ITT: we poorly describe video games I'll start
>Oh no! My wife/husband's dead and my kids been taken!
>Welp better go fuck some random people because whatever
ITT: we poorly describe video games I'll start
Carson Jackson
Jace Harris
fallout 4?
Christopher Gutierrez
yes, the game sucks
Tyler Gutierrez
>red thong and rip off light saber
>robots are evil
>time to take on the world
>nearly everyone's name is french
Chase Flores
>Oh look a talking dog
Jace Carter
>Be black
>Everyone says "nigger" a lot
>It's all good though because everyone is black.
Nathaniel Perez
>oh shit nigger everything is fucked
>uhhhhh shit just wake everyone up and have them try again
>wait none of them are coming back
>alright wake the OTHER ones up
Andrew Rivera
Dark Souls III
Eli Sanders
San andreas
Kevin Green
It was skyrim