Would you let your girlfriend wear this to a party without you?

would you let your girlfriend wear this to a party without you?

Shirt and pants?



no i need to be there to prevent Jamal from trying to steal her watch

are you a muslim?

The interracial breeding grounds have a strict no clothes policy

>being pass user since 2012
>never having seen this picture posted before with various retarded baity meme-texts

i honestly dont understand how this is even possible. like seriously where the fuck have you been? /jp/???

No, My girlfriend is too ugly for that.

Let her wear what she want to. Keep a bird in cage and it will need xanax after a few days...

Trying not to be trolled is a waste of time. It's easier and more fun to just take everything at face value.

Why try so hard to not be trolled? Don't want to be humiliated? By whom? You're anonymous.

No. I'm nice, not stupid.
Pic very related.