

Sup Forums led me to believe he was gay


looks based af here

is that child in there for the underwear competition?

>mfw some shitter on spee says ronaldo is not the goat of all time

Explain the Spain/Portugal relationship to me. I rarely see the kind of bants between you guys like we have with the Britcucks or Aus has with the kiwis.

it's a complicated hate fuck relation.

It's a girl. So no.

>That smug inconito face


>puts on a wig
>covers head completely

yup, it's ronaldo.

Also /fa/ as fuck

Literally Michael Jackson. He even looks like him here.

>extremely talented
>had an abusive father
>missed out on happy childhood
>bullied as a kid
>closet homosexual pedophile
>has a child through a surrogate mother

why was that other ronaldo thread deleted

No relation at all, mostly ignore each other, but if a spaniard goes to portugal he feel like "meh it's like spain" and vice versa. There is not such thing as brotherhood but there is no hate either.

Spics come here and just speak Spanish, with their stupid gay accent. Then they get shocked to discover that they can't understand Portuguese when someone replies.

Who is it? Looks like Ronaldo but he's got a long fringe?

se calhar entendemos melhor do que tu cres e só estamos a gozar com a tua cara.

>stupid gay accent

Literally poortugese its the accent/language everybody associate with transexuality.

>stupid gay accent

could be andulician accent, always sound like they have a dick in their mouth.

As you can see portuguese people are 24 hours a day butthurted

is Portugese to Spanish like Dutch to German?

like you can understand it somewhat well even without taking any classes?

is that even Ronaldo?

his hair looks completely different


It's a gayer retarder form of spanish, same as catalan

Here's an analogy you should understand.

Imagine a person speaking classic latin. Now put a bowl of shit in front of him. Make him eat that shit with a big spoon and speak his language, with each spoon he takes, the roman language family goes west.

Vulgar Latin - Italian - Castillian Spanish - Catalan - Gallego - Portugese, by the time it reaches Brazil the man is drowning in shit.

is he seriously wearing a wig?

i can't even.

So is his boyfriend there

I can understand 90% when it's written, but around 60% (or less) when it's spoken, mostly because of their retarded accents and stupid words.

plus they speak too fast

image how desperate you have to be to date a robot

that chick is fucking ugly she is either the ugly friend every diva wants next to her to feel better or a woman being paid to pretend they have a relationship. But if he really wanted a girlfriend he could 100 timew better. He is even smalling at camera, It's just a quick response after being caught last week admitting "Yes Im a faggot but rich".

They dont even exist to us, and they are crazily buthurt about it because they cant stop thinking about us.

She's probably a good bang

he normally puts that wig on his arched lower back so it looks like hes blowing the guy thats fucking him in his anus

she doesnt look that hideous but he obviously could do better

Top thread lads

this girl is a 9/10 in Portugal

you are gay i think


Cronaldo looks like Willy Wonka in that photo

Is that back when he was a street magician?

probably a wig

it's hard to get a gorgeous girl when you are CR/, every girl looks hideous in comparison to him.

>rolando with a wig and a beard

>wearing a wig
>with a hood up

He's mentally ill. He's going to get really weird when he retires.

he'll probably end up like the wachowski brothers

based cracknaldo has a 10/10 girl

>Dat TSUpose
>Dat qt girl
Based Tsuman is /our/ hero

>this flag
>retarded accents

You must-chie be kidd-ching me.

I can understand precisely 0% of spanish

>be donaldo
>wear a shit eating grin in public because you got a Portuguese solid 7 hanging off your arm for the first time in years



So she the soon to be alibi wife? Took your time ronny