Let us all laugh at Suicide Squad's RT ratings together

Let us all laugh at Suicide Squad's RT ratings together.
Dump your finest reaction pics here.

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Even fucking batman is laughing at it


>carrying about payed ratings



More of this meme with the DC cap.





I like following trends too, user. They make me feel like I'm a part of something. Like I have friends. They help me forget about the loneliness. One of my favourite things to do when someone insults me or says that they don't care about superhero movies is to hit caps lock and type 'DCSHILL' or 'YOU'RE MAD'. For that one, brief moment, I forget I'm me. I forget that I don't have any friends. That I don't have a girlfriend. That no one would really care if I died. That I'm wasting my youth hanging onto the coattails of a company that I have nothing to do with. I can pretend I've accomplished something, and cling to the success of an industry that would not be affected one iota if I set myself on fire and jumped off of a bridge. That's the power of Marvel. That's the magic of Disney. I'm cold.






How about a whole video?



It's Nolan Batman. Of course he's laughing at the colossal clusterfuck DC has become since he left.

Absolutely savage


You think you are the chosen kino Ben?

>My friend bought tickets online today
Is it really THAT fucking bad? I liked deadpool, so there is a chance I might like it?

who is this fellow that is always laughing?

Literally worse than Ghostbusters (2016). Put those DCucks on suicide watch!

How are these webms not making fun of Hack Snyder? Affleck is the only good thing in DC movies by a long shot.


my sides

Where are the mods to ban this retard again?

Nah, he's funny m8.

Go to bed DCuck



Oh yes. Most people like him. It's just that Affleck's reaction in that clip was priceless.

Hack Snyder deserves his share of ridicule since the man is a bloody moron, but he's just not as recognizable and hasn't made any funny faces in interviews that's gone viral.

Thank you DC

Everytime you fail Evans posting comes back



>30 unique posters

join us


I'm almost starting to think DC has some weird Hollywood Accounting thing going on where they WANT to lose money and ruin flicks

You'd think they would've produced a decent movie just by random chance





>You'd think they would've produced a decent movie just by random chance


This is too much


shared and liked

Captain Laughmerica



Someone put the dc fans on suicide watch

>[Full review in Spanish]