Washington-based team

>washington-based team

came here to post this

Is this an (((ESPN))) article?

If they're going to go full retard, how can they live with themselves by including a pic of the helmet?

>women talking about sports

trump won the election babs, it's socially acceptable to be racist now

It's been acceptable to be racist for quite some time. Only towards whites.

Oh, wait. I forgot. The word 'racist' was redefined to mean 'only whites.'


You can't be "racist" towards whites. At least not in America

*tips watermelon*

Now *Spits out chewing tobacco* dat der NIGGERS *Fucks sister* are the real problem in murrica *puts down meth pipe*

*tips crackpipe*

The logo isn't racist, talking about someone's skin color is

What is the problem? Its a racial slur dude. You are trying way too hard

Stop losing and man up, faggot. You are crying like a cuck

>"redskin" is said not to refer to scalps, but to the bloody bodies left behind by scalp-hunters

>The State reward for dead Indians has been increased to $200 for every red-skin sent to Purgatory. This sum is more than the dead bodies of all the Indians east of the Red River are worth.

There you go.

There's nothing more beta than people that hate rednecks

> It's been acceptable to be racist for quite some time. Only towards whites.

relax, cletus. your welfare check will come soon after the holiday weekend, it's just a little delay

I really don't understand the controversy. Believe it or not, there was a time before modern ethics. There was a time when, if one group of people was stronger and more advanced than another, blood was shed and land was stolen. That's the reality of the past. Now we hold those underprivileged people on a pedestal.

hmm nah stealing and murder has always been wrong.

I wonder who is behind it?

how am i to enjoy my leftover turkey now??


> I really don't understand the controversy. Believe it or not, there was a time before modern ethics. There was a time when, if a family promised land to a wealthy bachelor, they could force their daughter to marry him and she would become his property. That's the reality of the past. Now we hold those underprivileged people on a pedestal.


le epic jewish conspiracy xD

Yeah, that completely true. Just another step in the evolution of western morals. I guess I'm supposed to feel bad for being a direct descendant of a patriarchal, feudal society?

It's Trey actually

is anyone telling you to feel bad? jesus christ, you're a whiny little bitch

it's a fucking sports team. just name it something else, who cares?

>it's just a sports team
>who cares

Wow that's the same argument I use to keep the name

> team's name reminds people of a shitty thing
> no reason to change it! why change it! my feelings as a white person are in jeopardy!

do you see how retarded you sound

Oh so it looks like now you have much more interest in the topic. Hmm..

why would i be posting about it if i didn't have interest? are you really this stupid? or have i been bamboozled

Why don't do the world a favor and end your bloodline you degenerate race traitor jew loving faggot?

your step dad might stop beating you if you'd actually take your ritalin once in a while

>race traitor

>implying you aren't part neandrathal

Why are you interested?

Surprised you could type that out with Tyrone's cock down your throat and Ahmed's cock up your ass.

it's a blatantly racist name for a very public institution

why is it that brown people's dicks are always on right wingers' minds?

kys schlomo

>it's a blatantly racist name for a very public institution
Except that it isn't racist

>mfw right-wing relative asked me on Thanksgiving which games would be on and I said "Vikings against Lions, Cowboys against Washington, and Steelers against Colts" just to subtly rustle his pc-culture hating feathers.

Funny thing is blacks commit incest at a way higher rate than any other race

>mfw it's always lefties who start arguments at thanksgiving instead of just spending time with their loved ones and pigging out

>tfw Trump voter who hates PC virtue-signaling nonsense
>tfw Cowboys fan who loves seeing Washington embarrassed

What do lads?

rail against pc culture except in this one instance

I don't see the big deal about the redskin name, but I agree with you

>Native American land was stolen by the U.S.
>Mexican land wasn't
The person who made that sign sure is dumb.

nigga you kill a bird for your turkey. you murder a plant by ripping it out the ground for your salad.

stealing and murder is a fact of life. the only alternative is suicide

Just change the name. Why not? Just rename it to a DMV area tribe or something.

it's always the washed-up boomers who make needlessly inflammatory comments at inappropriate times
Can't go one quarter into a football game without someone complaining about the number of white players or any hispanic Cowboys fan in the stadium being illegal. That's how it always starts and you know it.

>le murrica

Nice muse Reddit

It's funny because rednecks don't hurt anyone but themselves, but people fucking hate them

fucking cucks lmao

they fell for the white guilt memes

Why not just say Washington vs Dallas?

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>Muh civil disobedience

because they have to rub their superiority in our faces

>not watching Washington FC (Football Club)