squad is perfectly tolerable until its closing half hour, at which point Cara Delevingne, playing some sort of witch, unleashes many levels of boring computer-generated chaos on a blameless city. It’s very much what you’d expect from the denouement of a bad Ghostbusters movie. But those films are breezier comedies. This is “dark”. Do you hear? Wipe that smile off your face when you laugh at it.

That stand-alone Batman movie will be good, right?

>yfw the next DKek meltdown has officially started

saying it's "ranked ahead" based purely on the tomatometer is missing the whole point of the site

rottentomatoes doesn't rate anything itself, it just aggregates scores under the literally most basic yes/no formula
also it's a shitshow for classic movies because you're not getting contemporary reviews or anything and a lot of the people going out of their way to review old movies are going to be trying to come up with fresh takes on them or whatever and are often needlessly negative

I dunno about everybody else but I'm going to see this regardless of reviews and scores. I skipped a bunch of summer blockbusters because I wanted to hold out for this.

It it sucks I'll know I made a mistake, if it's decent I'll feel okay about it and if it's great I'll be redeemed.

If you don't like the Tomatometer, there's an average score right below it. Suicide Squad got a 5.2. Measuring it a different way is not going to make this a good movie.

>not waiting for the inevitable kino-Armond review

DC was coasting on their big name heroes. Like, DC probably has the most recognizable characters to the general public. Marvel had sold their rights to their biggest characters, so when they started up their cinematic universe, they had to work harder for it, you know? Like who in the general public is gonna see a movie about Iron Man?? So Marvel spent time building up their characters and their world so the general public would get to know all these B-list Marvel heroes and want to see their movies.

DC was just like BATMAN ... vs... SUPERMAN. And coasted on that instead of trying to make an actually good movie. Idk. DC needs to hire better people to run their cinematic universe.

>Caring what a shill site says

>a heavy metal bar in suburban Duluth
did anybody expect anything else?

But the IMDb one is more inline with what I want the score to be, therefore it's a legitimate metric of a movie's quality.

No one wants to see a city thrown into chaos by a bunch of faceless CGI characters... Unless of course that city is also levitating in the air by a quippy robot.

>Wipe that smile off your face when you laugh at it.

What do you think, user? What does past experience tell you?

Except they did make a good BvS but it underperformed because executives butchered Snyder's original vision.

>lollipop has a tail at the end of it.
They can't even do posters right.

>Idiots criticizing a movie without even watching it yet

That's Sup Forums for you

I think DC take it's self too seriously, maybe. Idk, all the DC movies are just dark and WANT to be an artistic film, they're trying to follow Nolan's lead in that respect when they shouldn't. And hiring Snyder and STILL letting him take control of the franchise is a joke. I love Watchmen and I love most of his movies but what? 300 was his most successful movie? He has a comic book style to his work but it really doesn't play out well on screen.

MCU on the other hand is pretty light hearted and all seem to follow the same formula. They have their netflix shows to explore the darker themes DC tries to combine into their family friendly movies

>mom, I don't know how RT works
Plus, Inside Out is better than Seven Samurai, you dumb pretentious weeb.

i did like watchmen and 300 and i think they captured the comic book feeling really well with the framing of the shots
the slowfastslowfastslow is annoying but if you keep in mind that it's a comic it makes sense
that being said, everything snyder's done regarding comic books doesn't hold a candle to rodrigues with sin city

>I'm too fucking blind to read a chart
It's ranked and charted fuckers

Wasn't Snyder's vision three goddamn hours long?
The movie's called Batman vs Superman, not The Assassination of Jesse Jame by the Coward Robert Ford

If it makes you feel a little better, he gave Age of Ultron a bad review too.
Not that that has any bearing one this movie being bad, you insufferable parody of a human being.

still, what i said about classic movie ratings stands

No one minded when LOTR was three hours long.

>It Ain't Me is in this.

Now i have to see it just to stay up with dank memes

LotR was good.


My pre screen is tonight. So hyped to be able to shitpost about the movie two days before Sup Forums plebs. The buzz around here is that it's worse than BvS which is a challenge.

Yeah, based on number of reviews, The Wizard of Oz is number 1 because it's got the highest rating with the most number of reviews. Older films don't have that many reviews because RT wasn't around when they came out, and not that many people go back and review classic movies.

I'm not seeing it but my TMobile Tuesday is a ticket on Fandango to go see it.

Here's the code:


I bet it only works once. So first person to enter on Fandango gets the free ticket.

People say that the Watchmen movie captured the comic visually, but it really didn't. Watchmen had a very distinctive color pallete, lots of orange, purple, and green. Secondary colors. That was intentional and important, it contrasted with the traditional pallete of superhero comics. Red, Blue, and yellow. Primary colors.
The Watchmen movie dropped that.

I really hoped it might be good.

I knew better than to get hyped. I did it twice before for the Snyder flicks and got burned.

I have zero faith in Wonder Woman or JL. Just gonna enjoy the trainwreck.

Lord of the Rings was an adaptation of a beloved novel

"Here is a film in which model-turned-actress Cara Delevingne gives not only a personal worst performance, but something close to a former-profession-worst performance, as a gyrating, bikini-clad villainess called Enchantress, who kisses men full on the lips to turn them into her slaves (of course!) and talks like Vanessa Redgrave on rhinoceros tranquiliser."


>it's another DC movie bomb episode on Sup Forums


>Not waiting for the Double Toasted review

not in the coloration it was definitely too grimdark i feel you on that 100%
i don't know if any director on earth could have translated watchmen's color palette to the screen but i'm not qualified to have that argument

but what i'm saying is like if you go back and watch say the ozy/comedian fight the way it's shot and the slow motion works it frames it like a comic book amazingly well giving you the same sensation of panels

>kisses men full on the lips

As opposed to?

I'm just glad I can finally put these Chris Evans reaction pics to use.

The violence was also ridiculously overdone in the movie, whereas in the comic it is more restrained. Just compare and contrast Veidt's attempted assassination, it's fucking ridiculous.

Snyder has absolutely no concept of applying the necessary style and sentiment of an IP into a movie. All he knows is his own methods. He may painstakingly recreate an iconic comic panel here and there to satisfy the simple ones, but other than that he's just a toddler throwing his own toys around.

The main target demographic for BvS is the kind of people who live off Vine/Snapchat. Thats the main issue with DC/WB; They have no fucking clue who's money they want so they just make shit and pray EVERYONE just throws money at them. You wanna make dark, mature movies about guys in costumes, fine. But commit the whole way and know it'll be mostly grown ups watching that shit. No kids nowadays will say any of the Nolan movies are their favourites, the older guys definitely will.

Marvel know what the audience want and they keep giving it to them. If you want money, and shit is high in demand, sell your shit. Its that fucking simple.

Sony stole their thunder for a while but Ghostbusters was merely the meaty filling between the two slices of 2016 DC shit sandwich loaf.

Devil's advocate here

If it was truly good people would now it and it would be reviewed

It's like Shakespeare. Its so good it's stands the test of time

Is this making sense. Those other movies just aren't as great

>hyper the movie as Joker vs SS
>Only 15 minutes of Joker

I guess we'll never know.

BvS was an adaptation of beloved novels as well

Maybe visually, but the slow mation made the fights cool. The fights in the comic weren't cool. They were brutal, bloody, and quick. The entire point was that the fights were unheroic, making them all cool and slomo completely fucks that.

>Remember, this is the same website that ranks Inside Out ahead of Seven Samurai, among other things.

you have to look the damn score

He's only in it for 5 min

That's true, which I think is the only reason there are any older films on the list. But hundreds of people review the latest acclaimed blockbuster because everyone wants to cash in on those clicks.

People have been saying it's closer to 7 minutes. Fucking 7.

I'm pretty sure Chris Tucker was in Silver Linings Playbook for longer than that.