On a scale of 1 to 10, how prestigious is Cambridge University?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how prestigious is Cambridge University?

Secondly, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a pretentious twat are you if you say 'I went/go to Cambridge University' despite no one asking you?

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People would probably say it is the second greatest Uni of Britain behind Oxford.

I'm doing an MPhil at Cambridge in October, so I'm definitely biased (undergrad at UCL though, so not a 'Cambridge-til-I-die' kinda person), but Cambridge is nonetheless a world-leading institution. In terms of research quality, it actually tops Oxford, though Oxford seems a better known brand name.

So it's not like this guy I know can boast about it or anything, right?

I mean if he went to Oxford then sure that's prestigious. But Cambridge?

Too many commas, faggot

Surely you're trolling. Cambridge is undoubtedly one of the best universities in the world. It's up there with Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Oxford and Stanford. Your friend has every right to feel good about it, but if he goes on about it non-stop then he's probably a goon.

Of course he can brag about it. It's ranked top 10 in the world, pleb.

What's your MPhil in? And where else did you apply?

Why did you choose Cambridge over Oxford if Oxford has the better brand name?

College is for faggots
>""""""prestigious"""""" colleges are for idiotic faggots

It will be in history.
I chose Cambridge over Oxford because the difference between the two is marginal (at least in the UK) and the Cambridge course looks much better suited to my tastes and interests.