Who Hates Rockstar games?

Who Hates Rockstar games?

Name: rockstar.com

~Starting Nmap 7.40 ( nmap.org ) at 2017-03-13 08:14 Central Daylight Time
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.079s latency).
Not shown: 998 filtered ports
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 17.99 seconds~

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there is literally not one single reason to hate Rockstar

nice trips though, nice full house


well good sir, we're already planing to dos/ddos.

Mad? because you don't got the skills?

is this really happening?

this is why nobody likes you

Cool, but your God does. :D

> runs nmap
> discovers that they have an http and an https server

wow, u r l33t hax0r

you must be 18 years or older to post here skid

Niggers don't have a say, All Niggers must wait out side.

wow! I'm sure a successful gaming company that runs servers for online play has never been DDoSed before! they are sure to tremble at your might!

mkdir pifm

cd pifm/

wget icrobotics.co.uk/wiki/images/c/c3/Pifm.tar.gz

tar -xzf Pifm.tar.gz


sudo ./pifm sound.wav 98.4

oh ffs

lets just do it

some one click it

Quality thread, OP.
You're doing great.

Wow, congratulations you must be autistic.

it's a way to broadcast on the radio for the raspberry pi

Autist in action

Autistic* get it right moron.

also I ain't running anything from Sup Forums as root.


using nmap aint hard lols

>also I ain't running anything from Sup Forums as root.

Meet me on the IRC Chats: webchat.anonops.com

the fuck does this mean

Who cares dumbass, It needs to be plan and simple.

You must be Autistic or Either fucking 12 years old.

what next? havij?lollssss

I'm fucking loving this thread, you guys.

I am too, It's got me laughing my ass off.

do something op

op doing a uber hack

inb4 404

anyone still here lol

I'm expecting LOIC, to be honest.

i don't think its happening

>a -private- Class C network

You're fucking retarded OP, sage goes in all fields.

RDR will feature the events of the Blackwater Massacre in 1899, and John's failed assassination in 1906.
The timeline will likely bend slightly hither and from.
The three playable characters are Landon Ricketts, a personalized character in Dutch's gang, and a donkey
dont ask how i kno

>dont ask how i kno
how u know?

also why ricketts? why wouldnt they let you play john?

was going to post some shit for op being such a fag - this however is more interesting by far!