Does this man have any shame?

Does this man have any shame?

fuck off

No, things are going exactly as planned.


Does that mean no?


Seriously? I wish I could be like him.

No matter how many people hate him, how much heat he takes for the stupid shit he says, he goes to bed thinking "I am the best".

He wakes up probably with a hard on thinking "God I'm so awesome".

Don't you wish you could have that mentality?


But would you want to wake up every morning and be wrong?


Yes, he's won so much in his first 64 days. Here's some of his promises that haven't gone through that he promised to do from day 1.

>Come up with a plan to defeat ISIS
>Repeal and replace Obamacare
>Start construction of the wall and get Mexico to pay for said wall
>Lock her up (now completely abandoned)

What exactly has he won for anyone so far? Taxpayers are funding his weekly visits to his Mar-A-Lago club or the "Winter White House" as he calls it. In his first 30 days, he spent 10% of what Obama cost tax payers in 8 years. That is truly incredible. He found a way to spend 10% of what Obama took 8 years to spend in just one month.

I'll take "How does a deluded psychopathic narcissist think" for 500 please Dave.

You haven't looked into how his casinos went bankrupt have you? How he racked up loans and debt on them, while taking a billion out for his own salary, then declared bankrupt, sold the shares off for a half billion which he did not declare as income, and claimed a billion loss (which he did not make) to offset his tax bill for the next twenty years, so avoiding a billion in tax. So he made about two and a half billion out of them going bust, and his partners, investors workforce and suppliers all got screwed.

Now ask yourself what a man like that will do when given the Whitehouse and the entire economy to rape.

He isn't smart enough to feel anything. Spoiled rich boy who had everything handed to him.

He'll ask NASA to plan a mission to mars then cut their budget.

Except, in his own constructed reality, he's NEVER wrong. If you think he's wrong, he's actually right in an alternative way. It's fascinating to witness.



Obviously not, OP. Dumb thread.

maybe, but he is making way too much money to worry about that.

25 million a year for his family in tax cuts, a few billion if his death duty cut goes through, hundreds of millions if the business taxes are cut - plus the money made from charging the Secret Service to use his plane or his hotel on the campaign, and for using rooms in Trump Tower to protect his family now.

or to stay at his resort while he plays golf.

he his riding the gravy train. He hasn't time to be ashamed.

Things are going great. Keep shilling

Aww poor little trumptard snowflake.


Jesus Christ. WTF is wrong with chinks?

Sorry I'm late. Here. For the republicucks. This kills them

thank you, Ivan, have a ruble.

how is the Moscow spring eh? or do you ever get to see it with your twelve hour shift in the Disinformation Factory?

Do it faggots

How is he wrong. The guy who the presidency with no experience and with everyone telling him he had no shot. However he knew he could win and actually did the impossible. All while fucking both parties and the msm all at once. It was fucking glorious.

The man has all the success to be such a narcissist.

How that '31 days to defeat isis' plan going ?

This is not a fucking cringe thread

You tell em Cletus!!!

Trump is an ultra faggot

He probably cover's that all up he's human. Like the rest of us.

Wow. This is the most cringey thing I've ever seen. Why do you shills take everything original by the alt right and try to force it on them. You're a fucking loser lmfao.

About as good as "lockin 'er up"

I highly doubt he wakes up with a hard on. Fat fucks belly probably hides his dick.

Supreme Court pick
Rolling back anti bu regulations
Lowered the debt by 100 million
Stock market up 2500 points
Guarantees for 3 million new jobs from specific companies

Best of all ice raids in full force

You sound like a dirty cock sucking russian

He is actually brilliant in that sense.

looks like a good response to me. stop that little shit from spitting his germ infested seed shells all over the place. well dome that vigilante.


He doesn't need any. He has enough money to not care about it.


Cuck here, cuck there, cucks everywhere.

It's never a good idea to punch a cop.

You must not remember Obama's first 100 days

new fag detected. Has summer started?

you should have been here last year when this was a standard copypasta response to the Putin bots who infested the board with their crap.

Cite sources.

He's still attacked from all sides. Let the man govern ffs.

It's because he is stupid.

You guys try and appropriate that but you're the ones who think about Trump minute you wake up.

No one does compared to the disastrous first 100 days the Trump admin is experiencing.

>Lowered the debt by 100 million
and how exactly did he do that?

Got rid of sleazy media by whining on Twitter and corrupt politicians by appointing corrupt politicians. Amazing.

Let's talk about a real white prince and American hero.

yeah, a brilliant, selfish, greedy, crook. Not the best qualification for running a country.

Kicking elderly people of what is essentially food stamps. Gotta stop those beggars!


Yes, let's celebrate this fucking scumbag.

>love is cringe now

go fuck your cat

I saw this one guy from the UK run from ice agents. Funniest shit I've ever fucking seen.


Travel ban two is going to the supreme Court. The one with a new conservative majority. They will vote in his favor.


Hmmm, liberals aren't so liberal. Kek


15 year old detected


So far so good, mosul is about to be taken.


why let a crook and a con artist govern?

why let him steal and destroy?

Oh boy. Cherry picking aren't we? Most that supported Trump have jobs. Can't say the same for Obama.

They were amazed that we elected a nigger monkey and wanted to come see the spectacle

Because fuck you democrat faggot.

Autist who thinks things are going great detected.

Federal hiring freeze, cutting funding to shit organizations such as the epa

Actually it is

>Go fuck your cat

do you? Op is a faggot

Trump is America in human form. Deal with it cucks.

Anyone that listens to OD is a retarded nazi.

Also, why is it that all my liberal friends have mental health issues?

He would have rather killed “a young thug” or “a successful older black man with blonds … people you see in Midtown. These younger guys that put white girls on the wrong path.”

basic math isn't your strong point is it?

wasnt the berlin wall set up by the ruskies after the war?

Sure, I bet the us millitary men are dropping like flies right now.


Yea right, the uneducated poor whites who're losing their jobs to everyone including Mexicans who don't even speak the language carried Trump to victory. That's his party. The educated amongst this country, aka the employable, never had job security issues and voted Obama.

ah, the same old song you sang the whole time a Democrat was President - you just don't get democracy do you?


>most that supported trump have jobs.
ya ok loving that totally not made up fact and its sauce

well i cant argue that

What kind of pokemon is that on his right ?

Lmao there you go again. Putin bots? Are you kidding me? Russia was never shilling on pol. Meanwhile there is documented evidence Hillary had shills on Reddit pol and other do forums. It was so easily detectable too. Now you guys are trying to say Russians shilled for some sort of half assed defense? Kill yourself, cringey motherfucker

>Occupy Democrats


He needs constant attention and validation; why would you want to be like this?

You're obviously a moron

He is a bigger embarrassment than that Nigger Obama

Look Mr. Dipshit that has no knowledge of military operations. Mostly is going to fall and soon. That process started a couple of years ago.

hey there fellow kids

he's only an embarrassment to cucks. the rest of us are laughing.

enjoy your smog, your poisonous water and your cancer.

you think the EPA was a bad idea? because freemarket forces will keep the environment clean? If so I have a bridge in Manhattan for sale at a very reasonable price if you would like it...

Imagine being this triggered that you have to post almost hourly about Trump because it's the only way to quell your distress about losing.

It's also funny you fucks post here instead of Pol where you wouldn't be able to argue against people with much more debate skill. You try and create an echo chamber on b with people who watch tranny videos.

trump trolls and russian trolls (same company right?) are always in force. they hit up reddit and imgur pretty hard too, but theyve been up ticking the reddit threads.