Hi Sup Forums I'm pretty new on this board and I am fishing for recommendations...

Hi Sup Forums I'm pretty new on this board and I am fishing for recommendations. I mostly listen to EDM like Justice and Daft Punk, some mainstream hip hop as Kanye West and some other random artists (i.e. Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg), Gorillaz, Jamiroquai, and yeah mostly commercial music. I just wanna find something that can catch my attention and I thought some of you guys may help me out. Feel free to harass me too I know my tastes are really generic I don't really care about that. Thanks in advance Sup Forums.

For electronic check out Aphex Twin and Burial. For more hip-hop check out Kendrick, A Tribe Called Quest, Wu-tang Clan and Outkast.

first off, stop frogposting forever

and listen to Marilyn Manson's earlier records

You must pass through the standard pleb filter



>he actually read the sticky

Indeed I actually did, but most of the recs are things I'm not really into. All I see is Neutral Milk Hotel over and over again...

go to the wiki and find recs threre

If you're asking me if I know this, I really never heard about it.

go to the sticky go to the wiki and listen to all the Sup Forumscore albums. see what genres you like and then go check charts about that genre.
If i'd recommend you an album i would recommend YES - Close to the edge


> I mostly listen to EDM
>Snoop Dogg
> Kanye West
> Rec's Yes

The thing about music is that people are into stuff that sounds familiar. Go to the Sup Forums-core chart, but start with the generes you enjoy. With every alum try to explore further and further.

Soon you'll be shitposting about NMH being overrated garbage :*

>Not trying to recommend people new genres and stuff that they might like and grow on them

Pretty much all the things OP listens are shit tier, might aswell discover something new.

Check out Flying Lotus, Captain Murphy, Busdriver for some electronic/hip-hop
The Herbaliser, Speedometer, The Souljazz Orchestra, Cookin On 3 Burners for some funk, jazz, hip-hop (they are in the vein of Gorillaz and Jamiroquai)

Are you me?
You seem to have analogous taste to me friend
I would say check out alt hip hop:
>Danny brown
And even the more well knowns like kendrick, schoolboy q, asap rocky

Also obligatory grimes and death grips, but that's more of an acquired taste like die antwoord

Oh yeah definitely flying lotus too, I forgot it in



OP here, I didn't think Daft justice ha and gorillaz are considered shit tier on this board, I actually really enjoy them. May I ask why they are considered so?


babbys first electronic music and Gorillaz are babbys first music in general. literal kids music

Nigga chill out there are different people on this board with different tastes and a lot them just like shitting on each other.

I know but I'm just searching for recommendations I don't really care about people shitting each other, that does not bother me at all.

Try this. Entroducing by DJ Shadow

They are all electronic music

this is pleb rock

this is cringe rock

instrument wank isn't good

not bad rec

don't be a drone

>Daft justice ha and gorillaz

People like you make me appreciate not having autism.


>and listen to Marilyn Manson's earlier records
>and listen

I consider kids music something like skrillex linkin park blink182 and genericals like that, your point of view is really distorted senpai.

not a word.
Gorillaz is a cartoon band for kids. they are no different to something like Blink
deal with it

>daft punk and justice

user, that's not edm. Your listening to good electronic music

Listen to the following shit

Posij-Empty lungs


Ram trilogy-Molten beats

Current value and limewax-All ends

Calyx and teebee-Anatomy

The prototypes-City of gold

Noisia-Outer edges

Billain-Collosus EP

Andy C nightlife 5

Machinecode-Terraform EP


>Cartoon band for children

And manchildren

I am really disappointed. I mean, I lost another bit of faith in humanity after reading this sentence. But still, you are the same guy who listed Daft Punk as kid music so I don't really know what I expected from you.

>I lost another bit of faith in humanity after reading this sentence
ohhhh, you are from reddit yes? well this really completed my puzzle
neck urselft cunt. get the fuck off my board with your manchild pleb music

Never been on Reddit before, but I think you need to get laid sometimes user, you seem very frustrated. It helps. Just jerk off if you can't.

>my board

Three words.
The Chemical Brothers.