honest answers please
im 15, never kissed a girl.
this is mostly because i go to a fucking weird ass school where half the girls are emos and the good girls are taken.
should i have kissed a girl already?
Honest answers please
Nah, it's completely fine until 18-19. Get the fuck out of here, and try to meet people outside your school, or you'll end up a weirdo permavirgin.
go play sports u lil fag
My autistic ass kissed a girl till 22
My first was 16. Just give it some time and talk to people outside of your school. Or steal someone elses bitch.
Get the fuck off of Sup Forums, underage b&.
Also I was kissing girls left and right by the time I was 15 and I'm autistic as fuck, so you're certainly a late bloomer.
You should have had some sexual experience by now, like sucking on your dog's cock.
There's no right or wrong answer.
But just go for it lildawg
If this isn't bait
Leave and never come back here.
There's no set age you should kiss, date or fuck by. Just live your life and it'll happen when you aren't thinking on it as much.
So emo is bad? Those are the ones that really turn me on, fuck all cheerleaders.
become the emo pull the bitches
It doesnt happen im in my 30's still live in an appartment playing Sup Forums.
never talked to a girl.
one time a fat lady in centerlink yelled at me cloesest iv been to losing virginity
Newfag alert! Eat my shorts newfag... lolz..
I dont know theres hot emos, but then again there are gross emo girls too.
Don't listen to this fag OP, he's either lying because he still hasn't gotten a pee - pee touch or riddled with herps and paying alimony.
15 is an age where you should be developing your sense of self and growing into the adult you want to be, and unless you want to grow into a poon hound don't sweat the females (they can smell fear). You will find someone bro, maybe someone you havent even met yet.
If you can focus on growing into a well-adjusted, mature individual the ladies will be an afterthought, and you can find someone you really love.
Until then get off Sup Forums, you underage fag
Since you're asking something like this, you know the answer.
Are there any cute emo girls at your school? Someone you'd get a kick out of cheering up?
Socially awkward kid here I seriously can't talk to anyone
First kiss was 13 or 14 and I've got another when I was 15 so I'd imagine your not too far behind
*slow clap*
Hey socially awkward kid, how do feminine penises taste like?
Your a fucking fetus.,, and that's a good thing.. plenty of time left to catch multiple STD's all in good time sonny boy.
B7 him Mods!
>Look mom I'm trolling Sup Forums!!
Believe it or not, not everyone on Sup Forums is an ignorant child such as yourself.
In truth it doesn't matter. Who gives a shit about your first kiss. FUCKING NO ONE.
If you want to conquer life let it play its game and you have fun with it. No one determines what matters but you. Fuck what people think and remember that when you die you will be forgotten.
Socially awkward kid here, again, they taste like fresh strawberries user, they goood.
No don't worry, plus i dont care about muh first kiss.
Why celebrate your first kiss when it won't be your last ?
no. you will get cooties. kissing grills is overrated.
Nah dont worry about that. When i was 17 i was making out with my classmate on daily bases. Now im 19 and cant find a girl