OK this is bizarre, but here me out

OK this is bizarre, but here me out.

I was walking down the street and was suddenly surrounded by six dogs. they did not look wild, they looked like home dogs, with tags, well-kept fur and even leashes (wtf?). These dogs surround me and started barking REALLY fucking loud at me, but they did not seem angry, did not show teeth etc. The barking was REALLY FUCKING LOUD so I started running away and they chased after me, still barking REALLY LOUD.

Then I did something stupid -- I ran inside a female perfume shop to hide from the dogs, but the doors were made so that they would close really slow, even though I tried pulling on them from the inside, there was some mechanism preventing me from closing them quick. And what the fuck do you expect? The damn dogs ran inside the store after me. They started running and barking and broke a few bottles of perfume that were on display and one shat on the carpet.

The store clerks, two hot girls, were really angry at me, and where like "what the hell, are these your dogs?" And I started explaining myself, but then I just stated laughing really fucking hard because the whole situation was ridiculous and then I just ran out of the store. The dogs didn't chase me this time, gladly, so I just ran away down the street laughing.

Alright, the point is, now I'm sitting back at my apartment and I'm feeling somewhat guilty. I mean, those dogs were not a direct thread to me, they weren't biting or anything, so I could just have remained outside. It was my stupid decision to go inside that store and ruin the day for those girl, and then running away without paying for the damage or anything.

I dunno, should I be feeling guilty? What do you guys think?


Do you really think that you should pay for perfume that the dogs broke just because you where scared?

No worries mang! You haven't done anything stupid.


I dunno, I think that as a man I was not really supposed to be scared in the first place. And I wasn't, really, I just couldn't stand six dogs barking at me loudly.
I'm not sure if irrationally trying to hide inside a shop clears me off guilt. Dunno. I'm sorry if I'm sounding stupid. Just feels like I had a moral obligation to handle that situation better. Does that make sense?

>direct thread
>whatever, owners will pay for broken perfumes. On top of getting charged for not keeping the dog on the leash

You didn't do anything stupid user. Where the hell was the owner of these dogs??

They where fucking dogs man. Dogs can't be reasoned with. Everybody knows that.
And don't be sorry! It's pretty human / normal to avoid situations that the individual finds uncomfortable.

I don't know, but I've come up with a possibility that those dogs were being walked by one of those dog-walker for hire, where they walk several dogs at once, and maybe something happened to the walker and the dogs ran away. Would make most sense, I think.

>as a man, I was not supposed to be scared
Nigga, I've been in Afghanistan and had people shooting at me.
You can have a penis and be scared without being a faggot.

Fair point, but those dogs weren't Muslim. Or armed.

Don't feel guilty, it's flight or fight

Do you really know what kind of religious conviction the dogs had?
And they where armed with sharp fangs for biting delicious human meat.

They had sharp teeth.

If you want to feel like less of a man, go ahead, but I'm just saying fear is a natural human impulse.

Unless they were lapdogs, in which case I fully agree with you. But six dogs the size of labs or boxers or bigger can fuck you up. I would probably have run in that situation as well.

go back and offer to pay for the perfume. They won't accept it, plus it gives you a chance to talk to the hot girls again. The entire dog story is funny and you are the wife you make of one of these girls will laugh about it when you are dying.

A single angry dog can fuck you up

Thanks for the encouragement.

>and you are the wife you make of one of these girls will laugh about it when you are dying.
I'm sorry, what?

>here me out

Stopped reading right there.

go back and marry one of the hot girls. you will use the dog story as a 'how we met' story that you can laugh when you die. at the perfume story

Sorry for the typo, it was an honest mistake, I'm usually a grammar Nazi.

No dude, they were absolutely a threat. Six dogs can kill a man. Pretty easily.

You did the right thing. You're just being anxious. It's all good brotato chip.

This has been a good thread.
Well done OP