Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly bet that there is no God.
Math has conclusively proven that God exists, so why do you foolishly choose disbelief?
Jonathan Peterson
Because my life fuckin sucks. Why should give God any credit for this giant pile of bullshit.
Jeremiah Rogers
faggot confirmed
Luke Cox
Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to suck a warm log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly not sucked a warm log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole.
Math has conclusively suck a warm log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole, so why do you foolishly choose to not suck a warm log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?
Eli Lee
i do, priase be unto Allah my friend, huehuehue
Michael Sullivan
>existence disproven by a thing I created
Joshua Ortiz
They finally ban you from /pol faggot?
Samuel Morris
I don't disbelieve. I am firmly, irrefutably, convinced God exists. And he hates us ALL, with a depth and passion that defies our ability to define the word.
I'm living fucking proof of that. Want corroboration? AMA.
Ian Fisher
Math has not proven the existence of god. Also, good luck picking the correct god as most of them consider believing in another god just as bad as disbelief. Pascal's wager doesn't take this into account, which is why it's retarded. Christianity is fucking stupid, but if you want to believe in it, then do so, but understand that there are tons of logical reasons why the rest of us don't.
Christian Jenkins
Check dem trips, and ask me anything. I'm drunk, and pissed enough at the world to answer anything you want to know honestly as I possibly can.