Be 11

>be 11
>saved up $400 to build my first computer
>I've always loved computers and coding
>ff to 15
>sell most of my Jordan's
>finish a $3000 pc
>it was another successful build, the most perfect build.
>I started coding and gaming as much as I could
>I realized that my thoughts were getting out of control
>I could see my coding ideas building right in front of me
>my dreams were getting more vivid, I couldn't tell the difference between dreams and reality
>my thoughts were getting more and more out of control
>I couldn't here myself think over the constant arguing in my head: "buy the new 1080" "no buy that supreme sweater you wanted" "go hangout with some friends" "why don't you buy a new pair of j's"
>I had an iq 142, I was considered a genius by society
>I am now 16
>i sometimes go 2-4 days without sleeping
>I went to see a therapist because maybe that would help
>after a few sessions she told me what was going on
>"user, I'm not for sure yet but a few more sessions I can know for sure. I think yo may be going through the early stages of schizophrenia."
>it all mad sense now
>I've learned to reason with the voices and have conversations with them.

nobody knows my story besides Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


>I've learned to reason with the voices and have conversations with them

you realize that the voices are just as crazy as you are, right?

sound like a mr. Robot thing goin on here

V& incoming

you do realize the first fifteen lines of text were pointless right?

write some of the conversations down. read them after 3-4 days. reflect.

also share highlights with us.

Apart from everything else I'm going to have to agree with, let me just say.


Learn to control it instead of raping your brain with medication

We couldn't agree on what story to write about.

OP are you me?

You're rich. Take the pills they give you, ignore the voices, and enjoy life. Get a dog or something.

You have the potential to overcome Terry Davis. Why not start an operating system?

Underage queer, mods banthis scum


>I am now 16
Usually I'd sage underage poster's threads and call for mods, but you don't seem like a normalfag. Here's a loli

>ff to 15
>sell most of my Jordan's
>finish a $3000 pc
what the fuck kid.
you're a spoiled shit.

Finishing computer story

>I've had this computer for months
>I've been upgrading and replacing every month, it had to be the best.
>my sisters dog decided it was a great place to urinate
>I didn't know what to do
>I was installing parts and I left the computer open sitting on the floor
>I grabbed her dog by the neck
>the dog couldn't breath
>I squoze harder
>I couldn't control myself; it was everything I every worked on destroyed
>I let go when I realized what I was doing
>that was the first time the voices controlled me


Learn to meditate young blood. The voices are broken elements of yourself. Sleep is for the weak.

Wow you're so amazing and cool and awsome I bet you're the chosen one that will either save the world from the bad guys or you will become the one who destroys the world. Wowzers you're so special!!!!11!!!