If you can give me a valid reason why gay people shouldn't get married, not involving religion...

If you can give me a valid reason why gay people shouldn't get married, not involving religion. I'll join the protesters at this year's gay pride in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Pro tip: you can't

give equal rights to civil unions
dont call it marriage
also the fucking niggers should not be allowed to drink from my fountains


Give me a reason church should be seperate from state, not involving religion. Do you see the issue?

In civil grounds I stand with you, but you are aware that most people are fighting against the in church marriages right?

Here ya go

>itt: edgy middle-aged neckbeards

My point is; marriage is a religous practice with legal benefits. In order to solve this issue either the legal benefits should be removed entirely or delegated to civil unions, classing marriage as a civil union along-side that. This would ensure that everyone gets equal rights while maintaining marriage as a sacred practice. Problem solved.

>why gay people shouldn't get married
Because marriage is a stupid institution where someone can divorce you and half your stuff.

and who the hell cares. Religion is on its way out with this next generation.

I can't

gays aren't people

No answer OP? Fucking rekt

I'm gay and I'd like to get married because it is a beautiful tradition. And I wish to be accepted by people.

Are you religous?

I'm gay and I like guns and proud to accept the fact that Donald Trump is my president

I just believe in my own version of God, not really in Christianity's version.

So yes?
Religion =/= christianity dipshit

rekt rekt rekt

why oh why do gay people who have no regard for god insist on participating in a religious tradition lmao.

oh god here it comes, a bunch of fucking 4channers trying to convince me that marriage has nothing to do with religion and never did.

I'm not gonna talk to you 'cause rude.

Christianity's goal is to get more people saved and baptized. Since most churches aim hate toward gays, they're just ruining their cause.

>let me take studies that are super outdated and too small to make any scientific sense and use them as fact

plus the logical leaps that they make are absurd

0/10 please try agian

Sure that would be like any non-Jewish person wanting a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Marriage is a specifically Christian practice dipshit, think twice

Your post is not clever. Stop samefagging.

Because it's fucking gay

>Marriage is a Christian practice

>specifically Christian practice
So where are you going with this, user?

who the fuck wants to get married outside of the legal/tax benefits?

Aids sucks

Samefagging? No pretense on my part, you were rekt by me.

>Marriage is a specifically Christian

what are Romans?

He didn't say he wasn't religous, he said he wasn't Christian which was the implied question.

>someone typed that all out because they are mad about people being gay; for whatever reasons.

please. what is wrong with people?

Even if someone gives me a good reason why gays can't be married I'd still rather be on the side with the fruity drinks instead of the side with inbred fucktards.

Let them get married. Fags can then pay for a divorce and child support just like straight men.



Not even OP. Everyone in this thread was too embarrassed for you. I had to tell you.

are there many pro gay religions?

well, he was rekt by me.

almost all of them besides the big 3

Are there any legal difference between these civil unions and marriages? Or are they exactly the same thing with exactly the same rights, transferable to all 50 states, only difference being the name?

Survival of the fittest

Also, I'm not the "I'm born with gay" bullshit. Being gay is a choice tbh

no, its bad for divorce and it has worse tax rates

acting on being gay is a choice

So why did you choose to be atracted to men?

>but you are aware that most people are fighting against the in church marriages right?

No, they are not. No one is knocking down the doors of the Catholic church asking to be gay married under god. All the fags wanted were equal rights and protections under marriage law - and they got it.


I know that - I'm asking hypothetically to the user who suggested it.

Too beta for girls


So are you attracted to girls?


lol - I'll play along.

It may be a choice for you to engage in sexual activity or romantic relationships with men - same as it's a choice for straight men to act on those desires with women. But you don't choose the attraction.

What? The fuck is wrong with you? That's not how it works...

*you could be bi

Good point


Let them be miserable like the rest of us.
But I say they cannot adopt children if they have none from a hetero marriage. They wanted to have an unnatural relation that would produce no offspring, so they should not be able to contaminate others kids.

Im a Fagbo Slice and dont want to get married cos Im not religous

It's not hard.

Marriage is a sham institution that fucks up good relationships

Okay, first give me valid reasons why the state is involved in marriage in the first place as it is a religious rite, and I shall give you medical evidence against homosexual marriage.

And just because I'm a good sport, here's a Physiological reason: there is no Homosexual Gene that produces a biological trait that denotes one as homosexual. Being a deviant requires only actions as actions are the only true test as to whether one is normal or sexually deviant. Basically, homosexuality, as part of biology, does not exist. For there to be a Homosexual Gene, there must be a way of transmission to said person's posterity of the genes that doesn't require heterosexual (normal) reproduction. So, if a Homosexual Gene does exist and is passed on via homosexual acts, then by this evidence - homosexuals are a different species than normal folks.

Since this is not the case and Darwinian Evolution doesn't exist; that leaves only psychological reasons. And so, since homosexuals insist on abnormal deviancies as opposed to biological reproduction methods, and said practitioners claim it's "who they are, accept it normies!", then this falls under APA's criteria as a mental disorder. If it's done by choice with full knowledge of the consequences, then that falls under fetish.

Society should not be forced to believe your sides propaganda when it's obviously a mental health problem that regularly become a public health problem.

Marriage doesn't solve mental disorders. If it did, women would be more reasonable and men would have a very low suicide rate.

Not wrong...

Your "Born this way" point is valid and I'm wrong.

The number one predictor of a delinquent child is actually a single mother. Same sex partnerships, both men and women, have consistently better results in child rearing than single mothers according to every metric.

So you really need to consider who is contaminating children here.

Marriage has been around before Christianity. Just because simple minded God fear types make a promise to an invisible man, doesn't mean it actually has anything to do with a god

I'm gay and I don't necessarily believe "born this way" is true. I think neonatal events, genetic events, and environmental events all contribute to the development of sexual orientation. But the point is, once orientation is set, there is no changing it. It's still not a choice, and it never was.

I am so confused right now

Spot on.

It's like width and height for area

samfag can't spell

I'm gay, used to be president of my schools GSA.
I don't believe that gays should be pressuring the government to legalize and open marriage for same sex.

I'm not religious, never was.
22 years old, WAIS iq test results showed 144.
Live in the SF bay area my whole life, voted Obama twice.

In my opinion, considering where everything originated from, Its a religious ceremony and therefore up the religion to decide how it functions. But I draw the line at the point where we failed to separate church and state; if the religion picks who it applies to, and the government grants benefits for it, there is a conflict with that.

However with the introduction of civil unions which are intended to provide the same benefits in a identical manner, we gays should have zipped-it and accepted it; instead we acted like sheep, demanding something we didn't understand, because muh-oppression.

The government did its jobs, it provided civil unions and therefore provided equal treatment. But people kept bitching, wanting the government to FORCE the religion to accept what it predominantly didn't want; when the people should have gone to the leaders of the religion to plead their case.

TL:DR; government finished its involvement when it provided civil unions. People who still bitched for marriage should have been complaining to their religious leaders instead.

I guess...

because when we are all in the hub of the simulated reality we want to be able to tell who is there with their physically-identical bodies[compared to those in their life] to run our slave-farms.

i mean, im not a faggot, i dont want to buy a 3 year old elf-breed from a couple of DUDES you wierdo, i want to take the completely typical offspring of identical re-iterations of people from my reality, and then infect them with vampirism and a time-dilated offspring-creation process

What do you call a homosexual on roller skates?

----> Rolaids

Why shouldn't they get married? Because marriage is a crock of shit. lol.

If they want a lifetime of monogamous fucking and slowly learning to hate your spouse over the years, more power to them.

I have no problem with it. Why would I? Doesn't affect me in any measurable way. Their life, their business.


Worth the read and saved. Faggots fuck off

Why are butt pirates butt pirates?
Because they just ARRRRRRR

>22 year old, upper class know-nothing faggot from the home of rich, self-absorbed liberal twats who think their shit doesn't stink
>muh 140+ IQ
>Touts their voting record publically

God God you're an intolerable waste of skin. And the sad thing is, politically I'm sure we wouldn't find much to disagree upon. You just come off as an obnoixous, self-assured, overprivliged cunt.

You're 22. You don't know shit about shit. Piss off, please.


Violates the basic needs of a species to reproduce.

Autism in one picture

'Cause humanity has historically had a real problem keeping it's numbers up.

Go suck a dick dude, we all know you want to. Quit putting your hang-ups on the rest of us. You make me bloody uncomfortable.

This 100%

I would probably agree with him on most issues as well, but all that coming from a 22 year old... seriously fuck off.

I'm in agreement with this. Nobody was really opposed to civil unions except for the nutjobs, but by pushing MARRIAGE it alienated an awful lot of people who otherwise could've cared less.

Most everyone was cool with Tolerance, but objected when it became something that felt like it was being forced. People who were ok with letting homosexuals do their thing didn't like when it started gettting shoved down their throat. I think it set things back by years, drew battle lines and forced everyone to pick sides whether they wanted to or not.

Because no one should be married

To discourage gay adoption which denies children the father and mother together which is fundamentally important for proper mental development

I have zero problem with homosexuality outside of this issue

This was me, I am not
religous guy

God said no.

except its a mother and father figure; doesn't need to be a male or female, its just to make it work;

Key is a family unit that is conhesive, includes what the immediate family doesn't have, and is incredibly supportive of the kids.

And honestly...we need more decent foster parents.

For proof

This. The literal Epic of Gilgamesh, the earliest story we have the full text of, mentions marriage, if I remember correctly.

Right, because a fuckton of gay people who think it's okay to fuck eachother in the orifice designed specifically to get rid of fecal matter and waste, doesn't make ME in uncomfortable in any way. Just disregard my own comforts so you can live happy, not having to worry about being uncomfortable yourself. Flawless fucking logic.

I can't.

cus thats fucking gay


mindless bigot