Be a 25 year old virgin

>Be a 25 year old virgin
>Never dated or kissed a girl either
So how old are you virgins?

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so horde or alliance? what realm?

Alliance ragnaros

26, haven't had a gf since 10th grade, still a virgin. Worst part is i have social problems that prevent me from trying at all, plus it doesn't help i have always lacked any amount of motivation and tend to be very indecisive. If not for the fact i suck as a person, i know i could at least land a 5/10 if i tried even a little, but fuck me right?

33 :(

18, but I'm the only one out of my friends and they say if I don't lose it before graduating high school, in 2 months, I'll forever be a beta male. I planned on losing it in collage. Help, am I too late?

I think loosing your virginity before 20 is disturbing

BTW they all lost there's at 15-17 and I'm about to turn 19