There are hundred of species with 2 genders

>There are hundred of species with 2 genders
>But only humans have 150 genders

Really make you think.

are we at 150 now?
Fuck me

>Fuck me
It depends on what gender you call yourself. I only fuck my demi-kin. I'm bigoted against the others.

If we could understand some species, maybe they would make up some "genders" as well

well guys, it would seem that we went full circle.


Maybe some marmosets identify themselves as Homo saps

I like that there's no option for all male or all female

>humans have 150 genders

Humans have not -repeat NOT- 150 genders. We have 2 of them, and 148 types of fags, gays, and other braindamaged humans.

How many fucking times for you to understand, it's about identity not biology

You can say it as many times as you want, it still doesn't make any goddamn sense to people who are actually sane

All animals have races just like humans do and scientists notice that some are less intelligent than others. We call them "ecotypes" to keep non-scientists from catching on and getting in the way of legitimate study with a bunch of hipster complaining about what we're not allowed to think. If I wrote a paper about this I would be shunned by the biologist community not for "racism" but risking their academic freedom over something as "inconsequential" as politics.

Damn squinty-eyed Type D motherfuckers, I just don't trust 'em!

If it doesn't make sense to you, then you're the person with lack of understanding and perspective

You don't get to decide who's sane based on your lack of understanding into a concept

The fact remains I could write a technically correct paper on the subject and have my career destroyed by people who aren't even scientists. I laugh whenever a liberal calls someone a fascist.

I'm so triggered right now

I'm not deciding shit. I don't care what anyone identifies as. Don't expect everyone else to understand or care, snowflake. Fuck your pronouns.

I don't think anyone would have a problem if it were just about identity, not biology. You want to express yourself by wearing a dress even if you have a dick? Nobody cares.

It's the claim that you have a girl brain in a boy body that's the problem. It's ascientific mumbo-jumbo that's trying to elevate a personal reference or lifestyle into genetics.

>He thinks whatever socio-humanities bullshit he does is actually science.

Come back when you've found the stupid nigger gene or the submissive asian gene

Perfect example of how someone who has no understanding of biology would try to destroy your career, other user.

Yeah, humans win again!

Transgender is nothing to do with additional genders, and scientists actually agree that it's a real condition, we don't understand the causes yet

You're gonna be a dick and intolerant for no real reason and are asking for people to not expect otherwise from you? I mean that's fine, but you're an asshole then. Like someone who's unhelpful when people need help in public because "I'm not obligated to help you, it would take little effort from me but fuck you"

Idiot OP is playing wordplay bait.
There are two sexes, humans are the only species to have genders, on this planet, which we know about.
..then there is Africa.

>There are hundred of species without the ability of speech
>But only humans have language

Really make you think

We need to put a stop to this nonsense

More than 2 genders appear in nature, hermaphrodites, asexuals, some animals even switch, actively change gender, to accommodate their environment. So, what's the difference?


>Transgender is nothing to do with additional genders, and scientists actually agree that it's a real condition, we don't understand the causes yet
They're absolutely related. And those "scientists" you're appealing to also agreed until 2013 that it was a mental illness (DSM-5), just like how they also treated homosexuality as one.

Humans aren't frogs. While there are people who don't fit into one of the two biological sexes, it's extremely rare.

>It's ascientific mumbo jumbo
>Stop appealing to scientists, in 2013 they did something you might be upset by

>confuses a comparative biologist with a feefee-ridden social mercenary

cause that would be offensive you white cis scumbag

Fuckers should be shot.

You're confusing real science (i.e. biology) with psychology (a very very soft science).

No to mention gender studies, which as about as far from science as you can get

dem trips

Niggers are ruining the world, time to send them to the camps and gas them

No bearing on anything

Of course psychology is a real science, you're making things up at this point to fit your views. Of course hard biology can't tell us anything about people's personal identities and their validity

Psychology helps us understand people's suicidal tendencies (which are often linked with gender dysphoria), not covered by biology for example, and it's testable, you can make hypotheses and predictions. How is that lesser science, by what metric?

I really hope this is bait.

You're making things up to fit your views, because I never said psychology wasn't a science. Just that's a soft one, which you must agree with because you just called biology a "hard" science.

Psychology is fundamentally treating symptoms, and speculating wildly (and often very inaccurately) about root causes. It has a long history of lumping together illnesses because they have some superficial similarities, even if they are actually two very different things. Cognitive science (hard) has helped start to unravel this by figuring out how the brain really works instead of how we think it works, thus allowing root causes to be treated and similar sets of symptoms to get the treatment they need instead of the old shotgun approach. It's also very political and subjective, because the basic definition of mental illness is "deviation from the norm", which of course is the problem with the classic ways they've treated "illnesses" like gender dysmorphia, homosexuality, and even autism.

I didn't say it wasn't soft science, I even mentioned biology as hard science, but soft science isn't lesser science, and the research isn't less valid

>Really make you think.
About what?

That's exactly what it means. Soft science is less valid. That doesn't mean we should stop, or that it's not important. It just means it's far more subjective, and the conclusions are not as absolute.

It seemed like you implied biology was a "real science" as opposed to psychology, sorry

My ORIGINAL point was that gender dysphoria is a real condition with a real cause that can be understood scientifically. Nobody gets to call people suffering from it "insane" or "just whiny/insecure" by that logic

My right leg is a woman