I need your advice bad Sup Forumsros...

I need your advice bad Sup Forumsros, my girl gave me the herp which pisses me off don't get me wrong but when I got the bumps I was complaining and upset etc, but a week later when I told her and the only other girl I've been with in the past two months unprotected to get tested (poly relationship) I borrowed her phone while I was pooping cause mine was dead and saw in deleted pics her lesions and confronted her that she hid it from me. Later got a blood test and confirmed it, not even mad about It as much as I feel I can't trust her now. I've never hidden anything from her and have always been 100% honest so I'm pretty hurt. Am I overreacting?

You are not overreacting, leave that bitch and sue the shit out of her

Leave that bitch and then sue the shit out her

>my girl gave me the herp which pisses me off don't get me wrong but when I got the bumps I was complaining and upset etc, but

She gave you a lie-long uncomfortable condition that may spread to others if you're not careful. Real question is; can you sue a bitch for this? Fuck keeping a relationship with her.

That shit happened to me one time after i hooked up with an ex a year later and my dumb ass fucked her raw, she told me three day later. Leave her

post a time stamp of your infected dick, or just some kid making up a stupid story begging for replies, which is actually worse than herpes.

She didn't know she had caught it supposedly when I got it but I wouldn't want to get her life messed up, but I'm not wrong to be pissed about the lying right?

God dyam that looks horrible! I got herp from someone in my past but have never had that type of breakout.

unalive her