Hacksaw Ridge
what do you guys think

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guys please watch this trailer...i think its amazing because its not just a war has something different...

Growing up I had Desmond Doss pounded into my head.
He could have done a lot more with a 1911 inside his pocket, instead of a bible.

I have never heard of him.
But then again im from Mongolia, so why would I?

Is it going to be better than Dunkirk?

Is Gibson better than Nolan?

that's cool

you're cool

Fucking religious bullshit.

hmmm...guess we'll have to watch it first


Immediately added to watch list, thank you based Mel.

2 hack frauds from Wisconsin are better than Nolan.

Tyrone is impressed by this trailer
Based Tyrone Magnus reaction

wtf i hate guns now

God I hate those good old boy accents for the soldiers, TTRL had the same shit but Malick is from Texas so I can sort of excuse it

I know it's a movie made by our Lord and Savior based Mel, but I can't stand that Garfield.

Well at least there some scenes where he gets bullied.

Mel is too based for this gay earth
will watch it

Mel Gibson: "Jews..."
>Sup Forums boos and hisses, greedy merchant reaction images and Sup Forums influenced green texts are flying through the air by the hundreds.
Mel Gibson: "...are.."
>Sup Forums gasps, a faint sound of someone shouting "JIDF GTFO" can be heard in the distance.
Mel Gibson: "...responsible for all the wars in the world."
>Sup Forums furiously erupts in cheers and claps. The ear deafening sound of thousands of people shouting "GOAT!", "Based!" and "Cant fell the Mel!" fills the air. Bump limits are reached at a speed never seen before and Mel Gibson is unanimously crowned the biggest guy of all time.

That's not true though. That's the point. If he tried to kill even a sine enemy soldier he wouldn't have saved as many lives

Oh shit Avatar and Agent Smith is back.

> pacifist who refuses to kill or carry weapon due to religious beliefs
> still signs up for WWII and serves as a doctor saving the lives of his fellow soldiers

That's an amazing story.

Did Mel ever say that this was a story HE wanted to tell? I can't see a guy who made Apocalypto wanting to tell the story of a sissy pacifist.

Im from Wisconsin. If i get one more friend are you saying we can make some kino?

>I can't imagine the guy who made passion of the Christ to make a movie about a man who refused to kill in the name of Jesus

Paint drying is better than Nolan.

if he was a sissy what does that make you?

Sounds interesting but I'm kinda getting an Alvin York vibe from it

gayest shit i've seen all week and i saw a fella put is fella in his 'cella
