Why is Rashida Jones the writer of Toy Story 4 when she has not really written anything noteworthy...

Why is Rashida Jones the writer of Toy Story 4 when she has not really written anything noteworthy? Isn't that a pretty big step for a beginning screenwriter?

I want to paint the back of her ass and thighs with my boy glue.

Is it normal to suck on a girls nipples during sex

Probably let someone at Disney fuck her ass for it.

It's the 4th sequel to a series about CGI toys for kids. Do you really think it's that complicated to write?

I would do very degrading acts to her tbqh

It's a big step 4U


Because Toy Story 4 will be about a female toy that is more rational and caring than Woody.
Toy Story 2 gets retconned out as an elaborate dream sequence

yes, and run your hands all over them at same time. the more sbody contact during sex for women the better, even putting all your weight on top of them they like.

>On her multi-racial identity, she has remarked "I have gone through periods where I only feel black or Jewish. Now I have a good balance

Yes. My favorite is sitting upright, with her thighs wrapped around my waist, my cock deep inside her. The girl rocks gently on my cock; each time it presses against her clit she shudders. We are kissing deeply and I lick her nipples before she orgasms, powerfully, crying my name.

Then I wake up.

i'm a big fan of this thread so far
could do with more pics if i'm honest tho

Idk. She's a Harvard grad though. And I think she's written a comic book series.

Nigger Jew

Go back to pol shithead.

It's amazing how genetics work.
Her mom was white and her dad black, and she is brown.
Perfect candidate to play Cleopatra imho.

Quincy Jones is her father. She has connections

Can we all just describe exactly how we would fill Rashida Jones with our semen?

What the fuck happened to bo peep in the movie?

It's simple.
All you faggots will move aside and I will fuck her as I please.
Then I will cum deep inside her and impregnate her.

>Implying I'm wrong shithead


because (((them)))



>harvard grad
>all she has is a side character that didn't make it past 2 seasons, Angie Tribeca that everyones already forgotten and being light enough to not be considered a tar baby

wow I can't wait for her Toy Story 4 movie! I mean because she's a Harvard grad

>wanting a female character with internalized misogyny

Kill yourself hillbilly.

Would it be considered racemixing if a brown man makes her pregnant?
I know that she's half black and half white, but anyone who doesn't know about her parentage will just assume she's middle-eastern.

She's a jew there is literally no other qualification you need

>Toy Story 4
>4th sequel

It's not like you went to Harvard faggot. A lot of the writers during the golden age of Simpsons were just Harvard grads.

Because Hollywood is about connections and who you're friends with, not about skill.

She's written two screenplays two. One which is already a movie etc.

But some fat hillbilly is mad at the jews.

why are you all such ugly people?

Exactly. These dudes are most likey fat comunity college students mad at the world.

Because it doesn't matter who writes or directs when it's automatically going to be > 90% at RT.

She sits on my face for 30 minutes, then she gags me and binds me to her milking table, where she will peg me, bite and tickle my penis, and finally let me cum down her throat. We will do this every day.

Hollywood likes to give titles with very well-travelled and formulaic approaches to newbies. They're cheap, it gives them a chance to cut their teeth, and the script could practically write itself with how much convention there is going to be.

Remember how they gave that one Shrek film to some "lol internet famous!" Animator? It seems pretty common.

Being a Harvard Grad means almost nothing now a days you fucking idiot, especially when you go there some something other than STEM.

Who the fuck cares? Post some good Rashida, I haven't fapped in two weeks.

>implying toy story 3 wasn't 10/10

Hollyjew is all about who you know and writing screenplays is pathetically easy.

Despite what Sup Forums might tell you she is very smart and this will be no problem for her.

You just know

1st and 3rd were both perfectly written actually. It's not as easy as it looks

>Being a Harvard Grad means almost nothing now a days you fucking idiot
why is that

Are you fucking retarded or like 15? A Harvard degree opens doors all over the world.

of course she is smart, she is half white

Is Rashida the only 40+ actress people on Sup Forums will unironically lewdpost about?

I guess black really don't crack.

>black lovers trying this hard to defend their fetish

kek next you'll say she was the shining star in The Office

Yeah her black father is only worth 9 figures.

Kill yourselves you insufferable idiots.

t. proud owner of GED

Because bro she's beautiful. Pretty girls get everything they want

I mean wouldn't you give her all your paychecks?? I would

Go back to pol. Seriously. You dudes fucking suck. Such ugly miserable human beings.

>Rashida thread
>Only two images of the seemiedeemie (one of which is a low quality thumbnail)

Wtf? I hate Sup Forums now.

That position isn't as great as you'd imagine.


I guess getting a first job is a difficult concept to understand for a NEET.

Go to google images you disgusting neckbeards. Smh.

>ywn go back in time 10 years and suckle on prime rashidas tits while you jerk off your pathetic dick and she sarcastically mocks you and calls you poor white trash

feels bad man

If you think Toy Story 3 was anything above 8/10 then you probably thought Up was 10/10.

Itt neckbeard virgins

Her no name father and mother have no connections in the entertainment industry, she made it on her own! Not! He he ho ho

Fuck off, fatty. Go defend your pets somewhere else

If you're fucking girls over two bills I bet it's agony.

>He thinks Toy Story 4 will be written by only 1 person

kek ur funny m8, but TS4 will have at least 4-5 writers, same as TS3

Holy shit, shouldn't you be out protesting and justifying cop killings?
Fuck off with that nigger slang while you're at it

You don't get how Hollywood works, do you?

Karen is a screenwriter? Never would've figured. I thought she was just some nobody who played a short role on The Office.

It's not even about that. It just doesn't give much ability to thrust.

Jim chose that bulldog over this. Jesus.

>fucking girls over two bills

Why would you do that? 150 should be the absolute limit unless she's over 6'

You fucking fat nigger sjw cunt, I'm going to slap a bitch in your name.

Very urban in this one.

That's why you save it for romantic morning sex, just before simultaneous Yoga, then on to a smoothie of activated almonds and kale.


So did she age well? She wasn't hot before.

>Swn press your tiny flaccid dick inside you with her big toe and giggle while you squirm and cum all over yourself

Who does she have to mate with to keep perfection consistent ?

I take my rock hard weiner and put it in her furchina and then pee.

>Is Rashida the only 40+ actress people on Sup Forums will unironically lewdpost about?

She is a Jew. She can do what she wants.

Do you know black don't crack from Paul mooney or rlm?


It was pretty stupid to stick to the british Office pairing. Rashida would have gotten all my dick


Why does everybody call her black? Her father is mixed and her mother is a jew.


dam son, you need release

These same retards get all huffy when you laugh at them for watching Saturday Night Live and Talkshill Show 900. These faggots defended Leslie Jones for months.

eternal milfu

As a male the whole race mixing thing does not effect you.

Race is carried on by the mother

That is why they say if your mom is a Jew you are a Jew

As a male your job is to fuck and suck your way to as many women as possible


>assume she's middle-eastern.
She's not? Rashid(a) are pretty much stereotypical middle-eastern names though, yes, even amongst the none muslims or arabs.

Did you even read the whole post?
I said, "anyone who doesn't know about her parentage"

what pisses me off about rashida is that she has no good lewd movie scene except for some soft core magazine shit.

Which applies to me.

mfw rashida is a mixed Aubrey plaza without autism or a drug addiction

her mom is pretty cool in a sexual fashion

kek Jews can't hide the sand genes behind Euro features once they start mixing with none Euros.

My bad, I misinterpreted your message.
Forgive me senpai, it's getting late here.