I'm tired of you fuckers coming from various other sites and shitting up boards other than Sup Forums, so come in here and ask some questions.

Confused about how to properly use greentext? What is a triforce? Do you not understand basic spacing? ASK YOUR QUESTIONS IN THIS THREAD INSTEAD OF LOWERING POST QUALITY ON OTHER BOARDS.

OK OP, how do i get rich?

I tried nothing so far and im desperate!!


Well friend, it's simple. You need to get a job. Got it? Now that you've got it, find the cheapest housing you can get. Live off of nothing but rice. Remove as many expenses as you can from your life. Then, you just need to save up and invest in rare anime figures from the 90s. Sell them at a record profit in 20 years.

Congratulations! You're rich!

Fun fact! Greentext should only be used to quote other people or shorten your sentences. Do not use them "CUZ LIKE EPIC XD HOW BOW DAT" you fucking swine.

Also, I unfortunately don't know, I got it off /s/.

The answer is always "lurk moar"

How do you roll/what is rolling?

Telling them to lurk more is obviously not an effective solution. I spent 2 years between discovering this sight and beginning to post, but people who are coming in today's age are posting on all sorts of boards they have never been on before, and refuse to stop!

I think education is the better solution, as we can at least not have our conversations disrupted by retards out of the know.

Reply to the post with the image, and take the last few digits of your post. These correspond to the numbers that should appear on the image.

>Fun fact! Greentext should only be used to quote other people or shorten your sentences. Do not use them "CUZ LIKE EPIC XD HOW BOW DAT" you fucking swine.

My point ------------
your head O

i know, i know, recognising sarcasm over the internet is hard, it's all good user