Docfag here, giving out free medical advice

docfag here, giving out free medical advice

be forewarned that im also kind of a shitty doctor

Why did my dick bleed when I cut it off?

because only faggots bleed

Alright fag I'll bite

What is the most likely cause of mysterious rib/chest pain leaving me unable to sleep on my sides for the last 4 years without a tremendous dull ache that lasts for hours afterwords?


Can you write me a medical marijuana recommendation?

ive got a fat ass. how can i lose my ass fat

sounds like Tietze's syndrome. If physical therapy and ibuprofen hasn't worked then you might need steroid injections

im in a faggy state that doesnt allow it. Anyway, just buy cocaine like a mature adult

I was in a motorcycle accident four months ago, but never went to the doctor. Since then, been having bad headaches, vision and hearing problems, muscle pain, etc

My questions are,
1. Is it true i can take ibuprofen or NSAIDs after a head injury, and if not what can I take because my current chiro + laser therapy isn't working
And 2. If my family has a history of hereditary and sudden aneurisms, how fucked am I if I happen to hit my head again?

No, I don't want to see a doctor fyi.

You broke a rib.

weight loss is 80% from diet, 20% from exercise. Go on a low carb diet and the fat will melt off.

post some pics of your ass tho

Why does my pee turn red when I squish it?

Today at the gym my shoulder jumped out of its socket. It went back just afterwards and i continued my workout with a bit lower weights. This is the second time it has happened, the first was when i fell on it about a year ago. How long should i rest this shit ? Srs question...

were you wearing a helmet? did you hit your head? could be post-concussion, could be a subdural hemorrhage or brain bleed, especially with your family history.

>No, I don't want to see a doctor fyi.

oh you'll see a doctor one way or another, but most likely for a death pronouncement. RIP you


Wow, holy shit. This has been terrifying me for years and I haven't been able to find anything that it could be. You've just given me a probable lead and put my fears to rest enough to go get it checked out.

Thank you so much, I'll be going to the doctor soon. Really truly, thank you user.

Nah, it's all of my ribs. Specifically between them (the cartilage)

What course of action should I go through if I am having severe alcohol withdrawls, but have no insurance?

if you can move it without pain or tingling then you dont need rest. But it'll probably keep happening until you get surgery for it

Should I worry if I have a surgery scar is sagging and has a sharp pain that comes and goes?

Not OP but drugs containing ibuprofen as an active ingredient have been shown to cause heart defects in a small % of the worldwide population, and it's now recommended to avoid ibuprofen as a painkiller. Aspirin or acetaminophen (usually as paracetamol) would be recommended more for that purpose.

As for the other symptoms: I can't diagnose as I'm not a doc (have been trained in a paramedical profession though), but would recommend seeing your local practitioner very soon and informing them of this. You may not want to, but doing so could most likely save your life.

I was, but I was in a foreign country and the helmet was this shitty little thin cap that cracked in half when I crashed into a pile of boulders lol

>could be a subdural hemorrhage or brain bleed
Are there other symptoms of that?

And yeah, what pain meds can I take? Don't want to see a doctor cause what if it's nothing but post concussion? I mean it's been like 4 months man.

what is the best way to convince my doctor to prescribe me xanax ive been given buspar seroquel and vistaril none of them work . I have terrible anxiety and sleeping problems . Benzos make my life a lot better

Drink some booze. Or find Jaquan the drug dealer and get some benzos, like some 1mg Xanax bars and take them every few hours. Going though alcohol withdrawal is actually pretty dangerous because unlike opiod withdrawal you can actually die from it without medical treatment

This guy may not need a surgical route, but to alter the routine so the shoulder doesn't have that ROM instead, whilst completing the workout on the target muscle group.

Oh shit, really? Didn't know that. I thought you weren't suppose to take it with head injuries just cause it could cause bleeding. And wouldn't NSAIDs also make any bleeding worse, since they're blood thinners?

Idk if it's worth it to mention, I did pass out and suffer a bit of amnesia surrounding the event, all I know is what my family told me when I woke up tbh

I hit my head once before and passed out, also experienced amnesia surrounding the event but quickly regained the memories.

And i may have had a stroke in my sleep age 14.

why don't anti-depressants make me feel any less depressed? I've tried like 12 different brands over the course of about 9 years.

Not OP, but I am a recovering alcoholic. I had to check myself into the hospital a number of different times to detox. I was unable to do it myself. I would try to slowly taper off booze, but just ended up drinking my whole supply.

Yeah, that's been my problem for the last few days hence why I say "severe". So Benzo's can actually help? I figured my friend was talking out his ass since booze and opioids are the only killer withdrawls.

whered you go to school and what is your speciality and kill yourself.

in that order, if you please..

If you're Canadian, most police stations have a free detox room for a night and will watch you and call their squad doctor if it gets too bad.

Idk if it's the same in America, sorry.

Because of inferior genes, life asks you to an hero.
Do it.

My penis hurts

Not a doctor yet, in med school. So far this guys advice and info has actually been decent. Cool guy OP

nope samefag

hey medfags, i have reoccuring absesses that seem to get transferred to women i've fucked.. is that just abscess or something worse?

The best advice you can get regarding NSAIDS would be a medfag like OP, or your doc, I can't comment further on that I'm afraid.

As for the stuff you just mentioned, they are the initial visible symptoms of concussion and/or trauma to the head. Don't treat any of this stuff lightly. You really should see your doc and get a medical diagnosis. Its not often that threads pop up on Sup Forums that are taken seriously, but I always give honest advice in the ones like this if possible.

That's my current fear. Trying to ween myself, but I'm too far in to even try to lie to myself. I know self control is very likely not gonna happen.

Any tips you have would be very much appreciated. Literally, any kind of tip.

I broke my calcaneous. It fucking hurts. How long is recovery.

How much risk will it be to fuck a girl who has herpes, will a condom do it?

Why does the dentist have a sound thruster around his neck?

Depends on the type and location of the break, what your rehab routine will be and how active you normally are. Hopefully no damage was done to the talus or sub-talus either, which could hinder recovery.

I don't have a doctor tho, you think emergency would accept me if I tell them the accident was a few months ago?

I'm just worried about embarrassing myself lol, what if they do a scan and there's nothing. Waste of time and money

lol wtf is a sub-talus gtfo

Benzos are mutated opioids, jackass. They also have more harsh withdrawals than straight opiates as well. You're going to take one, suddenly not give a fuck, start drinking because "everything's ok now" and then comes the blackout and police record.

what kind of surgery? i need details, retard

it takes a while for your brain to resorb the blood, and in the meantime it'll act as an irritant and cause headaches. You need to be extremely careful in the future with head injuries because the more brain shit you accumulate, the worse outcomes you get. It's been 4 months so a doctor probably won't do anything other than yell at you for riding a motorcycle with a shitty helmet

I dont prescribe anybody Xanax because it's shit. It doesnt help the underlying problem. You might as well just dirnk when you're anxious. Go to a therapist or psychiatrist, do cardio, and lift. Lifestyle changes have the evidence behind them to work out better than drug therapy. You can also try online cognitive behavioral therapy

as above. Depression and anxiety go hand in hand

then it'll be best to detox in a hospital. Afterwards consider AA

alcohol withdrawal is potentially deadly
opiod withdrawal is not. You only feel like dying.
benzos do work, but probably best to get some long-acting ones like Librium. The danger zone is within 72 hours of your body completely metabolizing the alcohol, which has the highest risk of seizures or delirium tremens

went to school in the united states. thats all you need to know faggot

get your dad to suck on it

French fag here. Google Baclofen


I'm not sure how bad off you are, but for me getting sober was a long process:

1. Detox in hospital
2. Inpatient rehab for 4 months
3. Two years in a sober house
4. AA the entire time: 5-7 meetings per week

I wasn't court-ordered to do any of this. I was just finally sick of drinking all the damn time. In the past, I would quit for maybe a week or two, get detoxed, and would have no intention of drinking, but I would always pick back up.

Anyway, I think your first priority should be to get physically detoxed. Then maybe check out some AA meetings and let them know that you're new and are looking for a temporary sponsor. Then just do what your sponsor says and things will start to get a lot better.

I've been sober 5 years now, and life has gotten a hell of a lot better. And it's much easier to stay sober than it is to get sober. The first 3-6 months are the worst for most people. For me, I thought about drinking constantly for about the first 2.5 years. Now I don't really think about it at all, except when I'm at an AA meeting.

Good luck. Sobriety really is a better way of life.

give ur fuckin specialty bitch stop being such a pussy ass little cunt.

kill yourself.

inb4 fucking family med, bitch ass.

I've had chronic diarrhea for the last few years. Honestly surprised my asshole hasn't melted from all the liquid shit that's come out of me.

Too poor to go to real doctor, so help me out here.

ive actually had diarrhea for months on end from time to time, as well.

can't be good.

Okay, thanks for the help doc. I think I'll avoid motorcycles for a while lol

No, like this isn't a "from time to time" thing. It's been constant for the last, gunna say, 3 years. Maybe a little longer, maybe a little less.

Eat a ton of fiber but that only helps a little from time to time. Maybe a day or two of solid shit then back to liquid nightmare.

Pls doc, I'm contemplating studying medicine (Postgrad in Australia, probably University of WA) currently studying Human Biology bachelor, what's your experience with med school? What process did you go through? Is there anywhere I can get some experience as a doctor before commiting to the postgrad
>Not sure if I have the integrity/capacity to be a doctor

run of the mill absesses arent contagious, fucktard. STDs are tho, including HIV and syphillis. RIP you
describe your symptoms more and ill diagnose the most likely STD

a condom will be fine but wont be 100% effective. if the pussy is good than just go for it. Herpes isnt THAT bad

also i just noticed there seems to be another medfag giving out advice here. fuck off nigger this is MY thread

Meant subtalar joint dickweed (cuboid bone), just typed the wrong fucking thing since its been years since I even had to deal with that shit in studies (to be an Athletic Trainer).

pretty sure fiber only increases gi movement, leading to more diarrhea.

i could be wrong here tho.

Not OP, but could be IBS. if it is, treat with menthol and probiotics, cut out most of your fiber, lactose, gluten, irritants like spices, and sulfers for a few weeks and see if you feel better.

Not OP but did that cause you weightloss?
Also,it could be crohns or colitis ,you should check if there are certain foods causing this or if it's gets better or worse from certain things.

>has a medical licence
>Herpes isnt THAT bad

Unholy fuck mate, I'd hate to be your fucking patient.

is that a calcaneotalus articulation?

havent learned that one yet.

I mean the puss is worth it, but if I will get herpes guaranteed I think I'll pass, thanks doc

I think this doctor might be of the "dr dre" variety.

Saddly not. I'm 20 pounds over weight. A little less when I'm working (do shitty seasonal work). I've tried tons of different foods, even tried going vegan once. Just made me feel like utter shit.

Fucking hell. You serious? Health nut friend of mine is the one who told me to double down on the fiber. Definitely gunna try. Thanks.

literally incurable. that guy is a fucking idiot.

yeah you would get more diarrhea pretty fucking sure.

I ate magic mushrooms two nights ago and ever since then My dick burns like hell when I pee. I had unprotected sex about two weeks ago and went in today for an STD test but the results won't be back for over a week. I am not experiencing any odd colored semen or any other symptoms. I want to think this is related to the mushrooms because it started happening the very morning after I took them. Please advise.

Do antidepressants even work? Or antipsychotics?
I was on Latuda and went off and I feel same as before.

Nah, there is indeed a "hot enough" if she's the one.

I'll take some itching for superior family genetics, straight up

Waddup doc

It provides talocalcanear articulation, yes, assisting with inversion and eversion of the foot. Also forms a part of the talocalcaneonavicular joint.

To OP: apologies for the med shit I'm throwing around in here, just trying to assist a Sup Forumsro and advise a little.


I think I ate a ball of crack & passed out pissed my pants. feels like I might have had a mini stroke is that possible? & in which case would it benefit me to seek medical treatment?

Whats the most effective and easiest way to kill yourself

Well, do you continue to eat the same amount of fiber or do you get discouraged and go back to normal or increase the amount?

Not OP, but when it comes to pooping, you're always dealing with old data. The poop you have today could be the result of something you ate days ago. So, if you increase your fiber on a Monday, you might not see the first results of that until Thursday. But also fiber can cause diarrhea AND/OR constipation. You really have to listen to your body and stay consistent for weeks at a time to really figure out anything having to do with diet or poop

My mom got herpes before I was born. Do I have herpes?
Also I tore my rotator cuff 6 years ago. Is it too late to get it fixed?
Thanks nigger doctor

fuck our lives..

not op, could be the clap. Don't always show all (or even any) of the symptoms. Had it once, found out my ex was cheating on me. If it is you'll get some antibiotics and it'll be gone in a week or so.

can't see the shrooms doing that two nights after the fact. I've had it happen while on them, never after.

I stubbed my toe a week ago and nail is all purple. No real pain but bleeds a lot if I touch it, keep weight on it.

Do I just wait for my nail to fall of or what

STD symptoms will show up between days to three weeks of last sexual activity with someone else, and up to 6 months for HIV.

Not OP but probably helium mask

the emergency room will be kind of pissed off that you showed up FOUR MONTHS after the incident but they'd still be obligated to see you. I'd suggest just finding a neurologist or general practitioner to sign off on an MRI, just to make sure there's not some sort of aneurysm that burst or is about to burst

i specialize in giving your mom the dick

how many episodes per day and how much weight have you lost? and no blood in your shit, right? try a gluten free diet or something. i dunno

i hated med school. I just went though the usual process. i shadowed a dermatologist like a retard and thought his kush life was the norm. Do more shadowing and see if it's your calling. Otherwise do dentistry. Good money, low liability, good hours, less school

herpes is annoying but it wont cause any fucked up shit like syphillis or whatever. You really need to take into account the hotness of the pussy and just take a calcuated risk

Its literally just a little vesicle on your dick. Boo-hoo faggot virgin. Take some valtrex and kill yourself

no problem. Musculoskeletal is my weak point

I'm gonna go fap and sleep. sorry for any questions i missed. if you have an urgent matter then just call me, my number is 911

How get

Risk of infection, dude. Go see a doc, they will pull it. Don't be a pussy about it, it's better than losing your foot/leg.

I have a shitty knee. Old running injury, ran on uneven ground and pain in the outer ligament (LCL I think). Felt fine beside some discomfort then suddenly collapsed that night on the stairs.

Couldn't walk on it for a week but i've slowly rehabbed it to the point where I can now squat heavy and run but it sometimes get irritated and almost regularly feels unstable even after being able to lift weight. When i walk it feels loose at times, but not at others. Occasionally when I run on it it has a tingling sensation, esp when pressure is put on the surrounding area.

Question :
Did I fuck it up completely ?
Is there anything I can do to make my knee stable again?
What causes the tingling sensation after I run on it?

>not OP everywhere

I always stick to it. Have high in fiber bars. eat 4 or 5 of them everyday. Been doing it for a year and a half now. Gunna try listening to one of the other anons, cut some shit out of my diet and see how that goes.

I sometimes cough blood after work, my boss says it is normal, is he lying?

Well, if it's overactive paristolsis type IBS, like I have. I thought fiber was the answer too, was always eating kale and shit but never felt better. When I went to the doctor, he told me fiber is for constipation type IBS, or underactive paristolsis.

Google what to eat with diarrhoea type IBS, eat like that for a couple weeks and if you feel better, slowly introduce other foods one at a time til you figure out what's triggering the IBS.

You're gonna have to cut out a lot. Excess salt, black pepper, spices, fiber, most lactose and majority of gluten, soy, excess sugar, etc etc

Prepare to lose weight lol

I hear ya. This is why alcohol is one of my friends.

almost everyone have some kind of herpes, but not everyone has symptoms. If your immunity decrease, you can express, if you have te most common... there are genital herpes too that fucks your genitals

Thanks, they said it could be that or chlamydia. But they told me that both of them are easily treatable and curable. I hope antibiotics aren't too much money, I'm not exactly raking in fat stacks.

Haven't lost any weight. No blood, no.
>try a gluten free diet or something. i dunno

Fuck man, the other user were more helpful than you. Weren't kidding about the "kind of a shitty doctor" bit.

Guess I could go to a walk-in to find a doc to sign of on a head scan.... But if i had an aneurysm and it popped, wouldn't i know? Wouldnt i be dead.

>what do you call the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the planet who ever graduated medical school?


but nooooooooo we can't turn to weeeeed.

they forbaaaaaaade itttttt


My penis has a slight curve to the left
Does my penis look ok?

What the fuck,

Awesome thread OP

Got an athletic hernia and no money. What do?

Doc I am fairly sure I have a varicocele on my left testicle. I've had two doctors look at (paid for by the Socialist Republic of Canuckistan) and they both thought it was a vericocel as well. It causes me next to no pain or discomfort should I fair it treated or wait a while to see if it goes away?

Get back in your cock rate containment thread you faggot.