Ha, this dumb slut is dating some no life retard, kik her the most vulgar shit you can come up with!
Kik: TheGoddessOfMemes
Ha, this dumb slut is dating some no life retard, kik her the most vulgar shit you can come up with!
Kik: TheGoddessOfMemes
Fuck off you emotionally unstable faggot.
This faggot doesn't deserve her, he just plays shitty video games all day. She needs a real man
What happened OP, Chad out played you ? nice guys finish last tactic didn't work?
>This faggot doesn't deserve her, he just plays shitty video games all day. She needs a real man
>angry because he didn't get something he wants
>goes on Sup Forums
I doubt you're better.
OP: reexamine your life and if that doesn't work jump in a toilet
This faggot can't even play sports
>This faggot doesn't deserve her, he just plays shitty video games all day.
Both are losers they deserve each other.
He's mad because he knows all three of us fucked her and he was shot down at the party.
I know exactly who posted this.
And don't get all hurt about lunch either. We just didn't want to sit with you.
Kik bagelbeetoo... im horny
would facefuck her
Right? Her faggot boyfriend doesn't deserve her
i really want to know the story now.
start talking fags.
also post ops face for the lulz
Look op, some of us tried to tell you, but you kept on and on. You didn't take the hint.
When you got all weird that day, she knew you were not her type.
But you kept on and on.
Now look at you.
op kill yourself mate.
waiting on those 2 other fags to post your face.
Then steal her. Oh I forgot, OP is a faggot.
mad she wont fuck you user?
>and ops face so we could all laugh at him
Also, he was already obsessed before the new boyfriend. He was already talking shit about the old one.
We heard you obsess over her for how many months? Shit got old and creepy.
If op shows his face, I won't tell her all about your little stupid plan for her.
Remember all that shit you said about where you wanted to take her?
All I'm saying dude, just move on.
Calling bs
Where are you OP?
You didn't think any of us came to Sup Forums?
I think the dipshit left
He should have known all autistic tards come here
gibe op's profile you fucking faggot
So he's not wrong when he says "dumb slut". I'm beginning to wonder how much truth there is to OP's perspective.
jesus you are a bigger faggot that op mate.
just give us pics of OP for the fucking lulz
It's alright for you. You got your dick wet. OP was in love with the gal. Give him a break m8.
OP, don't post shit like this. Don't be a prick like these people. Be better than them. Take some time to process and you'll be able to move on. I was in a similar position throughout high school but now I'm significantly better looking and I'm smarter than those pricks who've all got each other pregnant and work in cafes and supermarkets trying to feed 3 kids. Don't be stupid. Think.