/cric/ - OFFICIAL SUNSET Australia vs South Africa 3rd Test

Australia 205/3

South Africa 259/9d


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first for based straffo

I like this one

she gives me a sunrise desu

what do you think her cunny smells like after standing in the sun for 8 hours

the pier

one bong and 40 bings



> try to close pop up ad
> accidentally click on it

I'm funding Sup Forums ama

How many keyloggers are on your computer now lad?

What is your net worth?

heavenly sweat and roast beef

why do you do it for free?


/cric/ is Holly turf ONLY

Father was just diagnosed with Parkinson's lads

but they're both qts :(

just couldn't shake it huh?

can you even buy the woollen vests or jumpers they wear?

Wheees thee sinsebt

Handscomb not too bad desu senpai desu


Just a bog standard clear sky sunset tonight by the looks

I bet Warner furnished his whole home at Harvey Norman the pleb cunt

South Africa have lost their nerve

I guarantee has has at least one framed picture of a tiger on the wall

Based Straffchrist critiquing people on My First Date even though he has never had one, such worldly wisdom. Someone bring him a challenge.

Either that or a frangipani

I Wouldn't put money against it

One time i helped do a foxtel install in some shithole commission house in Corio and the cunt had channel 9 cricket memorabilia all over the walls

>reviewing against kettlebrah's decision

rookie mistake

>shit faggotson


Mark Waugh on Jobseekerâ„¢ watch

Saffa cunt confirmed gay. Nothing wrong with that, he should just stop hitting on me though.

Collapse is back on lads

>the future of NSW batting

Krazycivilservant WILL defend this

i'm blind
how was the sunset lads?

>yuge sweatband over PJH tattoo

Gayde on reassessing life decisions watch


have you worshipped the lord and saviour of the internet yet, /cric/?


Why was this """man""" picked over the Australian KP?

Just killed myself lads ama

an angels armpit

What's faf crying about lads?

le contrarian man

whats it like being dead?

Great delivery though not many batsmen just at the start of their innings would have kept that out.

>literally, LITERALLY craves the BBC and brags about it
>Sup Forums worships this "man"

you can't make this up

The sunset


are you in heaven or hell?

fuck me rabada is a fucking CUNT i'm livid


Alt-Rights are just as big a cucks as all the Left. Nationalist paleoconservatism is the only true choice.

whats for dinner ausbros?

im making a full english for lunch

"Stick your THICK AUSSIE COCK in me but just hurry up"

Sup Forums wouldn't mind because he can't produce a half-caste


The alt-right is a target market for washouts with no discernible talent


K - E - K


He was at sea throughout his innings, literally was clueless. He is NOT a test cricketer



Sup Forums would definitely filtered by heavens internet


Shuffle of this mortal coil.

so, he's a cool jew like Jerry Seinfeld or Leonard Cohen. And he practices the objectively best religion

he's not alt-right

what is wrong with those ears



fuck sunsets t bh

fucking hell I told you retards wade was shit

sunset lads

would smash all 3

Leonard Cohen became a good Jew the instant he passed away

>Australia in charge of not collapsing

>Judaism over based Buddhism or Taoism
>any Abrahamic religion whatsoever

Travel a little or kys


probably Warner's parents house

they literally only got out of comission housing when he bought them a place


Everyone knows that

but you are and you're lapping his pandering shit up and asking for more. doesn't matter what he says he is because he's mentally ill . What matters is that you're buying what he's selling.

literal wog

The fact that they allowed Faf to play this match makes my blood boil

durrr I'm retarded, I dun understand you fgt durrr

fuck everyone bow down to this nostradamus what a legend

>>the future of NSW batting
what about it?


Wog leg

then W H Y was I in a constant state of argument with the """people""" here about Nevill playing over Wade

>white guy who openly flaunts being Jamal's bottom bitch.
>Sup Forums doesn't care because >LE DRIGGER SJWs XDXDXDXD


did she rub the grease on her forehead?

>Me: I should really help out
>Inner Me: No
>Biden: *places banana peel on the steps of the White House* This ought to slow down Mr. Trump

that was my grandad cunt, show some respect
he dodged a war for you

good post

I said hes just filling the spot for someone else but its harder to get into the Australian team then to be dropped.

why don't they just take a gun batsmen and teach how to wickiekeep, its a piece of piss

Absolutely seething

>le fug lew juice
he's a based roman catholic
nice pagan shit though my "well-traveled" fedora man
no I'm not
>le all gays are le mentally ill maymay

being a gay jew and conservative confuses the SJW

>its harder to get into the Australian team then to be dropped
explain why he replaced Nevill then, when Nevill has averaged more playing international cricket in the last year than Wade has in shield

kys saxshit