>problems shitting
Are my organs failing? I drink copious amounts of 101 proof rum with soda. More often than not my lower back feels pained and my shits consist of mostly liquid. Educate a drunk.
>problems shitting
Are my organs failing? I drink copious amounts of 101 proof rum with soda. More often than not my lower back feels pained and my shits consist of mostly liquid. Educate a drunk.
You gonna be ded
So keep drinking then? Awesome.
you're gonna die soon unless you stop being a loser essentially
Eat healthy and you poop healthy
The back pains are probably from shitty posture
Excessive alcohol consumption=loose bowel movement. Buy some imodium and figure out the dose you need to keep it under control.
Seriously slow down and stop. If you really feel the need to be under the influence then smoke weed, take nootropics, or occasionally psydelics.
Do everything in moderation op. Do it before you end up in a hospital
Gotta keep in mind, alcohol dehydrates your body, as can the soda, and I'm guessing you don't drink much water?
Add to that if your diet isn't the best or you aren't eating much, then any added stresses like general depression and ancient cause diarrhea as well.
You could also have c-diff or some kinda stomach ulcers going on.
You're just your own worst enemy at this point OP. I know it's not easy to do, but you gotta quit being a fag and work towards some lifestyle changes you dig?
Well I'd recommend you quit drinking. Everything in your life will improve, probably including the shits.
My posture is definitely terrible that's for sure. Figured I was over reacting. Still drink like a fish though to the point where I won't eat til hammer drunk then I always sleep immediately after. I know I have a problem but don't have the desire to change.
you're fine. you obviously aren't doing any service to your body but drink more water and lay off the alcohol. it takes years/decades for the ill effects of alcoholism (physically, anyhow) to appear.
When your organs are hurting, that means you should stop drinking.
Stress has been piling on me my dude. Lost my gf, laidoff, paycut, bills, general fuckery at my training facility. Just in a rut.
But user.. No pain, no gain.
Sober since Nov 16, 2008 here, after 20 years in the bottle. Could be pain in your kidneys, and if you can't shit, that's dehydration, which is horrible for kidney function. Hit me at Theowulf @ live dot com if you feel like it. I'm not into 12 steps and I don't believe in higher powers. There's a way out, but you've got to start. Hang in there, Sup Forumsroseph.
So basically you got two options, continue to let things go to shit, which is the easy choice as it involves no effort, and you get the payoff of feeling sorry for yourself, or confront your problems and slowly advance towards getting better. I'd say start with the drinking, let everything else fall in place, cause you can't do it all at once, only a fool would try and you'll stress yourself out more.
Plus I don't know you personally, but a lot of what you mentioned are external factors of life. Bills, pay cuts, being laid off. Not always shit you can directly control, maybe influence but you can't control that shit.
Given you can influence it though, even in a small way, why not better yourself to even possibly decrease the odds of it happening again? And even if it does, hey, you won't feel awful or need a vice to get you through.
Like says, drinking should come first, and I'll add to his list - think of the money your broke ass could save!
Go to an AA meeting. They're seriously fun. It's like church but with swearing and without the lies.
I was alcoholic for 20 years and AA saved my life. I'm an atheist, don't believe in god, don't need to.
Just go check out a meeting. Thats the thing that surprised me most. People there going through the same shit as you, and absolutely zero judgment or shame. And you will laugh your ass off at least once, guaranteed.
Good luck Sup Forumsro
you're fucking 24, its not like your life is over, what a little bitch
Appreciate it user. Like I meantioned somewhere above, I lack the desire. That and I've always been a creature of habit. How do I break my cycle of, "Oh great more bad news.. Time to drink."?
Just go to one AA meeting. Go get drunk after if you want. Just go check it out, you'll be surprised. It's not what you think.
That's it really. The things I can't control. Story time.
>date girl 5 years
>live together 2 years
>get into a fight xmas night
>carries over to next day
>she leaves and takes one of my vehicles
>call and text to have her return it.. "No"
>keep at it for awhile and eventually contact the police
>had been drinking at that point and suppose I was slurring cause I essentially got told to fuck off
>nearing the end of the day, still furious I continue to text
>before going to sleep for work the next day I sent a text saying I might as well kill myself
>big mistake
>at least 10 officers outside my door, one I talked with earlier
>i get baker acted the on the 26th
It goes on but I'm starting to get pissed just thinking about it.
31 years sober thru AA. Agnostic/atheist, too. Higher power means your solo will is not enough to quit and stay quit. And it's usually not. Fun being in a room with a bunch of fellow crazy drunks who don't drink anymore. You'd be surprised how fast things start getting better once you can get some distance from it. I don't miss drinking at all...fuck that shit.
Substitute something, that in the short run will help. But also get accountable to someone , someone who'll stay on your ass and be there for you vent and rage at if you need to. Physical exertion helps with sleep. Do NOT isolate. But also don't go to bars and think you can just not drink. That won't work yet.
3 years sober. AA saved my life as well.
Its an odd thing. Works if you work it.
The lower back pain is your kidneys which are being hammered by the booze and the dehydration. You can mitigate a lot of the damage of booze by eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and veggies and making sure you remain hydrated. B-group vitamins (like Berocca) help too.
t. career boozehound, fit, eat healthy, work out, in reasonable shape considering....
Gout bro. I got it from drinking bourbon each night.
Kidneys mate. Kidneys.
Alcoholic here.
I've got tips and tricks to make yourself at least feel healthier.
Now I don't know if you can't shit often but if you want it to be solid it's easy. Greek yogurt. Get a strawberry flavor because they taste like shit.
If you have more questions or other ailments let me know.
I have trouble maintaining my social life. Did well for a few weeks after my breakup. Hung out with old friends and had a blast. Now I'm just crawling back in my shell. Getting laid off was the real killer. At least work gave me a purpose. Now I'm back to sitting on ass waiting for the same company to eventually hire me back so the cycle can continue. And if I hadn't already invested so much time in this trade I would just do something else.
Honestly, would be surprising if the alcohol isn't bringing on a lot of the shit either directly or indirectly. If not, it surely will, and when it starts getting ugly, it can get world class bad with the law, economic ruin, blown up families,etc, Nobody wants to be around a drunk except other drunks. Most of us say we got sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I'm an alcoholic and i have to shit every morning\
I shit up to 5 times a day it seems. Hardly ever solid. Heard about the yogurt just never really cared for the stuff.
Here is another question? How do I kill the urge to drink when I know I have to do something later. I attend a class at 6pm two nights a week and I'm locked out of drinking basically the whole day.
Drinking alcohol weakens the immune system and depletes important vitamins that your body needs in order to function normally.
You're probably dehydrated and malnourished.
It's hard to tell, OP.
How much are you actually drinking per week? How many units? Keep in mind a shot of 101 would be 1 and a half units. I've had similar issues, I wouldn't shit for days, then when I would it would be completely black and hard to pass. Do you have pain in your stomach? Does your stomach constantly feel full? Are you able to eat a full meal? Lots of questions bro.
Yeah the yogurt gives your stomach some good bacteria and makes your shit solid. You'll feel healthy as a horse seeing that shit in the toilet.
When I don't want to drink I take benadryl and knock myself out. Sleep is the only real way to stop it. I don't have the specific problem of having to wait until 6 though so I'm not sure if that helps.
If you can hold off until like 9 am (or drink all night until then) take sleeping pills and wake up at 5pm.
Please keep asking about other shit that's wrong. You drunk bastards are literally me and I want to help anyway I can.
Do you have problems with your hands or feet cramping up?
>lower back feels pained
That's it kidneys dude, alcohol dehydrated them, I'm 37, a recovering alcoholic, had kidney stones about 2 years ago, , serious pain, couldn't keep anything down, so stopped drinking (pain meds helped me through withdrawal) and now I'm 2 years sober
I get bottles of 1.75 L. At this point, roughly two bottles a week. Stomach does feel full with occasional pain. I'll cough and feel like getting sick from nothing at times. Full meals? Not really. I'll maybe eat a full meal a day but unemployed so I'm not really burning calories.
Sleep. Half of my existance right now. And that's the tactic I am using but it's a certain kind of hell being tired of sleeping. I'll lay there, eyes closed but still fully conscious, just trying to burn time.
Cramps aren't an issue yet. Have some shakes though. That's annoying.
Well in any case obviously water is good but gatorade should become your new best friend. That keeps cramps from coming up but it also makes me shake less.
Also if you can't stomach fruits and vegetables see if you can find some farmers markets that sell blended juices. Or any place that sells blended drinks like that.
If not naked juice is delicious and even if it doesn't help it can act as a placebo. It at least makes me feel better.
If I'm not drinking booze it's water. I don't even drink soda by itself anymore because I associate it so much with alcohol. Pickle juice is my go-to after the harsh nights. Most people hate the taste but I love the shit. Plenty of sodium and potassium as well.
We need more drunkards in here so I can feel normal, damnit.
Had two Coopers Stouts before dinner. Dinner was fish, rice, carrots, sweet potato and a berocca. Off to play 8ball now and no doubt a few more.
I Keep drinking beer and getting fat and shitting water. It's the worst.
It's like you're not even trying to be an alcoholic, user. Get a rum gut then come talk to me.