Will the Ghost In The Shell movie suck?

Will the Ghost In The Shell movie suck?

Cant beat the original is probably the case here

>ghost in the shell
>white woman
get fucked. Get fucking fucked, cunt.

The cinematics look okay, but they've definitely dummed down the story of the original and cherry picked things to piece a generic plot. I'm not hopeful but I'll probably see it.

Probably with these shit ads about how womyn empowerment it is. If they stick to the original closely and don't add in a bunch of their own opinions then it'll probably be fine.

ITT: weeaboo garbage whining that she's not Asian


The original itself was janky as fuck. A classic, but hardly flawless and ham-fisted as hell. They *could* beat the original. Don't think they will, but they could.

looks like a german movie for tv. Totally cheap production and no-nude actress in a nude movie.

>an excuse for scarjo to be neked for 2 hours
yes i'm guessing it's going to be garbage