Japan stinks

Japan stinks

Other urls found in this thread:

ibiblio.org/pha/paw/Peace and War.html


What is more funny is the amount of Americans who don't get taught why they attacked.

And it wasn't out of the blue either.

When you blockade their ships from supplying troops in China, they were going to hit your strongest port.

And it was planned to get America into the war, because the American population voted 70% not to join the war in Europe previously.

Did you know America was rounding up Japanese before pearl harbor into their shoddy internment camps?

One thing that is good about Japan, they are mostly respectful towards others, unlike yanks who are all wanks to others, including the elderly, vets and anyone else.

>And it was planned to get America into the war

For what purpose? Did they actually think they could win?

How retarded are you? The Japs got fucking mad because WE 'muricans stopped supplying their asses with oil and steel. They then kamikaze'd one of their airborne samurai into our ships of the nearest largest American territory to them.

The Japs wanted war with us, America simply wanted them to fail in finding wartime resources.

You misread the sentence, I was referring to the US planning it. As it was the only way to join the war by looking like the victim.

War is business for the US always has been, which is why the US has only seen 17 full years of peace since the 18th Century.

Without any kind of military war or engagement, congress and senate members can't justify overspending on military budgets that they profit from.

Which is why the US is in so much debt it isn't even funny.

And no GDP is not America's wealth, it is the corporate profits of companies based in America selling to the American people. It is taxed at 10.5%, 2% is giving to NATO and 8% is rebated back to the companies again senate and congress members profiting again. 0.5% is put in to the kitty so to speak. Guess where most of it goes? Military budget.

Looks like you don't know your own country's history too well huh. Gotta learn your pro-government version.

But show me proof that the Japanese attacked because you didn't supply oil and steel. I guarantee you cannot.

Not user, but I've read up on this, so I feel like acting smart:
Americans wanted to go to war against Hitler, but Congress kept saying no. So Roosevelt had the military piss off Japan with embargos and by amping up the military presence in Pearl Harbor to provoke an attack. Sure enough, Tojo took the bait, and the States had their excuse to go to war. Hitler was allied with Japan, as everyone knows. They knew an attack was coming for months.

That's gay

I suggest you read this, weeb: ibiblio.org/pha/paw/Peace and War.html

>Primary source

>Implying it is completely impossible or even unlikely that powerful groups who are responsible for wrongdoing would ever dispose of evidence or lie anything ever.

Because it is in their character to do it. Because they have been implicated in global wrongdoings before. Because it's significantly more plausable than the "attacked for no reason" or "evil world conquest" or "hates justice and freedom".

What's this "If Google doesn't say it's true, then it's false" meme going on? As if Google isn't bought and paid for either.

And it was only so through diplomatic means. That's just half of it. Japan had another reason, which was U.S., French, and other Allied encroachment in the Western Pacific (Philippines, etc.)

I'm not a part of this discussion - won't even click into the thread, saw this on the main page - but I have to interject to say that you're a fucking moron because that is not a primary source. It's clearly secondary at best, unless you're claiming a high-ranking Japanese general from 1940 typed all that up and posted it online.

Primary source at the time of writing, you piece of shit faggot. It leads from the start of the interwar period to 1941.

Supposedly before the "gubmint" started propagating biased information.

Care to provide any sources you deem reasonable? Fuckwit.

tut tut using the big words like weeb, why?

Somehow myself knowing history of what happened makes me a weeb?

Seems your head is up your own ass or you are currently licking your window. Either way, you are salty son.

Also how about providing a more reliable source with actual fact and not fictional story time for the ignorant edition.

Downladed it to read later and glanced over it. Why do you think it's bad?

I LIKE ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!

>Gets served up source with a dash of namecalling
>Focuses on the name calling
>Replies in entirely ad hominem

Reddit is here.


>world's strongest nation


>strongest nation
the fuck is wrong with you retarded ivans? seriously

It is not a reliable source, especially since most of the writing is clearly pro-American.

There is no mention of the blockades conducted by American ships to stop Japanese ships from supplying troops in China.

It also doesn't talk about the rounding up of Japanese and American-Japanese civilians in the US into internment camps before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Thusly the book was written by a pro-American author, totally ignoring America's shady actions.

Just like they never talk about the use of Agent Orange on the Vietcong and Vietnamese to stunt births and to reduce the population by making women infertile in most of it's population.

But it didn't work like that, instead children even to this day are born with mass defects due to it.

You don't get taught that in your schools in the US huh?

And also the American-Filipino war, where the US army systematically water boarded civilians because generals were convinced some knew where the rebel leaders were hiding.

300k civilians died due to the US army, not armed forces, but actual civilians.

Bet they don't teach you that either.


> Thinking Russia is the strongest


Did we forget what the maps did in mancheria


War has crime it has bad stuff going on.

Nobody is immune to that, everybody's own country has shame in the past.

The US, China, Japan, Germany, UK, France, etc are no different.

And because China invaded before that, before Japan invaded etc etc etc. There is a reason why the Japanese have kanji in their own writing system, China invaded Japan a long time ago and forced their ideals on the populace, before Japan fought back.
People forget that history didn't start in the 30s it goes way back when man could actually record history through word of mouth and paintings on cave walls.

I was knocking reddit-teir tactics. Look at my post, I didn't say it was a reliable source. I hadn't read it yet, I only saved it for later.

Yes I'm aware that when one side wins a war, they get to commit war crimes against the loser and write/teach whatever they decide happened. My elementary history book explained that " Germany began exterminating jews for no reason except they were different. But maybe it was because their religious book, the bible, says that a peasant is equal to a king, which is an unpopular idea in a dictatorship". Meanwhile I had jewish friends, among their book(s) was the Talmud, and it explained that Jews are the master race and nonjews belong to them.

Since then I've been skeptical as shit of jude-driven pro-american propeganda.

Millenial liberals my dude. It didn't happened unless google search says.