Explain it
Protip: you can't
Explain it
Turkey isn't even in the fucking EU you imbecile
are you sure?
add some countries, remove some others and voila! we have a funny internet picture!
Oh fuck...
on behalf of this user yes
What about Danemark and Switzerland ? on is in the EU the other isn't
TIL only the western tip of Ukraine is in the EU,
This doesnt fucking work if you just cut the countries in half
on a side note, europe with the UK is run by lizard people, see?
praying to the west. Pork pie fucker
holy fucking shit someone get fox news on the line
>will look like
>calling others imbecile
'Without England'
Shit pisses me off.
ireland is still in the eu you cuck
Explain me this
how come?
>will look like without england
>without england
Obnoxious cunt English people thinking the UK is just England.
Because England isn't the United Kingdom and Ireland's still part of the EU.
Let me show you faggot
fuck off dickhead im high bruv il kick ur teeth in
>conveniantly leaving out the entire scandinavian area
Fucking idiot.
You seem to be missing Scotland, Wales and NI & I..
You forgot the diarrhea blast coming out his ass which would imitate the Baltic states on a map
A limp dick
Looks more comfy
incase any of you need a reminder of what ENGLAND actually is..
See reference map. Fuckheads
fuck off
belarus and ukraine are not in eu
American mongs
LOL Amerifags who don't know geography.
u must be amerifats, Denmark is part of EU.
Salty scot detected
Wonder how many eurotrash are looking at a map of america trying to be creative
Independence from UK (Or England as you cunts call it) will be the best thing to happen.
So is Sweden, Finland and French Guyana. OP is indeed retarded.
I think he has a point. People from England always call themselves British instead of English, people from Scotland on the other hand seem to realize they have a more complex cultural-political identity. For now.
Shut the fuck up before i slap your bloody teeth out. Those filthy creatures will never be in Europe.
I really hope so
Salty scot confirmed
I'm from Ireland and Ireland is still in the EU
Ireland is an irrelevant, money grabbing country that is just used as a Muslim dumping ground. I'd be surprised if half the thread have even heard of Ireland.
Oy Cunt, shat deee fook up.
What about northern countries? :(
Genuine interest here from someone on the other side of the world.
Has being in the EU made any appreciable difference to your everyday life?
>pointing away from mecca
Well sucks for them, because there's a guy sucking a dick in the ocean floor below south america.
>Actually knowing where Mecca is
Fuck off you swine.