Morning guys

Morning guys

>I love this exercise


Ronaldo is not full of himself.

Can you explain to me why you post this incredibly gay OP?

He's bottom one, isn't he?

Imagine those thighs squeezing down on your dick


What muscle is this exercise targeting?

My dick.

sphincter control

What did he mean by this

>it's Ronaldo instagram thread
I love these, to be honest. No homo.

>no homo
it's okay to admit it, user.

Cucknaldo working hard to open wide for his BBC boyfriend

what is it with Americans and interpreting everything as an indicator for a desire to fuck blacks?


Weird, I always figured he was a bottom.

the boipussy

probably some freudian psychoanalytical shit

It's black posters false flagging

Surely is social media intern is in on this joke as well.

This is probably one of the worst ones lol.

>black posters
>on Sup Forums
it's white dudes from Sup Forums. basically, their theory is that cuckposting benefits their cause as this produces more anger

Because while cuckolding is seen as largely a joke in the rest of the world it's a real thing in the US.

I wish I was the social media intern of some famous guy, I'd essentially be paid to shitpost covertly.

im sorry, what country are you from?

>amerifat education
it's Switzerland

I was about to ask you the same, I can't find it on this list.

>Norwegians in charge of recognising banter

ah yes how could i forget, where would we be today without their valuable high end watches and cheese

We also invented the Velcro for those shoes you wear, you autistic manchild.

how vital!