
Misogynia painos

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esimene eestile

Auttakka saatana miten mä korjaan tän, kaaduim ton paskan päälle

juuh viinaa vaan

Postaamalla hentsua tänne, yrittäen saada tripla kutoset. Saatana korjaa telineesi.

Jos YHWH koskaan pistää ranttaliksi, teillä uhrauksia tekemättömillä ihmistä palvojilla Jumalan nimeä tuntemattomilla tulee olemaan todella, todella kusiset paikat.


hey finnbros, what's going on in this video:

Matuleiri is on tuli

Heitä vittuun ja osta uusi. Maksaa varmaan 1€/kg jossain tokmannilla.

Kerro kuka on sun jumalas sitten?

It's normal evening in Helsinki.

Nothing to see here.

What is matuleiri?


kuusi palaa

>Namessa ei lue UncleSamePatriot
Olet aika paska rölli. Ei jatkoon.

En ole rukoillut, mutta kerran pierasin kirkossa. Heti helpotti. Tosin se kaikui ihan helvetisti.

Leiri of matus

>tv show
wow, groundbreaking scientific research there.

(then again, I'm too autistic to comment on normie female friendships out of my own experience, my female friends seem extremely different from the 'norm', in that they're loyal and logical as fug)

how do I get a finnish gf?

invader fortress


how do i get finnish bf?


Paras noita

>how do i get finnish bf?

shitpost here infinitely, leave some contact information
worked for me.


I want to bottom for a cute finnish guy

it's an illegal camping site in middle of helsinki set up by refugee which someone set on fire

>they didnt pick female marines for the test, this is not scientific

equal outcome sjw cunt strikes again

so you fugged one finn ?

Oispa kalmarityty

>set up by refugee which someone set on fire

5 bucks says they set it on fire themselves.

no one will take that bet because thats exactly what happened, it started inside the tent and all the mudslimes burned their hands and nothing else


ensiksi valmistaudut naisesi haukkuihin, sit mitä nyymi sano

Of course they did

strawmanning as fug, never implied "repeat with military women", I merely that you can't draw conclusions in an experience where you're really far from using a reliable, objective methodology.
Also, my friends are scientists, not in the military.

Täällä taas hyysätään näitä muukalaisia pois ajamisen sijaan.
Tekisitte niinkuin minä, eli joisitte alkoholia ja katsoisitte animea.
Pois. Kaikki. Me ollaan /mämmi/läisiä.


Reverse Dwarf Fortress. Instead of a fortress full of stout industrious alcoholistic people besieged and invaded by all kind of pilfering creeps, it is a fortress of invading pilfering creeps, besieged by industrious alcoholistic people.

Onko kirjolohi lohi vai taimen

they were ordinary women just like the men were ordinary men, it was as good as any scientific test could be, you are just salty because you cant let go of identity poltiics, your genres is the main part of your identity so you feel forced to defend women everywhere

>Also, my friends are scientists, not in the military.
yes nice anecdote, Im sure thats much more scientific

why u dindu let the whole autistic finnish crew gangbang you ?

>stk ei söpöö loli lohikäärme tyty-ydee.

MMffuuuhh yäääääää

Onko lohi lohi vai?

Ei vittu sain syövän

No one else was willing to stoop so low

kattokaa ny tätä paskaa

ulkkiksia lanka täynnä voi vittu teidän kanssa vitun vammaset näätähuorat

yksikin (You) vielä niille niin vittu mä räjähdän

Tuo kuva triggeröi autismini, koska se pitää lukijaansa älyllisesti pilkkanaan arvioimalla heidät kaikki idiooteiksi. Tosin infograafien ystävät yleensä ovat idiootteja.
Samaa muuten tekee suurin osa televisio-ohjelmista.

>stk liian älykäs maailmaan

>rainbow trout

Ai tuhti lolikäärme on sun mielees vai?
Ehkäpäs mun pitäs jutella mun kaverille, LOLIISIPEIJOONALLE tästä.

Onko lohikäärme käärme vai lohi?

Lohikäärme on saatana.

Ei kumpikaan vaan matelija


Mitäs homot? Vieläkö autismi on kanssanne? :D


Voi voi

Varovasti lolien kanssa.

Onko Sudenkorento susi taikka kori?

I never said that my experience was any more scientific, read my post again
if you take a small amount of people at 'random' you might always get someone with an extremely rare disease, or with prodigious memory, or able to see more colors than most people, that does not tell you a thing about the population in general.
Noise is a thing.
Some other more explicit example is when someone takes pics of the deep sky objects with some badass telescope from below the atmosphere. As badass as the telescope is, and as random as the noise in the atmosphere is, you'll still have to preprocess the image a lot to make it more similar to reality due to all the unavoidable bias of a similed sample.

Also, how you choose the sample is something important and not mentioned in the OP, I'd assume that people that would like to participare in reality TV are specially narcissistic, loud and dramatic. I guess there could be some of them also in for the 'fun', but it's still a filter, you can't say that the people are completely random if you sample is biased shit.

tldr: take a course on Probability and Statistics.
Again, I'm not saying that the results are definitively wrong and that you'll get something different if you use a better methodology, only that your methodology is so shit that you can't call that an experiment.

Oon saanu tänään kahdeksat animebännit ylilaudalle ja sama lapolanka on kohta 24h etusivulla kun aika menee animekuvia jahdatessa.

Modeilla vissiin kädet täynnä töitä tai jotain.

Lolit saattavat houkutella sinut pakettiautoon lupaamalla näyttää miten hyvin osaavat imeä tikkunekkua. Mutta oikeasti ne sitovat sinut, kuljettavat sinut loliluolaan ja tekevät sinulle rivja juttuja.

Ai tää on taas kerran tällänen ketju.
No, pistetään lolita tulille.

Eli käärme

Käärmeet ei matele

I only fell in love with one man, so I could only give myself to him. Also, I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't have liked to share me, and I respect both my body and my beloved's feelings, so of course I wouldn't have had sex with anyone else.

yes you did, you brought up your oh so amazing friends because you thought they would perform oh so better because they arent backstabbing cunts

but hte fact is that your "scientist" (probably other marxism feminist sjws lets be real here) arent the majority nor the norm of what women are

Lolit yrittävät houkutella sinut viemäriin tarjoamalla rock-musiikkia fyysisessä mediassa.

Ai niillä on jalat? Onko ne jalat piilossa?

Hopi intiaanien mukaan neljännen maailman loppu lähestyy kun tasangoilla kulkee mustat nauhat(asfalttitiet) ja mantereen halki luikertelee metalliset käärmeen(junat).
Maailma tulee peittymään verkkoon(internet), tytöt sekoittavat mielessään itsensä pojiksi ja pervous leviää(turrit).

Sininen tähti saapuu ja viidenteen maailmaan säästyvät vain ne jotka muistaa vanhat tavat ja elää niiden mukaan. Vain yksisydämmiset jotka eivät ole menettäneet itseään teknologisille ja muille harhautuksille jotka saavat ihmisen unohtamaan itsensä ja oikean paikkansa.
Kaikille muille se on loppu.

>I cant say that its isint a good experiment nor can I suggest a better way of doing it but ITS SHIT BECAUSE IT MADE WOMEN LOOK BAAAAAD

seriously, its like talking to children, pathetic

Intiaanit eivät tunteneet metalleja, btw.

Pthyi. Halluaako jokku dotta apustajia?

Ei, mateluun juuri tarvitaan jalat. Käärmeet kiemurtelee



Aka. the proper way.

i was just trolling

Entäs kulta?

Rupesin jo miettimään mitä ne etes on. Kiemureläimiä. Kärmeslajikkeita.


Jos luotetaan Pocahontakseen, Pohjois-Amerikan intiaanit eivät tunteneet sitäkään.

>but hte fact is that your "scientist" arent the majority nor the norm of what women are
I completely agree and I said it in the first post where I mentioned them
Also, by scientists I meant physicists/mathematicians, I don't have social skills so I don't delve too far from my own area
Yeah, I do believe they'd perform better, but
>Again, I'm not saying that the results are definitively wrong and that you'll get something different if you use a better methodology, only that your methodology is so shit that you can't call that an experiment.

>I cant say that its isint a good experiment
But I did say that, senpai, your sample is shit and that ruined everything.
>nor can I suggest a better way of doing it
Take a better sample (no, not "better" woman, but a sample that does not have the obvious bias of selecting people for reality tv)
Just google how to find a representative random sample in a population, it's often done for politics, and I'm pretty sure it's taught in high school.
Also, repeat the experience with many different random samples of men and women, give some scores, arevage the results
really, that's literally doing the astroinformatics pictures example except with people

>Again, I'm not saying that the results are definitively wrong and that you'll get something different if you use a better methodology, only that your methodology is so shit that you can't call that an experiment.
as if I cared about "women looking bad" most can do that by themselves


no one believes this, you are just trying to make yourself look more desirable by acting loyal to the guy who pumped and dumped you

>oh look Im so pure, I could be this great towards you too tee hee :3c

if you were a good decent woman (or person) you wouldnt gossip about your relationship in public for attention

I know. I'm used to replying to stuff with autistic honesty/amount of detail most of the time.

>ole postaamassa samaa kuvaa
>katso että ilmestyy ennen mua
>sama tiedostonimi kans
Oletko mun psykoosi?

Olemme saman kolikon kaksi puolta.

Mitä lautatyyliä käytätte? Itellä ois toi: Tomorrow

but we're still together, sort of. I was the one who "dumped" him, but it was a stupid choice unrelated to our feelings towards each other

>if you were a good decent woman (or person) you wouldnt gossip about your relationship in public for attention
I don't do it for attention. Everyone knows that when you're in love you kind of want everyone to know. I'm retarded as fuck when it comes to social stuff, so I can't really stop talking about him, it's even worse outside the internet.

>trying to make yourself look more desirable
I don't want that, as I said, we're both looking forward returning to each other soon, but have to deal with unrelated shit for some time.

:DDDSDDD ebin, I'd add some smug animu grils though

Nyt loppu ryyppääminen.

Itse olen tylsä ja käytän yotsuba b

siima syylä

Hyi vittu tässä Scott Pilgrimissä maistuu teini-ikä.
Lisäksi mikä vitun fetissi tekijällä on vinosilmiin?

Perfect is the enemy of good, nothing is perfect but thats as good as we got atm. and there are no glaring mistakes or errors in it so there is no need to act so stubborn against the results, no one is surprised by them since they have been replicated by everyone in everyday life.

the only bias there was that they were picking more capable women than men because "girl power", the mainstream media has an agenda to show women in good light, where did you take this idea that the men they chose for that show are somehow not attention whoring narcissists? the whole things is about our psychological differences, our backgrounds or personalities would have very little difference in our ability to work together, women just have never had to do that in human history so its not a trait that got passed down over the generations

and you arent fooling anyone with your tough girl talk, actions speak louder than words and your irrational jump to attack that experiment shows your true colors

Miks sä sellasta ripulia katot?

>ei pidä vinosilmistä
lmaoan elämällesi

Oikeastaan juuh, pistä antimagustaja nyt aluksi kun tiedän sen olevan jo olemassa mutta jäi tallentamatta.

>sort of
oh dear...

>Everyone does it
no one decent who respects their partner and their relationship does it, if you want to argue why this isint true hten go ahead but since you agreed that you have no idea about manner and norms you would have hard time persuading anyone that you know jacks shit about the subject

>No Im not doing that I promise
+more lies to sugar up your public appearance here

>I-I would t-totally be with him right now and not here talking to guys I dont know but y-you know, random shit I g-gotta do he-he...

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Aasialaiset ovat sieluttomia robotteja, josta on hakattu kaikki yksilöllisyys pois yhteiskunnan toimesta.

Tulen laittamaan ilmaa patteriisi, pelle.

