ITT : we try to guess each other rank looking at our masteries

ITT : we try to guess each other rank looking at our masteries

I am in the elohell ...

I think you are playing a shit game

harsh, with your masteries you must have played a lot in this hell, i'm plat 1

kek, gold 4 right now, don't really have the time to play enough to climb.

legacy client master race


slightly old photo but its still true kind of.

Silver 2

Plat 2

Gold 2

I am B5 actually, I cannot escape this Never ending night mare. i play like an S 2 though.



no you don't faggot. you'll get to the rank you deserve and won't progress unless you actually get better.


But I am a support...I rely on the team to do well.

No you don't faggot. You play good, team gets fed. GG climb ranks

better pic

Okay! I will try even harder!

Gold 5
Level 13

Shouldnt be hard


>gold 5
right on the dot


gold 2

That was my last seasons rank, stuck in silver now..

really? i was gold 5 last season and this season got placed silver 4, got back to gold 5 in about a week with an 80% winrate because i was playing with people worse than my rank

Silver 3

I know I shouldn't blame the teammates, but its much more difficult this season to get okay ones instead of polish kids


weaboo fag detected

Take a guess

Placed silver 1, don't feel like climbing, just play norms now.



Bronze 4
