I just came down form taking LSA/HBWR, ask me anything, also exotic drug thread

I just came down form taking LSA/HBWR, ask me anything, also exotic drug thread

Seeds you can buy at any home improvement store are exotic?

The fuck nigga.

Those are total shit. 35+ year plus urban legend. Avoid that shit.

did you feel nauseous on the comeup? I hear a lot of people like, but if you eat garlic it helps get rid of the chemicals that induce the puking. Also did you extract it?

Dude, I'm half a world awsy from Hawaii and I can get those.

They're about as rare and hallucinogenic as the average field mouse.

I dont remember my come up, it was instant, but the next day i did feel a little nauseous, my legs hurt a lot though

ok op here, when i say exotic i mean not commonly heard of, so not weed, coke, etc

ive already tried them, they work, its like being drunk, and having weird spasms

just buy some lsd. pussy.

i have, i just want to try everything

That may be an allergic reaction....

i wasnt having a seizure, i just had spasms, are you sure?

shitty high
the only people who take HBWR and morning glory are people too dumb or scared to get real drugs

You have to do an extraction, it gives you a way better go, and zero nausea.

Ero to the Wid

who here likes 2cb

Either that or you just gave yourself a mild case of toxic shock. It would also explain the sore legs.

Try it again and if you start pissing blood or foaming at the mouth, let us know. And then livestream it.

please tell me you at least did a basic extraction on those and didt just chow down on them.

yeah they work kinda strange and not really worth the effort but hey if your board and don't have anything better to do why not.

I got 3 25mg 2ct2 capsules and about 30 25inbome tabs left but im sober now its taunting me all the time

i chewed them up and sloshed them around my mouth for 30 mins, then i filtered my spit and swallowed it, then threw away the seed crumbs

people say its akin to LSD, to me it was more like MDMA
how was it for you?

it was like i was drunk

I did morning glorys wasnt too intresting just felt off

take them all or youre a pussy
no balls

jesus thats awful i remember i couldnt keep still when i was on those seeds cus it felt so good to just move my joints, like if my whole being was a giant penis getting stroked

If you're sober, throw them out. You don't need that shit.

ya, i dont know if i wanted to move my limbs or if they were just spasms but they did move a lot

Do you remember how many cocks you sucked?

how long did your hangover last? mine lasted well over 3 years

>chemistry is an urban legend

the trip lasted 11hrs, i didnt have a hangover

anyone in rio de janeiro that can sell me weed?

jesus op get some fucking methanol and do it right.

i could get some but can i use water or vodka?

Cant really remeber much cwe about 3000 seeds very fuzzy


Anything you chew can take 8hrs before you feel anything

He means ethanol. Methanol sends you blind, then mad then kills you. Any strong spirit should work.

You would evaporate it, obviously.

About to take some what should i take and how much 25i nbome tabs and 2ct2 caps

the last time I took hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, it felt like a whippet peak that lasted for about fifteen minutes, then a mellow trip, this was immediately after vomiting