I'll dump an album if you tell me a funny racist joke

I'll dump an album if you tell me a funny racist joke.

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What did the white guy say to the other white guy?
I'll dump an album if you tell me a funny racist joke.

A Kike, a Nigger, and some Irish scum walk into a bar. The Nigger leans over to the Kike and gently whispers into his ear, "op is a fag."

Black Lives Matter

Can't tell you any, cause racism is a crime, and crime is for niggers and wetbacks.

Good one.

What word starts with N and ends with R and you never want to call a black person it?



Any links?


Guy sees "help wanted"
Goes inside.
Says I'll take anything, what do I gotta do for a job?
Owner: here's a revolver. Shoot 5 niggers and a bunny.
Stranger:. Why do you want me to kill a bunny??????
Owner:. You got the job!!

How Do You Know A Good Racist Joke Is Coming ... *Looks Around*

I had gotten a new TV recently, and the other day I was driving home. I got near my street and saw this nigger putting a newish 60" Samsung flat screen into the back of a van. He got in and drove off. I thought "HEY! THAT'S MINE!!!"

I raced home and checked. Nope, mine was still chained up in the basement.

>implying they're jokes

A White Guy, Native American, And Black Guy Are On Top Of A Mountain, The Native American Goes "This Is For My People" And Jumps. The White Guy And Black Guy Look At One Another And The White Guy Goes "This Is For My People" And Pushes The Black Guy Off The Mountain.

Vanilla Ice with his disgraceful cultural appropriation of rap

The other day I saw a nigger running down the street carrying a TV. At first I thought it was mine, but then I remembered... mine was home mowing my lawn.


Funny memes count?

So one day when Jerome is at school, he and the other fifth graders are comparing the sizes of their dicks in the locker room. The other's are all around 4 inches, but Jerome's is twice as long. The other kids tell him it's because he's black, and he goes home feeling ashamed and left out, so he decides to talk to his mother.

"Mom, the other kids said my dick was longer than theirs because I'm black. Is that true?"

And his mother replied "No Jerome, it's because you're 35"


What's with all these tiny pics?

You tell me.

"LaShawn! Use the word 'dictate' in a sentence!"

"Shaniqua say my dictate good!"

Q Why do Jews have such big noses?
A Because air is free

Q How many niggers does it take to pave a driveway?
A Depends how thin you slice them

Q Why don't niggers drive convertables?
A Coz their lips would slap them to death in the wind

Q Why do 80's buicks have such small steering wheels?
A So niggers can drive them with handcuffs on

What did the asian man say when it was raining?
Boy its raining cats and dogs......how dericious


The best way to tell if black ice caused your accident is to check and see if your wallet is missing after.

Old photos taken on a very old camera.

What happens when a Brit emigrates to Spain? The average IQ of both countries goes up



More like this; naked, feets, and not tiny.

Funny racist joke. Donald Trump

Two black guys are walking down the street. After begging all day one only had a dollar, the other 98 cents. They came across a store with a big sign out front that read "WE MAKE YOU WHITE ONLY 99 CENTS!" The black dudes looked at each, one said "shit, man, we should go be white! Then we won't have to beg no mo!" The other frowned and said "but i only gots 98 cents!" His friend replied "i gotta dolla! I'll go in, get white, and give you a penny!" So he heads into the shop. 15 minutes later, boom. Blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin. His friend walked up and said "shit! it really worked a yous white! Gimme that penny!" His friend looked at him and sneered. "Get a job, nigger."

Q: Three black people are in a car.
Who's driving?

A: The police

Q: What do you call a nigger wearing a suit?

A: Defendant.

The E.N.D

I painted my laptop black thinking it would run faster.. but now it doesn't work at all

Why can't Stevie wonder read?
Because he's black
When does a. Black man become a nigger?
As soon as he leaves the room

That was a shitty dump


How was copper wire invented?
2 Jews fighting over a penny

o man id like to pound that ass wile she sucked your cock