Cringe thread!

Cringe thread!

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I mean, the guy isn't that wrong, he's just too far gone into it. It's not abusive for gods sake. .

i think i just caught eye herpes lookin at this


Who the fuck would waste a good pineapple like that


Don't have content, but bump anyway.

kek, he's so beta he won't touch a cutout






dont wanna see what went in that shower



From a commie discord. Makes me gag.



> the most private thing

I never would have guessed

Oh he likes human "meat" alright



Literally looks like a Simpsons character

My Katana would fuck this fat fuck with his stupid ass faggot sword up


He is wrong, which means you're a beta cuck faglord.

Try no-tear shampoo

To be fair he started off great, those guys are assholes. Then he started calling it abuse, it isn't abuse. It's just mean.


>this nigger

autism is strong in this one. Look at this photoshopped gay spider tattoo

How about you go suck a cock, you seem to have a case of massive-faggotitis.

Maybe he just doesn't want to rub cheeto-dust allover it like an asshole.



I want to see these characters get torn apart by a massive cock demon creature that eventually absorbs them into its asshole then shits them back out. Then send it to the creator.

I want to punch those tiddies

You out-cringed the cringe.


>you will

This fucker is back at it with another retarded song.


Can we get a drawfag to do this?

Oh c'mon, this HAS to be fake.

my eye bleach needs eye bleach








Is that like... squirting and farting?

>im packin heat got no seat to beat


guy looks like a twat but his points are valid



Lookin like him, he should be licking fat girls ass and thank them for it


why is there a flag of a country were the goverment lets their people starve to dea...
...oh now i get it


>You will

Relax Bundy Jr.


A true samurai.


I'd still fuck that.

Should of put whiskey in it


Would bang though

kek'd at Bob Mary. Fuck I love that guy

The sad truth: I'd still fuck

>should of

>20 inch "pensi"


good job lad


What do you think about her? I mean him. I mean it. I mean.


What the literal fuck is a pansychist?

WTF user did you ask if it was ok to share his photo?

You fucking faggot, I have no idea what any of those posts even mean in the slightest.

Put them in an order that makes sense. What's the joke? What's the cringe? What's going on?

Add context you fucking cancerous faggot, you're the cringe here.



a pansy, of course

Man why do 80% of the chicks into witchcraft have to look ugly or fat.

That guy probably committed suicide by now

i touch my kids

As if that guy made this picture, and didn't just save it from one of the million times it was reposted in one of the dozens of cringe threads we have on Sup Forums alone every day.

Just move on, and stop being a massive faggot.
