Is there a film and television equivalent to this chart?

Is there a film and television equivalent to this chart?


>Bitching about psuedo intellectualism
>Make this condescending trash

this would all be fine if it weren't for the fact that the creator likes Weezer
that effectively invalidates the whole image

this tbqh senpai

>Dark Side of the Moon
>feigns intellectual worth
literally kill yourself

Rivers is literally Sup Forums the person. Go fuck yourself.

>Is there a film and television equivalent to this chart?

yea, everything people like in Sup Forums because 90 percent is r/eddit.

Knowing that whoever made this is from Sup Forums effectively invalidates the image.

Demon Days is one of the best albums made this century though.

Of course

Reddit is too normie for rivers cuomo. Rivers cuomo is an autistic man who married the female president of the Japanese weezer fan club. He's the definition of a robot.

Most of Sup Forums is this chart with how pretentious and shitty it is

Bojack Horseman is actually incredible.

Sup Forums is obsessed with GoT, how is it reddit?

you already posted this on Sup Forums faggot

Fight Club
The Dark Knight
Pulp Fiction
The Matrix

>got thread v crossposting shitters
>"Sup Forums"

He's actually right, user.

>Mad Men
>Silicon Valley
>The Wire

reddit is also obsessed with it,even more so

t. Scaruffi drone

>Bojack Horseman is actually incredible.

Please tell me how an unfunny pretentious show about a rich depressed horse is incredible

>Silicon Valley

reddit doesn't understand the genius of sv

reading that got a laugh from me gj user

>all prog is redditcore

>Demon days
>not plebbit beach

>If it exists, it's Reddit.

pretty much this

>Silicon Valley
>Breaking Bad

those arent shows you call reddit, you call them brettygood since they are best watched on steam sites; enjoyed by plebs and patricians alike

Nicely crafted bait


t. redditor

Thanks, reddit

>everything popular = reddit

Yeah that's pretty much correct

I unironically consider this list accurate

Demon Days is one of the best albums of all time. I dont even go on Reddit so fuck off m8
